Treatments for strained foot tendons/ligaments? | Golden Skate

Treatments for strained foot tendons/ligaments?


Jan 4, 2007
Anyone know any home treatments for strained tendons/ligaments? I've strained something between my toes and the ball of my foot, and it husrtd to walk. I just need something to help keep it from getting worse for the next 2 weeks until my test.


Nov 16, 2008
Not to be a spoil sport but SEE A DOCTOR. And probably a physiotherapist too. Foot injuries cannot be taken lightly. Really please see someone.

I've have some terrible stuff in my time and sacrificed alot of things that seemed important at that time (tests included) but which really are small-scale things compared to your health (especially feet, as a skater).

I can't say whether RICE would work (rest, ice, compression, elevation) because we have no idea what your injury is. If you have sprained a ligament you could be just one skating session away from a rip or worse, rupture. I ruptured three ligaments in my ankle and had to stop skating for a year. It was either that or go under the knife for medal plates and pins in their, at 16 years old.

Just make intelligent decisions, and see a doctor to make sure you aren't taking huge risks with your health for this test.

Good luck.