I hope the sage I posted in the pairs short program thread has done away with the skating monsters.
Yes thank you for posting it. *mutters stuff about Gracie in a desperate plea to the skating Gods*I hope the sage I posted in the pairs short program thread has done away with the skating monsters.
How was starting order determined? Random draw?
I feel your pain. The NBCSN streams will only start in 30 minutes, and the QQ stream is offlineNone of the streams are working.
Thank you, ice coverage. I didn't think they were completely random because more of the top skaters are toward the later part of the event, but, for example, Mariah is fairly early.:
The draw is not completely random.Top five from 2020 Nats (who therefore had byes to 2021 Nats) are guaranteed to be in the final two groups.
(Because you asked over here, I am repeating my reply to someone else in the practice thread.)
Go, Audrey and Amber!
I do, too, but wish they'd give her more sinister moves in the choreography. There seemed to just be a few perfunctory ones.Sinister! I approve.