Elena Ilinykh & Nikita Katsalapov Split | Page 130 | Golden Skate

Elena Ilinykh & Nikita Katsalapov Split

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Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
This is right, at least as I understand it. Some of the routines will inevitably probably look more like other latin dances than like paso, whether intentionally or not, but at least in theory, my understanding is that the pattern part of the dance should be paso themed. Doris, are we right???

Alas, it is always the case tbat some teams will seem to be doing tango or salsa, whether intentionally or not. ;)

but yes the pattern dance and new compulsory steps must be to paso doble mudic, in paso doble style.


Record Breaker
Dec 21, 2011
It's slightly different from previous short dances - they have to do the paso pattern, then a variation of the pattern, with 3 defined key points but freedom to choreograph something different between those key points. These two patterns must be integrated into the whole dance, which can either all be a paso doble, or can use the Spanish dances mentioned earlier in the thread.

Right, yes, this is what I meant but you explained it a lot better!!! Thanks!


Nov 25, 2006
…interview with Elena Kustarova from 13th of June

Great translation of some parts of interview made by MsLiinaLii, thanks you very much!

MsLiinaLii said:
Короткий танец вы поставили на музыку Бизе «Кармен».
Эта идея принадлежала Лене. Мы консультировались с нашими техническими специалистами, можно ли эту музыку интерпретировать для короткого танца этого сезона, и когда получили положительный ответ, то другой вариант даже не рассматривали.
In short dance you used the music of George Bizet "Carmen".
This was Elena's idea. We consulted our technical specialists if this music could be interpretated for this year's short dance and when we got a positive answer, we didn't even consider other options.

Будете использовать классическое произведение или вариант в современной обработке?
В принципе, мы взяли классический вариант. Но над ним поработали музыкальные редакторы, чтобы музыка была в ритме пасодобля. Компоновку музыкальных отрывков обсуждали с Антонио Нахарро. В итоге остановились на достаточно интересном варианте, но пока все секреты раскрывать не стану.
Отмечу только, что образы из «Кармен» очень идут и Лене и Руслану, ведь еще один главный плюс этой пары, что ребята безумно музыкальные. О Лене не надо и говорить. Что касается Руслана, то он -- один из немногих партнеров, который способен очень тонко чувствовать и выражать музыку. Это большая находка, когда соединились два таких танцевальных человека.
Are you going to use the classical version or the modern version?
Well, we took the classical one. But it was changed by our musical editors, so that it would be in the rhythm of paso doble. We have discussed this process with Antonio Naharro. At the end, we came to a very interesting variant, but we are not going to tell all the secrets now. I just want to point out that the characters of Carmen really suit both Lena and Ruslan because one of the advantages of this pair is that both of them are very musical. No need to speak about Lena(because we all now). But if we speak about Ruslan, then he is one of those partners, who can feel and express music very well. This is a big finding, that two such musical(i guess she means expressive) people have become a pair.

Как признанный мастер фламенко, Нахарро привнесет в программу специфические движения?
Конечно. Пасодобль - обязательный танец. Мы не можем интерпретировать шаги обязательного танца, но характер танца показать должны. Естественно, вместе с фламенко, другими какими-то наработками, которые уже сделаны. Это очень большая работа, работа, которая необходима, потому что в новом сезоне ребята хотят заявить о себе с большой буквы, чтобы поддержать наши российские танцы на мировом уровне, раз уж сложилась такая ситуация.
К работе над программами были приглашены и другие специалисты - по поддержкам, бальным танцам... Не только российские, но и иностранцы.
As a master of flamenco, will Naharro bring some specific movements to the programm?
Of course. Paso doble is an obligotory dance. We cannot interpet(change) the steps of an obligotory dance, but we have to show the character. Of course, together with flamenco and other things that we have already done. This is a big amount of wok, which is needed,because in the new season Lena and Ruslan want to show themselves very well from the very beginning, in order to support russian ice dance on a world class level. We have invited a wide range of specialists - for lifts, ballroom dance specialists - to work on new programms. Not only russians, but also foreigners.

О произвольной программе рассказать не хотите?
Скажу только, что на протяжении вот уже трех лет мы работаем с Ильей Авербухом. Он ставил программы Вике и Руслану. И дал согласие продолжить работу с нашим новым дуэтом. Как заявил сам Илья, сотрудничество с Леной Ильиных и Русланом для него даже интереснее.
К Илье все мы относимся с огромным уважением и симпатией, потому что считаем его одним из лучших российских постановщиков. Понимаете, это человек очень тонкой организации души, тонкого понимания музыки, программ, поэтому и новая произвольная программа Лены и Руслана получилась очень душевная.
Don't you want to tell a little bit about the free dance?
All I will say now is that we have been working with Ilya Averbukh for 3 years now. He has done programms for Vika and Ruslan. He agreed to continue working with our new duet. As Ilya said, co-work with Lena and Ruslan is even more interesting for him. We respect Ilya and really like him as we think he is one of the best russian's choreograohers now. You know, this person has very delicate soul, delicate understaning of music, programms, and that is why the new free dance of Lena and Ruslan turned out to be very touching and sentimental.

"Хореограф приедет к нам в августе, потому что, как он сказал, хочет довести программу до логического конца, посмотреть «готовый продукт», когда все будет вкатано, чтобы отшлифовать нюансы танца."
Antonio Naharro will come back in August, because he said that he wanted to lead the programm to a logical ending, to see the "ready product", when everything will be rehearsed, so that he could make the final touches to the dance.

I will make excerpts from the rest of things mentioned in interview.

Kustarova says that the most difficult was their dependency, they were waiting to know for sure what will happen. Because Russian Federation and Minister of Sport were trying everything to keep I&K together – because objectively this couple looked to be the best in the World in the moment, they kept Gold and Bronze Medal at the Olympics and with retiring of Canadians and Americans, I&K would have no rivals next season with the exception of B&S. But Fed and Minister’s effort didn’t change anything, so it was necessary to wait until the end of May. So that expectations (waiting period) was the most difficult – for Lena and Ruslan, also for Nikita and Vika.

Kustarova says that it was necessary to make a try-out first for Lena and Ruslan to make sure whether it has sense to give them a try together like couple. When kids came on the ice all doubts of coaches and specialists went out. Hypothetically it was possible to imagine that it would work. But it was unexpected that it would go so well, duet Ilinykh & Zhiganshin looks great looking at both skating and look. Now it is necessary to work. Everything else will come.

K. says that both Lena and Ruslan were in similar situation and it gave them motivation for result, she says that there were no problems in relationships from the beginning between those two. She continues saying that after S&Z’s split, the mood in whole group was not sunny, but on the contrast Lena and Ruslan who felt from the first practise that it goes well changed the mood of whole group with their joy, uplift and an effort to work. Whole group got such positive stimulus that nobody wanted to left the ice.

Deeply in mind they (Kustarova and other coaches probably) were afraid of one thing – that such positive mood is just an euphoria, which occurs in the beginning and fastly flies away. And it happens more often that plans in the beginning are broken thanks to hard work and difficulties. But fortunately it didn’t happen in this case. There is a warm, friendly and professional relatioship between the kids, so the work went easy. They took the music for competive programs very fast. There is a lot of work in front of them. But first period came calmly and easy.

Kustarova thinks that Lena and Ruslan came across this difficult situation very well thanks to their youth, they are young looking at skating level they are now. She says that in past 10 years skaters became younger. It was caused thanks to new judging system’s requirements. Unfortunately some strong emotions went out from programs and technique went on the first place – but it allowed to young athletes to get on the top so early. K. thinks that Lena and Ruslan got a huge stimulus to move up while they saw how their couple looks like and how their relationship is in such short time. Frankly coaches didn’t expect such fast progress in work. K. also says that Lena became a hard worker despite of wrong stereotype, Ruslan was always hard worker, they all feel an enjoyment from practises, and it is also foreign specialists opinion.

Kustarova criticised people who told that a couple wouldn‘t look well together saying that those people are not experts or they don’t wish a couple any good. She says that Lena and Ruslan looks harmonically. Lena is smaller and shorter than Vika, she has crazy temperament, sunny/bright look, but mainly she can be different – saint, sinner, fragile... Any skater will feel with her like strong man. She says that Ruslan changed a lot in past two and half months, that it is shocking.

The main enemy for them is time, but rivals has the same conditions so nothing to complain about. Hard work is needed, they need to do everything on 100% and results will come.

In last few days kids were working about 10 hours a day with leading Spanish choreographer and dancer Antonio Navarro. 10 hours a day almost without any breaks. But when a relationship is great, than work goes well. Kustarova notices that Lena and Ruslan are loading everybody with their energy.

Their coaching team brought the idea of asking Navarro. When they chose Carmen music for SD they understood that super specialist is needed. They had Annissina & Peizerat and Lambiel with Flamenco in their heads and both programs were done by Navarro. They didn’t believe that Navarro would agree, the talks lasted around one month, but when Navarro heard the name of skaters - he agreed.

Kustarova says that there are changes in ISU judging system every year. There are new demands for steps, spins, twizzles now…it all needs time. Kids have step sequences done with new demands, they are doing it beautifully, they are working on all elements. In every case they all want to come at test with all weapons.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Sorry sisinka but in your tranlsation K. says : "Lena became a hard worker despite of wrong stereotype, Ruslan was always hard worker"

While uhh translation in I&Z fan fest topic is the following:
She particularly mentions the allegations about Elena being lazy & says she has seen nothing of that :)

These two versions looks different to me. In yours it sounds like K. is saying that Lena became a hard worker, like before she wasn't.
In uhh's sounds like she is saying that those allegations doesn't seem to be true. At least she has seen nothing of that.


Final Flight
Mar 8, 2013
Sorry sisinka but in your tranlsation K. says : "Lena became a hard worker despite of wrong stereotype, Ruslan was always hard worker"

While uhh translation in I&Z fan fest topic is the following:

These two versions looks different to me. In yours it sounds like K. is saying that Lena became a hard worker, like before she wasn't.
In uhh's sounds like she is saying that those allegations doesn't seem to be true. At least she has seen nothing of that.
The second(uhh's) one sounds closer to what she said.


Nov 25, 2006
Sorry sisinka but in your tranlsation K. says : "Lena became a hard worker despite of wrong stereotype, Ruslan was always hard worker"

These two versions looks different to me. In yours it sounds like K. is saying that Lena became a hard worker, like before she wasn't.
In uhh's sounds like she is saying that those allegations doesn't seem to be true. At least she has seen nothing of that.

The second(uhh's) one sounds closer to what she said.

Thanks for any correction which will make the translation precise on 100%. In this point Kustarova used words “неверному стереотипу“ which means wrong sterotype = wrong manneres, so she told that she saw her like hard worker…and because she mentioned wrong stereotype (and stereotype describes the style of work not people’s stereotype in opinion), I used this translation. (Also I understood it this way because so many people even people included to work with I&K in past years complained about their work attitude…I can’t believe that all Tarasova, Zhulin, Vlasova would be liars). But if she meant it like MsLiinaLii and Uhh mentioned that she is hard worker and she was always hard worker, OK, only good for Lena and her new coaches.


Nov 25, 2006

Interview where many things were told in realistic way…
Kustarova mentioned how difficult was waiting period until the end of May when whole team didn’t know what will happen, so they really didn’t know and nothing was explained to them, they had to wait only. She was kind enought to try to look like that it was as hard for Nikita and Vika, which I don’t think because both Nikita and Vika knew from the beginning that they will never change their opinion…but it is fine, Kustarova wants to be kind to them – this is very generous to two skaters who destroyed her work for past 10 years and let her stay in vacuum without preparing certain plans for two months.

The whole interview is full of positive things about I&Z, I find interesting mention about Lena‘s wrong stereotype – it supports the notice made by Alexeeva in recent Vaitsekhovskya’s interview where was mentioned that Lena is not used to such tough training process. (But if my translation not fully correct than even Alexeeva was wrong probably with her opinion.)

Overall I have an idea that Kustarova‘s way of looking is on right place, she has very nice and positive words for kids – and she fully stays behind them and supports them, but in the same moment she stays professional and take into account all disadvantages which new teaming might lead to. I was surprised that she was able to admit that she was afraid whether the couple will keep their positive mood throught all difficulties (btw she is fully right, it really happens to often that couples are not able to keep their training environment when first problems occurs).

I think that Carmen is good choice, arrangement with the rhythm of Paso Doble and Flamenco will be a little bit different than classical piece and with Navarro choreography it can be really unusual dance. Also most of top couples used Carmen like FD with the story of Carmen, but in Lena and Ruslan’s case the rhythm and the expression of Spanish Dance will come on the first place, so I am almost sure that this Carmen will be different.

The great choreographers like Navarro and Averbukh creating competive programs, whose styles of choreography are very different…plus Kustarova & Alexeeva & Riabinina who will add sparkle in technique of two skaters who already have great basics – this looks promising.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
I don't know what she meant. I don't speak Russian so I wanted to know which version is the correct one because the two versions are quite different in their meaning, IMO.

But if she meant it like MsLiinaLii and Uhh mentioned that she is hard worker and she was always hard worker, OK, only good for Lena and her new coaches.

Not quite. The way I understand her words (based on uhh translation) is that regarding those allegations she (Kustarova) has seen nothing of that. She is not saying Tarasova, Zhulin etc. are liars but that all she can see is that Elena works hard.

and stereotype describes the style of work not people’s stereotype in opinion

Sorry, I don't get this.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Sorry, I don't get this.

I think what Sisinka meant is that working less hard became a stereotype for Elena in the past (read: became ingrained, habitual). As opposed to other people (fans, coaches) stereotyping Elena as a 'slacker', which is the reading Sisinka believes the article doesn't suggest.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
I think what Sisinka meant is that working less hard became a stereotype for Elena in the past (read: became ingrained, habitual). As opposed to other people (fans, coaches) stereotyping Elena as a 'slacker', which is the reading Sisinka believes the article doesn't suggest.

Ah ok. :thumbsup:

I don't know which one is correct, but I would never use the word stereotype to describe that. Unless, in Russian language they use it in that sense. :think:


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
She was kind enought to try to look like that it was as hard for Nikita and Vika, which I don’t think because both Nikita and Vika knew from the beginning that they will never change their opinion…but it is fine, Kustarova wants to be kind to them – this is very generous to two skaters who destroyed her work for past 10 years and let her stay in vacuum without preparing certain plans for two months.

I notice that too. I think Kustarova was very classy.:thumbsup:


Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2007
Not that Google translate is always spot on, but this is how Google translated the relevant passage:
"And with the advent of Lena Il'inykh in our group, as an athlete, contrary to popular stereotype wrong, was a real hard worker (about Ruslan and say nothing, he was always very workable), we began to receive training on an enormous pleasure. And it's not just our opinion, but foreign experts who are invited."


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
Q: Some people were saying that Elena and Ruslan would not be very well matched.
A: I can only attribute those talks to ill wish or unprofessionalism. In reality, Lena and Ruslan look very harmoniously together. Lena is smaller and lower than Vika. She has a crazy temper, she's very attractive, but the main thing is that Ilinykh can be different - she can [portray] a saint, a sinner, a fragile statue… Any partner will feel like a strong man next to her. And Ruslan has changed a lot over these two and a half months. It’s amazing how much he has changed
Who said Elena outshines her male partner? Indeed she has good influence on Ruslan's looks already. :popcorn:


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Who said Elena outshine her male partner? Indeed she has good influence on Ruslan's looks already. :popcorn:

Id depends on the male partner I guess. ;)
A man without balls can very well feel threatened by her. Just because you look or act like a "macho man" doesn't mean you're a real strong man.


Nov 19, 2013
Tarasova "Nikita Katsalapov - the world's best partner? No need to exaggerate" Good translation?

Kind of. She says she's disappointed about I/K's split & she didn't want it, but sometimes you have to accept what has happened & moved on. Then she's asked about Sinitsina needing to do a lot to catch up with Katsalapov, & she replies saying she doesn't see him so far above her, he is a good skater with lots of potentional, but she doesn't agree with Marina saying he is the best partner in the world. He could become the best, but it takes a lot of desire & hard work. He took this decision he wanted, now he has to make it work to become the skater that the Russians want him to be & they have to hope that Victoria can be a good discovery. It's a very measured response and she's clearly not going to be joining the S/K hype machine.

There's a little reference to I/Z as well - she hasn't seen them skating together yet, but Elena is a great skater & as long as she works hard with Ruslan you can't predict what they might be able to achieve together.
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