It looked like one, if not two of the judges they panned were shaking their head :noshake: as if to say they "could not believe that Adam was placed ahead of Max"...
Here's the link to the judges expressions when panned by the NBC camera.
The reactions of just these 4 judges speaks volumes!!:
- Judge 1 - nervous laughter
- Judge 2 - a combination head shake, eye roll and shoulder shrug
- Judge 3 - [thought bubble] "I can't believe all the 'other' judges got it sooooo wrong"
- Judge 4 - consciously keeping her head/eyes down at her monitor [as if to avoid looking up into the crowd??]
No. They did not.
I am sure order will be restored at Four Continents.
Ask the judges themselves:
About the judges looking perplexed, that's one of the features of the IJS. The judges just put in their marks in the appropriate boxes and don't know until it's over who they scored for the win.
People are bamboozled into thinking Adam is some artist just because he seemingly has "elegance". Even Nathan skates faster than him. After the SP the order should've been:
1. Nathan
2. Max
THEN Adam. Nathan should've even won the PCS. As far as the long, Max should've been under Nathan in PCS, and Adam should've been much closer.
Now if you show me the computer rolling its eyes...........