see post 271He's gonna give himself whiplash.
My second cousins brought this to our family Labor Day picnic and I was amused by the card that said "a disappointing salad" because that is exactly what my niece brought to the picnic. Other cards were very vulgar.i don't know if you're familiar with the game "card against humanity". well the start of this program is what i picture when i pick the card "mime having an heartattack"
Adam's choreography involves a lot of poking. Is this somehow related to the frequent cactus references I see in these threads?
Aside from Sui/Han which is the other one? It's 2 am and I can't remember thingsImagine if he'd nailed that combo. The crowd would've blown the roof off!
You know, as overused as Rain In Your Black Eyes has become, I have to admit Adam really made it his own and that is amazing, considering we already have TWO iconic programs to this music in other disciplines.
PJFrench guys bringing it on!
Glad I didn't skip today. Otherwise I'd still think Aymoz was the only hope for France.
Shame we won't have as strong Brit guys for showing next week.
how do you know the future of Roman? I find this comment slightly harsh.Shame about the jumps. But that was an entertaining skate.
Glad to know Canada has a potential men's skater in place, when Keegan retires and Sodovsky fails to turn up.
Papadakis/Cizeron, combined with To Build A Home. Not my favorite of their programs but definitely a landmark.Aside from Sui/Han which is the other one? It's 2 am and I can't remember things