I was speaking about Calalang/Johnson and merely mentioned C-G/L's name as they are in a close domestic race with them, and the second time (in this thread) I was talking about Ashley Cain's jump. Neither of these can be construed as ripping C-G/L to shreds.
First, I didn't say "ripping C-G/L to shreds." I said it's clear your agenda is to compare them unfavorably to others pairs who weren't at this comp, and to tear them down. Your tone and your other posts suggested that to me. But I should qualify that as my own opinion. Which I usually do, but I'll watch more closely.
This thread is for breaking down NHK Trophy, and yes, sometimes it's hard to hear critical things about our favorite skaters. Some fans only want to hear very positive and glowing things,
That's not me.
but no skater is perfect, and competitions allow us to analyze their strengths & weaknesses, mistakes & attributes, the protocols & scores, etc. A poster mentioned that Tarasova/Morozov leave them cold. It's their opinion and I can't tell that person to not have that opinion just because I don't feel the same. I can only say why my opinion differs. Healthy debate is a good thing.
I have no problem with people expressing their opinions. I do object to a person's tone, especially if it's sarcasm or irony. But I generally try not to engage, in those instances.
If you prefer to focus on other things and call her 'Ash' as if you're her personal friend, that's great and I respect you. The more pairs fans, the merrier, I feel.
You're assuming you know my thoughts, when you don't. I didn't call her 'Ash' as if personal friendship exists between us. In fact, I rarely do type her name as 'Ash,' usually only when I'm in a hurry. Ashley refers to herself as 'Ash' on IG and other places, so it seems acceptable. I appreciate your respect, which is mutual. We're both obviously passionate about pairs skating.