Farenheit 911 at the library? | Golden Skate

Farenheit 911 at the library?


Jul 29, 2003
Okay folks. A local library seems to have stirred up controversy by announcing some "showings" of the recently released Michael Moore film. Just in time for the presidential election. I wish the tv station had a link to this story, but they don't have it up on their website yet.

So...what do you think? Should a library show this film, especially just before the presidential election?

Is it available at Blockbuster, etc.? Just how long is their waiting list? (imagine how much longer the library list would be)

Freedom of speech? An attempt to prevent (or maybe provoke) a riot?

In quiring minds want to know......


Final Flight
Jul 28, 2003
Jo, I don't think the problem is in the library showing the film. The problem is the film is a documentary, therefore driven by a perspective and usually one very specific one. I think the problem lies in the fact that we, as a society, no longer attempt to understand the difference between the role of media, entertainment, documentary, satire, commentary, education, and plain 'ole entertainment.

I see nothing wrong with showing any kind of documentery, including Nazi propoganda, AS LONG AS it's couched in a discussion of what it's really about and where the origions from which the presentation came.

In this case, you have a well made film by a filmaker who's milieu is speaking to power. And yep, you guessed it, it should also be noted that Michael Moore is an avowed libertarian who thinks Bush and his family are corrupt blue-bloods. The only thing I can say for M Moore is that he has NEVER hidden his contempt for the President and THAT in iteslf should let you know not to be too swayed by his presentation of "the facts."

I think the more powerful approach is the "afterwards", the discussion that this sort of presentation naturally encourages (or should.) Who knows maybe the library will also show the propoganda piece that huge media company is planning against Kerry. It's all a hoot to me.


~ Figure Skating Is My Passion ~
Record Breaker
Jul 28, 2003
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expresion should never be repressed. Yes, this film should be made available to all who want to see it. That's the beauty of Freedom!!!!


Jul 29, 2003
I like sk8's idea about a discussion after. Anyone who would attend and sit through this film would probably be interested in talking about it. Pro, con, confused.I suspect none would be indifferent.

Joe, that film is supposed to be shown on stations owned by the Sinclair people. A big stink over that plan with Democrats going to the FCC which wants to stay out of it. Check CNN and the other news services for the story and your local news for which staion it will air on. New York has how many stations? Guaranteed that one of them is either a Sinclair station or willing to go along (with or without a hefty fee! :D )