2022 Japan National Championships: Gen Info & Pre-game Chat | Page 2 | Golden Skate

2022 Japan National Championships: Gen Info & Pre-game Chat


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
As mentioned in my previous post,
the Junior Women will have the opportunity to increase their scores with the addition of a step sequence in the FS and the option of attempting a 3A in the SP

Though Hana Yoshida was assigned to Junior Grand Prix events this season she has been competing domestically as a Senior since summer

Women’s Entries by SB Total Score
Listed by ISU SB Total Score or SB earned at a National Championship qualifying competition
Sponsor or
School/Club Affiliation
SB ScoreSB Score Event
Jr Nat'l Champ1島 田 麻 央Mao ShimadaKinoshita Academy217.68JGP Solidarity Cup
2坂 本 花 織Kaori SakamotoSysmex217.61GP Skate America
3三 原 舞 依Mai MiharaSysmex217.43GP MK John Wilson Trophy
4渡 辺 倫 果Rinka WatanabeHosei University213.14CS Lombardia Trophy
5吉 田 陽 菜Hana YoshidaKinoshita Academy209.44 (Sr)
ISU SB 208.31 (Jr)
West Sectional
(competed as Senior)
Jr Nat’l 3rd6中 井 亜 美Ami NakaiMF Academy205.90JGP Baltic Cup
Jr Nat’l 2nd7千 葉 百 音Mone ChibaTohoku High School205.82JGP Solidarity Cup
8河 辺 愛 菜Mana KawabeChukyo University High School197.41GP Espoo
9住 吉 りをんRion SumiyoshiOriental Bio/Meiji University194.34GP de France
10松 生 理 乃Rino MatsuikeChukyo University High School192.63
(ISU SB 176.52)
Chubu Block
11紀 平 梨 花Rika KihiraToyota Motor Corporation192.43GP Espoo
Jr Nat’l 5th12柴 山 歩Ayumi ShibayamaKinoshita Academy188.39JGP Courchevel
13江 川 マリアMaria EgawaMeiji University187.58Tokyo Block
Jr Nat’l 4th14櫛 田 育 良Ikura KushidaKinoshita Academy184.29
(ISU SB 177.02)
Junior Nationals
15横 井 ゆは菜Yuhana YokoiHowa Minato SC/
Chukyo University
178.73GP Skate Canada International
16三 宅 咲 綺Saki MiyakeOkayama University of Science178.00Chu-Shikoku Kyushu Block
Jr Nat’l 6th17奥 野 友莉菜Yurina OkunoKomaba Gakuen High School173.66East Sectional
18青 木 祐 奈Yuna AokiNihon University172.62East Sectional
Jr Nat’l 7th19髙 木 謠Yo TakagiMF Academy168.71East Sectional
20山 下 真 瑚Mako YamashitaChukyo University168.65West Sectional
Jr Nat’l 8th21村 上 遥 奈Haruna MurakamiKinoshita Academy167.27West Sectional
22大 庭 雅Miyabi ObaTokai Tokyo FH166.37Chubu Block
23竹 野 比 奈Hina TakenoFukuoka University159.89West Sectional
24佐 藤 伊 吹Ibuki SatoMeiji University157.79East Sectional
25三 枝 知香子Chikako SaigusaNihon University156.65Tokyo Block
26吉 岡 詩 果Shiika YoshiokaYamanashi Gakuin University156.16Kanto Block
27松 原 星Akari MatsubaraMeiji University154.49East Sectional
28竹 野 仁 奈Niina TakenoChikushi Jogakuen University151.28West Sectional
29本 田 真 凜Marin HondaJAL148.97East Sectional

Ice Dance entries SB scores next


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Hi, @tsuyoboogie : if you don't mind, I can combine your table with the entry list in the top discussion of all the categories (Nationals). And I'm wondering if you might have information about the competitors programs? I don't have the complete program info, but I can add those to the top discussion of each category, if you have those!
Please feel free to use any of the information as you like 😊
I don't believe Fuji has released their official pdf with information about skaters competing at Nationals yet but I can definitely get a list of programs together for you within the next a day or two


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Perhaps include Yuma with this last SB or PB? Just so that no one can overlook him down there 🙂
You're right. I'm sure most people wouldn't expect him to be listed in 30th and might think he's not competing
I edited the post to note at the top that he is scheduled to participate


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Ice Dance Entries by SB Total Score
Listed by ISU SB Total Score or SB earned at a National Championship qualifying competition
School/Club AffiliationSB ScoreSB Score Event
1村 元 哉 中
高 橋 大 輔
Kana Muramoto
Daisuke Takahashi
Kansai University KFSC
Kansai University KFSC
188.30CS Denis Ten Memorial Challenge
2小松原 美 里
小松原 尊
Misato Komatsubara
Takeru Komatsubara (Tim Koleto)
Kurashiki FSC
Kurashiki FSC
166.06GP Skate Canada International
3高 橋 ニコル
シャイロー ジャド
Nicole Takahashi
Shiloh Judd
Dream FC
126.70National Championship Qualifier
4木 下 あかり
田 村 周 彦
Akari Kinoshita
Takahiko Tamura
Keio University
Keio University
122.85National Championship Qualifier
5矢 島 榛 乃
松 井 努 夢
Haruno Yajima
Tsutomu Matsui
Seibu Higashifumi FSC
Meiji University
111.93National Championship Qualifier
6菊 池 彩 子
池 田 喜 充
Saiko Kikuchi
Yoshimitsu Ikeda
Hosei University
Seibu Higashifumi FSC
107.18National Championship Qualifier


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
I have most of the men & women's program info, FanFest links & ISU bio links. I am putting them up in tables as the second posts in the competition threads. Feel free to incorporate them in the op or leave them as the second post. Or If you like, I can move the tables to this thread?

Thanks for the great job you are doing :love: :cheer:


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Placeholder for Pairs SP and Ice Dance RD Draws

Pairs SP Start Order Draw
Start No.
2三 浦 璃 来
木 原 龍 一
Riku Miura
Ryuichi Kihara
1村 上 遥 奈
森 口 澄 士
Haruna Murakami
Sumitada Moriguchi

Ice Dance RD Start Order Draw
Start No.
6小松原 美 里
小松原 尊
Misato Komatsubara
Takeru Komatsubara (Tim Koleto)
5村 元 哉 中
高 橋 大 輔
Kana Muramoto
Daisuke Takahashi
2菊 池 彩 子
池 田 喜 充
Saiko Kikuchi
Yoshimitsu Ikeda
4木 下 あかり
田 村 周 彦
Akari Kinoshita
Takahiko Tamura
3高 橋 ニコル
シャイロー ジャド
Nicole Takahashi
Shiloh Judd
1矢 島 榛 乃
松 井 努 夢
Haruno Yajima
Tsutomu Matsui
Last edited:


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Placeholder for Men's SP Draw

Skaters drawing for Groups 4 & 5 go first
I'll post their start numbers as soon as they finish
I'll then go back and edit in numbers drawn by Groups 1~3

Men's SP Start Order Draw (Groups 4 & 5)
Start No.
21宇 野 昌 磨Shoma Uno
30鍵 山 優 真Yuma Kagiyama
25三 浦 佳 生Kao Miura
28友 野 一 希Kazuki Tomono
24三 宅 星 南Sena Miyake
26佐 藤 駿Shun Sato
23山 本 草 太Sota Yamamoto
27壷 井 達 也Tatsuya Tsuboi
29島 田 高志郎Koshiro Shimada
19大 島 光 翔Kosho Oshima
20木 科 雄 登Yuto Kishina
22森 口 澄 士 Sumitada Moriguchi

Men's SP Draw (Groups 1~3)
Start No.
13垣 内 珀 琉Haru KakiuchiJunior
15片伊勢 武 アミンTakeru Amine KataiseJunior
3櫛 田 一 樹Kazuki Kushida
14小 林 隼Shun Kobayashi
12佐々木 晴 也Haruya SasakiJunior
16杉 山 匠 海Takumi Sugiyama
9周 藤 集Tsudoi SutoJunior
18須 本 光 希Mitsuki Sumoto
4田 内 誠 悟Seigo TauchiJunior
1中 田 璃 士Rio NakataJunior
8中 村 俊 介Shunsuke NakamuraJunior
11西 山 真 瑚Shingo Nishiyama
17長谷川 一 輝 Kazuki Hasegawa
6彦 阪 昇 吾Shogo Hikosaka
2本 田 ルーカス剛史Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda
7三 島 悠 生Haruki Mishima
10山 隈 太一朗Taichiro Yamakuma
5吉 岡 希Nozomu YoshiokaJunior
Last edited:


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Placeholder for Women's Draw

Skaters drawing for Groups 4 & 5 go first
I'll post their start numbers as soon as they finish
I'll then go back and edit in numbers drawn by Groups 1~3

Women's SP Start Order Draw (Groups 4 & 5)
Start No.
23坂 本 花 織Kaori Sakamoto
26河 辺 愛 菜Mana Kawabe
27三 原 舞 依Mai Mihara
20渡 辺 倫 果Rinka Watanabe
29松 生 理 乃Rino Matsuike
28住 吉 りをんRion Sumiyoshi
25横 井 ゆは菜Yuhana Yokoi
18紀 平 梨 花Rika Kihira
24吉 田 陽 菜Hana Yoshida
19江 川 マリアMaria Egawa
22青 木 祐 奈Yuna Aoki
21三 宅 咲 綺Saki Miyake

Women's SP Draw (Groups 1~3)
Start No.
3大 庭 雅Miyabi Oba
15奥 野 友莉菜Yurina OkunoJunior
17櫛 田 育 良Ikura KushidaJunior
2三 枝 知香子Chikako Saigusa
13佐 藤 伊 吹Ibuki Sato
1柴 山 歩Ayumi ShibayamaJunior
4島 田 麻 央Mao ShimadaJunior
6髙 木 謠Yo TakagiJunior
8竹 野 仁 奈Niina Takeno
5竹 野 比 奈Hina Takeno
11千 葉 百 音Mone ChibaJunior
16中 井 亜 美Ami NakaiJunior
7本 田 真 凜Marin Honda
14松 原 星Akari Matsubara
9村 上 遥 奈Haruna MurakamiJunior
10山 下 真 瑚Mako Yamashita
12吉 岡 詩 果Shiika Yoshioka
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Going to have a quick nap before work~
@cohkaix please let me know if you would like some help posting SP/RD Start Orders
I can do that when I get home 🙂


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Going to have a quick nap before work~
@cohkaix please let me know if you would like some help posting SP/RD Start Orders
I can do that when I get home 🙂
Yes, please go ahead with the starting order. I totally forgot the draw is tonight, and I thought it’s tomorrow :drama:. It happens that I‘m teaching today and tomorrow, so missed the drawing. Will miss part of the competition tomorrow as well.


On the Ice
Jul 27, 2018
I´m afraid that the Chinese will mainly stream Russian Nationals or switch from Japanese to Russian, therefore I tried to buy Fuji, but didn`t succeed. error appeared although I have Proton connected with Japan.
I tried sometimes and couldn`t find any slot for buying.


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
I´m afraid that the Chinese will mainly stream Russian Nationals or switch from Japanese to Russian, therefore I tried to buy Fuji, but didn`t succeed. error appeared although I have Proton connected with Japan.
I tried sometimes and couldn`t find any slot for buying.
Proton vpn might not work for FOD
And most IPTVs (iSakura, Himawari, Muji TV) are not accessible from China
You can try KaeriTV
You will need to purchase the Kaeri TV PLUS subscription (91 channels) if you want to watch the entire competition live (you need both FUJI TV and Fuji TV Two)
They only offer monthly or yearly subscriptions so cost is expensive
($28 per month for PLUS)
However, there is a 3 day free trial so you can try to cancel before your account is charged

If KaeriTV does not work for you try TVer with your Proton vpn set to Japan
TVer will only be airing the last two groups of Men's and Women's events live
Here are the direct links to the upcoming TVer streams
Women's SP Groups 4 & 5
Men's SP Groups 4 & 5
Women's FS Groups 3 & 4
Men's FS Groups 3 & 4

Fan streams and YouTube uploads
This fan is well known for streaming figure skating events
Not sure if he plans on streaming JPN Nats this year but has done so in the past
I'll share links to fan streams as they become available (I'm sure others will too)

I still plan to record and upload individual programs (from FOD since others will likely upload video from other Fuji broadcasts)


Final Flight
Aug 20, 2003
Proton vpn might not work for FOD
And most IPTVs (iSakura, Himawari, Muji TV) are not accessible from China
You can try KaeriTV
You will need to purchase the Kaeri TV PLUS subscription (91 channels) if you want to watch the entire competition live (you need both FUJI TV and Fuji TV Two)
They only offer monthly or yearly subscriptions so cost is expensive
($28 per month for PLUS)
However, there is a 3 day free trial so you can try to cancel before your account is charged

If KaeriTV does not work for you try TVer with your Proton vpn set to Japan
TVer will only be airing the last two groups of Men's and Women's events live
Here are the direct links to the upcoming TVer streams
Women's SP Groups 4 & 5
Men's SP Groups 4 & 5
Women's FS Groups 3 & 4
Men's FS Groups 3 & 4

Fan streams and YouTube uploads
This fan is well known for streaming figure skating events
Not sure if he plans on streaming JPN Nats this year but has done so in the past
I'll share links to fan streams as they become available (I'm sure others will too)

I still plan to record and upload individual programs (from FOD since others will likely upload video from other Fuji broadcasts)
Wow! Thanks for all the helpful info on streaming! Enjoyed watching some of the women. What a great competition.