2015 Worlds Ladies Free Skate March 28 | Page 120 | Golden Skate

2015 Worlds Ladies Free Skate March 28


On the Ice
Aug 20, 2014
I figured elena had silver in the bag... Yeesh. So happy for Elizaveta though, can't think of a more deserving world champion.

I can't help but wonder if Yulia was watching and maybe feels a bit better about her own devastating season, not because she's glad Anna and Elena did poorly, but because it might be a bit reassuring to know that other Russian girls on top aren't infallible either.

For the one millionth time:rolleye:: Elena was sick!


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
Gosh, people never stop don't they. Even the german commentors were putting Elena down. She did poorly, yes, if you think a bronze medal in your debut WC is poorly....then she did poorly. German commentors couldn't stop saying how she faultered under pressure and lost her spirit and lightness....all season long! Did they really watch her? She had a fantastic season and she was clearly sick at the WC and still kept smiling. They should get their facts right before they judge. Argh....

I love Kanako, I really do. I wonder what it is with her and the long. She never seems to get it right anymore. Maybe she should really retire. With Satoko and Rika beating her all the time....I had so much hope for her....sad....


On the Ice
Mar 11, 2005
I think Ashley and Gracie skated well. Especially Gracie. Some are saying they had help from others, but I believe a lot of those others didn't have the scoring potential of those two in the long program.


#EmpressAirlines #SinKatsapologist
Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2015
For the one millionth time:rolleye:: Elena was sick!
what she did ShOULD be applauded even more than other skaters!:bang:
& whats more is that she didnt complain & made excuses because of it!

Girl needs rest
& Thankfully her coach is awesome & Im happy she will make sure thay Lenochka will get well & shine bright as we all used to see her.:cheer:

LL at the medal ceremony
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v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
I just woke up and saw the ladies results.... What.. The... Heck... Happened?!? SplatFest2015. I'm kicking myself for falling asleep early last night instead of staying up to watch the livestream, I figured elena had silver in the bag... Yeesh. So happy for Elizaveta though, can't think of a more deserving world champion.

I can't help but wonder if Yulia was watching and maybe feels a bit better about her own devastating season, not because she's glad Anna and Elena did poorly, but because it might be a bit reassuring to know that other Russian girls on top aren't infallible either. Heck, how about Eliza, 10th at Russian nationals last season and look at her now.... I'm sure both Yulia and Elena will be filled with fire for next season.

Elena got bronze at her first senior Worlds :shocked:


Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
Lena and Liza are hilarious - love it! Hope Liza doesn't catch Lena's illness though, they are looking too cozy.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
I heard Satoko worked on her jumps with Kulik last summer. I am hoping she would find a technical coach who can help her with jumps. Hamada's students are not know to be good jumpers. Most of her students lose their jumps by the time they turn 20yo.

It's a problem when you see these tiny girls with tiny, tiny jumps with poor technique that you just know is going to turn into a big (possibly career-ending) problem when they inevitably grow. It's always so sad to see that happen, so I hope Miyahara can fix her issues. It's particularly sad because it's not the fault of the skater, but of their coaches and team, not wanting to perhaps sacrifice the results now for the longevity of learning to do it properly.


Final Flight
Mar 2, 2012
It's particularly sad because it's not the fault of the skater, but of their coaches and team, not wanting to perhaps sacrifice the results now for the longevity of learning to do it properly.

For what it's worth, I remember reading that Satoko was a clockwise jumper before she moved back to Japan (she lived in the US when she was younger) and had to relearn all of her jumps counter-clockwise. She is working on improving her jumps, but it will take time.


Sedated by Modonium
Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2010
Just caught with the ladies performances after the men... oh boy! SY is really under marked in PCS as usual, it really infuriate me.

Why Gracie did not win the FS event is frankly puzzling, she really should. It is THE performance of the ladies event even. Hers and Liza's 3A.

Sooo very sorry for Anna... I know she has been injured recently, but it seems she is also going through some sort of growing spurt? Any word from her? I hope it is not the last we see of her.

Elena, please feel better, her scope for improvement is huge, just don't stop trying. Hope this flames her hunger so she can come back stronger next year.

ZiJun, I still think she is a little superstar in the making ... it just need to be realised next year. Hope she get more powerful program next year, ideally with a different choreographer. Work on strength, power, stamina and go for a Danse Macabre like program pls. Think of female warriors, you can do it!! As for this season, we will always have her 4CC FS to remember her by.

Rika, I have been hard on her this season, but she delivered and the improvement she has shown is very encouraging even it is a bit generic at the moment. Will be interesting to see what type of skater she eventually becomes.

Satoko is a decent but over scored incomplete skater, that is all I have to say. I would have liked her a lot more if her scoring is not so artificial.

The right podium finish, but they do not contain any reasons why I watch figure skating. I mean only Gracie's FS met my expectation of an elite world class championship performance. That and Liza's SP only due to the 3A factor, but won't watch the whole program again without fast forward. Really miss Yuna, Mao, Carolina, Akiko, Alissa like crazy, *gulp* even Miki. The new generations really have a lot of catching up to do. It will be interesting to see if Ashley continues this year, I hope so... somebody has to re-establish the legacy of Supergran Carolina in this sport, and she still got a few more years ahead of her. Same goes out to Kanako, I hope she can finish her career on a high and please stay way from anything Andrew Lloyd Webber like... or anything from Lori Nichol's music library.
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Feb 8, 2014
It's a problem when you see these tiny girls with tiny, tiny jumps with poor technique that you just know is going to turn into a big (possibly career-ending) problem when they inevitably grow. It's always so sad to see that happen, so I hope Miyahara can fix her issues. It's particularly sad because it's not the fault of the skater, but of their coaches and team, not wanting to perhaps sacrifice the results now for the longevity of learning to do it properly.

Thing is, I find Satoko's technique quite proper. I can't imagine her jumps getting any better unless she has a big growth spurt (that's only scenario where I've seen jumps get bigger).


Final Flight
Nov 8, 2008
IMO Satoko deserves more credit. Aside from the tiny jumps, she has all things the CoP ask from the skater. The speed, good coreography, interpretation to her program, good posture, killer spins, and pretty refine in her skating for her age. She needs more explosive jumps to be a world champion, but tonight it was good enough and with little luck to be a silver medalist.

Tuk has the gold, in her bag as long as she stay on her feets and she did. Hopefully, with next year she will have a better program and a little more artistary.

Rad was pretty sloopy on all her jumps and lacks her ususal power and spark. Kudo for her to fighting through the whole LP, even with an illness. She will be a world champ one day, i'm sure of it.


Final Flight
Jun 7, 2014
I don't think so. We often read too much in pictures and reaction of the skaters.

I agree. I believe many of us have been in the same situation. They don't speak each other's languages and Satoko is a shy person who is probably not good at breaking the ice.


Nov 1, 2009
IMO Satoko deserves more credit. Aside from the tiny jumps, she has all things the CoP ask from the skater. The speed, good coreography, interpretation to her program, good posture, killer spins, and pretty refine in her skating for her age. She needs more explosive jumps to be a world champion, but tonight it was good enough and with little luck to be a silver medalist.

I totally agree! Satoko is so under appreciated on this board!