2015-16 Canada Challenge Sr. Women | Golden Skate

2015-16 Canada Challenge Sr. Women


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Edmonton, Alberta
2016 Skate Canada Challenge

Thursday, December 4, 18:15 (UTC-7) Rink A

Friday, December 4, 13:40 (UTC-7), Rink B

What time is it in Edmonton, Alberta?

Compare to the time near where you live

Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre,
2051 Leger Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6R 0R9 Canada,

December 2 - December 6

Thanks CdnSk8fan!

Rink A http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu1vr_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-a_sport

Rink B http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu27f_2015-skate-canada-challenge-rink-b_sport

Rink C http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu2fp_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-c_sport

Alaine Chartrand and Kaetlyn Osmond have byes to Nationals

The top twelve of the following women will join them there


Name. Starting Order Section

Roxanne Rheault QC 1
Véronik Mallet QC 2
Marie-Kym Sylvestre QC 3
Kelsey Wong BC/YK 4
Amanda Masin CO 5
Valérie Bergeron QC 6
Pascale Pilote Harvey QC 7
Veronique Cloutier NO 8
Christine LaPrairie SK 9
Kim De Guise Léveillée QC 10
Valérie Giroux QC 11
Patricia Antifaoff AB/NT/NU 12
Any-Pier Jean QC 13
Marika Steward NO 14
Justine Belzile QC 15
Keiko Marshall WO 16
Maysie Poliziani WO 17
Lauren Christensen AB/NT/NU 18
Cailey England BC/YK 19
Selena Zhao QC 20
Natasha Purich AB/NT/NU 21
Eri Nishimura CO 22
Deidre Russell MB 23
Kira Gallant AB/NT/NU 24
Marianne Rioux Ouellet QC 25
Eugénie Létourneau-Lanteigne QC 26
Taylor LeClaire AB/NT/NU 27
Michelle Long CO 28
Marie-Gabrielle Hémond QC 29
Gabrielle Daleman CO 30
Kendra MacDonald SK 31
Larkyn Austman BC/YK 32
Emma Cullen EO 33
Jane GrayAB/NT/NU 34
Julianne Delaurier BC/YK 35
Stephie Walmsley NS 36
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On the Ice
Nov 20, 2010
Not totally accurate. Gabby, Alaine, Veronique, and Kaetlyn have byes to nationals from being top 3 at Nationals last year and Senior Grand Prix. A total of 18 are at Nationals. So top 14 from Challenge qualify not including these 4.


Final Flight
Feb 1, 2004
Selena Zhao had an unusual jump layout

She attempted did 3Z +2T and 3S.

Earlier this season she landed 3T-3T. She usually always does 3Z or 3F for solo jump.

Given the jumps she did here, she might have a niggle that affects the toe picking on flips and lutzes. ( and bothers her more on flip )
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Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2013
Valerie Bergeron was better than Veronique Mallet, from my point of view. I also liked Justine and Kim...


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Short program results

2016 Skate Canada Challenge

Rank Score Name Segment1 Segment2
1 65.55 Gabrielle Daleman - CO 65.55 (1)
2 55.05 Jane Gray - AB/NT/NU 55.05 (2)
3 52.09 Véronik Mallet - QC 52.09 (3)
4 51.73 Valérie Bergeron - QC 51.73 (4)
5 50.99 Emma Cullen - EO 50.99 (5)
6 50.65 Larkyn Austman - BC/YK 50.65 (6)
7 50.55 Justine Belzile - QC 50.55 (7)
8 49.69 Kim De Guise Léveillée - QC 49.69 (8)
9 49.08 Roxanne Rheault - QC 49.08 (9)
10 48.87 Kelsey Wong - BC/YK 48.87 (10)
11 48.59 Selena Zhao - QC 48.59 (11)
12 46.69 Valérie Giroux - QC 46.69 (12)
13 46.69 Michelle Long - CO 46.69 (13)
14 46.09 Patricia Antifaoff - AB/NT/NU 46.09 (14)
15 46.08 Eri Nishimura - CO 46.08 (15)
16 45.13 Veronique Cloutier - NO 45.13 (16)
17 44.97 Natasha Purich - AB/NT/NU 44.97 (17)
18 43.97 Marianne Rioux Ouellet - QC 43.97 (18)
19 43.81 Pascale Pilote Harvey - QC 43.81 (19)
20 42.31 Deidre Russell - MB 42.31 (20)
21 42.19 Stephie Walmsley - NS 42.19 (21)
22 41.82 Marie-Gabrielle Hémond - QC 41.82 (22)
23 41.66 Maysie Poliziani - WO 41.66 (23)
24 40.38 Kira Gallant - AB/NT/NU 40.38 (24)
25 39.99 Taylor LeClaire - AB/NT/NU 39.99 (25)
26 39.88 Keiko Marshall - WO 39.88 (26)
27 39.66 Any-Pier Jean - QC 39.66 (27)
28 39.10 Cailey England - BC/YK 39.10 (28)
29 37.75 Marie-Kym Sylvestre - QC 37.75 (29)
30 37.17 Marika Steward - NO 37.17 (30)
31 36.62 Lauren Christensen - AB/NT/NU 36.62 (31)
32 34.30 Julianne Delaurier - BC/YK 34.30 (32)
33 28.46 Eugénie Létourneau-Lanteigne - QC 28.46 (33)
34 25.86 Kendra MacDonald - SK 25.86 (34)
35 22.48 Amanda Masin - CO 22.48 (35)
36 21.70 Christine LaPrairie - SK 21.70 (36)
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Final Flight
Feb 1, 2004
I am even more convinced that Selena Zhao has an injury that makes it hard to push off her right foot for jumps

In the long she only did salchows and lutzes. No attempts at flip or loop at all and she usually has those jumps.


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
[SIZE=+2]Senior Women[/SIZE]

1193.62Gabrielle Daleman - CO65.55 (1)128.07 (1)
2152.40Véronik Mallet - QC52.09 (3)100.31 (2)
3148.76Larkyn Austman - BC/YK50.65 (6)98.11 (3)
4144.81Kim De Guise Léveillée - QC49.69 (8)95.12 (4)
5143.08Jane Gray - AB/NT/NU55.05 (2)88.03 (9)
6143.00Valérie Bergeron - QC51.73 (4)91.27 (5)
7140.74Emma Cullen - EO50.99 (5)89.75 (7)
8139.03Kelsey Wong - BC/YK48.87 (10)90.16 (6)
9138.27Selena Zhao - QC48.59 (11)89.68 (8)
10136.39Justine Belzile - QC50.55 (7)85.84 (10)
11133.87Roxanne Rheault - QC49.08 (9)84.79 (13)
12132.40Michelle Long - CO46.69 (13)85.71 (11)
13129.81Valérie Giroux - QC46.69 (12)83.12 (16)
14128.92Eri Nishimura - CO46.08 (15)82.84 (17)
15128.80Veronique Cloutier - NO45.13 (16)83.67 (14)
16127.43Stephie Walmsley - NS42.19 (21)85.24 (12)
17125.98Marianne Rioux Ouellet - QC43.97 (18)82.01 (18)
18125.25Marie-Gabrielle Hémond - QC41.82 (22)83.43 (15)
19123.20Patricia Antifaoff - AB/NT/NU46.09 (14)77.11 (20)
20118.40Keiko Marshall - WO39.88 (26)78.52 (19)
21117.47Natasha Purich - AB/NT/NU44.97 (17)72.50 (25)
22116.86Kira Gallant - AB/NT/NU40.38 (24)76.48 (21)
23116.67Pascale Pilote Harvey - QC43.81 (19)72.86 (24)
24112.80Cailey England - BC/YK39.10 (28)73.70 (22)
25111.43Deidre Russell - MB42.31 (20)69.12 (26)
26110.08Marika Steward - NO37.17 (30)72.91 (23)
27107.42Maysie Poliziani - WO41.66 (23)65.76 (27)
28100.49Any-Pier Jean - QC39.66 (27)60.83 (29)
2993.59Eugénie Létourneau-Lanteigne - QC28.46 (33)65.13 (28)
3092.62Marie-Kym Sylvestre - QC37.75 (29)54.87 (33)
3192.04Lauren Christensen - AB/NT/NU36.62 (31)55.42 (31)
3281.00Kendra MacDonald - SK25.86 (34)55.14 (32)
3378.65Amanda Masin - CO22.48 (35)56.17 (30)
3477.95Julianne Delaurier - BC/YK34.30 (32)43.65 (35)
3567.90Christine LaPrairie - SK21.70 (36)46.20 (34)
3639.99Taylor LeClaire - AB/NT/NU39.99 (25)WD
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