The Browns are second in TES and only 4th overall? Nobody told me I woke up to a nightmare!
Really, why doesn't the ISJ be honest and rename PCS JMF: Judges' Manipulation Fiddling. I for one would have a lot more respect for them if they 'fessed up to that.
Wow, some VERY interesting results so far. Good for the Canadians. And the Ukrainians.
Villö MARTON / Danyil SEMKO
Country: Hungary
Music: Tango: Tango in the Sky by Peter Dranga
Choreography by: Irina Zhuk, Ilona Berecz, Tibor Dalotti
Costumes: Pretty if standard red tango dress for her; basic black with nice draped top for him.
Required Elements:
Some nice in place tango steps to step. Set the mood And into
Serp Step Seq - the one foot work is good, if very slow. Edges are a bit shallow. Level 1
Twizzles - Level 2 for her, level 3 for him.
More tango steps that are actually interesting into
AT Pattern - they do have nice glide on the turns. Rotional spinning moves into tango steps. All no's on the KPs. Ouch.
Rotational Lift - and a fall. Ouch. That was costly. Looks like he lost his balance. Just like last week.
Last week they had a very messy performance. Or rather he had a very messy performance, and she won "Most Supportive Partner of the Event" award from Ted. And again a fall. Villo is going for a twofer for there. He needs to work on turns in the lift.
BTW.. why was Ted saying it was a shocking result right before the ice resurfacing? Was it the placement of the Russians or the Americans? The Russian team was only 12 in jrs. at their nationals.