Honestly, this is not a surprise.Mark Lukin leaves AoP.
Бывший фигурист Тутберидзе ушел от Плющенко
Российский фигурист Марк Лукин покинул группу двукратного олимпийского чемпиона Евгения Плющенко, сообщил РИА Новости источник, знакомый с ситуацией. РИА Новости Спорт, 28.11.2022rsport.ria.ru
Apparently his mom is talking with Butatseva. So at least if she takes him, he would be in good hands, obviously its not like every Vikas students has or will succeed but at least she is proven mens coach.Honestly, this is not a surprise.
Yes, it is not AoP's fault Mark got injured and wasn't able to properly prepare for the Russian JGP equivalent (which I think was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back), but even before that, it was clear that Mark was not getting the results he was hoping for. Not the consistent quad, or any progress on the 3A, or even any more stability in competitions. It must have been especially frustrating for him, seeing both skaters at AoP (who were initially seen as weaker than him) and his former training mates at Team Tut improve so much and have success, while he was still stuck on the same level as years ago.
I sincerely hope he can find a coach who can really work with him, and that he won't end up like Egor Rukhin, hopping from coach to coach searching for a better fit, but somehow never really quite managing to find that (at least not so far).
As was said, not a surprise.Mark Lukin leaves AoP.
Бывший фигурист Тутберидзе ушел от Плющенко
Российский фигурист Марк Лукин покинул группу двукратного олимпийского чемпиона Евгения Плющенко, сообщил РИА Новости источник, знакомый с ситуацией. РИА Новости Спорт, 28.11.2022rsport.ria.ru
the gold is between Kondratyuk and Semenenko, the other placements are lost in a cacti fieldWhat do you expect for nationals?
Gumennik looks like the best bet for the title for me right now, what do you think?
Lutfullin seems on his way to the top as well, though.
the gold is between Kondratyuk and Semenenko, the other placements are lost in a cacti field
He is back to ice, but it is unclear whether he will be able to take part.I thought Kondratiuk was injured, is he okay again?
I personally think this is an unnecessary risk. He got 292 without it and it wasn't his best, the landings and some non-jumping elements could be better. I think that only Mozalev and Aliev will get more with clean skates.Semenenko will probably need the 4Lo or hope that some others don't go clean
Literally anything can happen in men's.What do you expect for nationals?
Gumennik looks like the best bet for the title for me right now, what do you think?
Lutfullin seems on his way to the top as well, though.
they're both (if Mark can compete) going to be showered in pcs besides no man in the world is clean in both programs unless Semenenko bombs bad he's on one of the first two steps of that podium. if Kolyada, Samarin and Aliev are healthy and cleanish they'll be contenders tooI thought Kondratiuk was injured, is he okay again?
Semenenko will probably need the 4Lo or hope that some others don't go clean?
Looks like Zonov is going instead of Dikidzhi.Team for Russian-Chinese Winter Youth Games: Grigory Fedorov, Vladislav Dikidzhi, Nikolay Ugozhaev
Interesting! I wonder who China will send... I don't know any Chinese junior skaters...Team for Russian-Chinese Winter Youth Games:
Yudong Chen, for example.I don't know any Chinese junior skaters...
Free skateRussian-Chinese Winter Youth Games
1st Grigory Fedorov - 73.63
2nd Fedor Zonov - 71.80
3rd Nikolay Ugozhaev - 62.06
Unofficial stream https://vk.com/video209624892_456239020