Edmonton, Alberta
2016 Skate Canada Challenge
Thursday, December 4, 18:15 (UTC-7) Rink A
Friday, December 4, 13:40 (UTC-7), Rink B
What time is it in Edmonton, Alberta?
Compare to the time near where you live
Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre,
2051 Leger Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6R 0R9 Canada,
December 2 - December 6
Thanks CdnSk8fan!
Rink A http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu1vr_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-a_sport
Rink B http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu27f_2015-skate-canada-challenge-rink-b_sport
Rink C http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu2fp_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-c_sport
Alaine Chartrand and Kaetlyn Osmond have byes to Nationals
The top twelve of the following women will join them there
Name. Starting Order Section
Roxanne Rheault QC 1
Véronik Mallet QC 2
Marie-Kym Sylvestre QC 3
Kelsey Wong BC/YK 4
Amanda Masin CO 5
Valérie Bergeron QC 6
Pascale Pilote Harvey QC 7
Veronique Cloutier NO 8
Christine LaPrairie SK 9
Kim De Guise Léveillée QC 10
Valérie Giroux QC 11
Patricia Antifaoff AB/NT/NU 12
Any-Pier Jean QC 13
Marika Steward NO 14
Justine Belzile QC 15
Keiko Marshall WO 16
Maysie Poliziani WO 17
Lauren Christensen AB/NT/NU 18
Cailey England BC/YK 19
Selena Zhao QC 20
Natasha Purich AB/NT/NU 21
Eri Nishimura CO 22
Deidre Russell MB 23
Kira Gallant AB/NT/NU 24
Marianne Rioux Ouellet QC 25
Eugénie Létourneau-Lanteigne QC 26
Taylor LeClaire AB/NT/NU 27
Michelle Long CO 28
Marie-Gabrielle Hémond QC 29
Gabrielle Daleman CO 30
Kendra MacDonald SK 31
Larkyn Austman BC/YK 32
Emma Cullen EO 33
Jane GrayAB/NT/NU 34
Julianne Delaurier BC/YK 35
Stephie Walmsley NS 36
2016 Skate Canada Challenge
Thursday, December 4, 18:15 (UTC-7) Rink A
Friday, December 4, 13:40 (UTC-7), Rink B
What time is it in Edmonton, Alberta?
Compare to the time near where you live
Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre,
2051 Leger Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6R 0R9 Canada,
December 2 - December 6
Thanks CdnSk8fan!
Rink A http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu1vr_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-a_sport
Rink B http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu27f_2015-skate-canada-challenge-rink-b_sport
Rink C http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3fu2fp_2016-skate-canada-challenge-rink-c_sport
Alaine Chartrand and Kaetlyn Osmond have byes to Nationals
The top twelve of the following women will join them there
Name. Starting Order Section
Roxanne Rheault QC 1
Véronik Mallet QC 2
Marie-Kym Sylvestre QC 3
Kelsey Wong BC/YK 4
Amanda Masin CO 5
Valérie Bergeron QC 6
Pascale Pilote Harvey QC 7
Veronique Cloutier NO 8
Christine LaPrairie SK 9
Kim De Guise Léveillée QC 10
Valérie Giroux QC 11
Patricia Antifaoff AB/NT/NU 12
Any-Pier Jean QC 13
Marika Steward NO 14
Justine Belzile QC 15
Keiko Marshall WO 16
Maysie Poliziani WO 17
Lauren Christensen AB/NT/NU 18
Cailey England BC/YK 19
Selena Zhao QC 20
Natasha Purich AB/NT/NU 21
Eri Nishimura CO 22
Deidre Russell MB 23
Kira Gallant AB/NT/NU 24
Marianne Rioux Ouellet QC 25
Eugénie Létourneau-Lanteigne QC 26
Taylor LeClaire AB/NT/NU 27
Michelle Long CO 28
Marie-Gabrielle Hémond QC 29
Gabrielle Daleman CO 30
Kendra MacDonald SK 31
Larkyn Austman BC/YK 32
Emma Cullen EO 33
Jane GrayAB/NT/NU 34
Julianne Delaurier BC/YK 35
Stephie Walmsley NS 36
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