21-22 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western | Page 2 | Golden Skate

21-22 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Jr Men SP videos

Takeru Kataise SP 74.00
(NHK Taiga Drama "Yoshitsune" Main Theme; choreo Kohei Yoshino)

Nozomu Yoshioka SP 70.20
(Mountain Top; choreo Kohei Yoshino)

Shunsuke Nakamura SP 66.11
(Eye; choreo Cathy Reed)

Haru Kakiuchi SP 60.84
(DRUM TAO ~Buzoku~; choreo Kenji Miyamoto)

Shuntaro Asaga SP 60.61
(Load Up the Bases; choreo Cathy Reed)

Sora Tarumi SP 55.93
(Poeta; choreo Kenji Miyamoto)
Sharing this because 1) I adore him and 2) StSq is 🔥🔥🔥

Will (re)record Tatsuya Tsuboi, Seigo Tauchi and Ryoga Morimoto SPs after event is archived
(Kicking myself for not recording Ryoga but whenever I do he's a disaster...)
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Top 9 Women after 3 groups, 2 groups (11 skaters including Hina Takeno and Mako Yamashita) still left to skate

白 岩 優 奈
Yuna Shiraiwa 2A 3Lzq?2T 3Lo 60.37

荒 木 菜 那
Nana Araki 3Lz2T 2A 3Lo 59.16

大 庭 雅
Miyabi Oba 3S2T 3Lo 2A 58.42

三 宅 咲 綺
Saki Miyake 3T3T(hangs on) 3Lo(2ft,so) 2A 56.41

浦 松 千 聖
Chisato Uramatsu 3Lz2T 2A 3F(ot) 55.95

加 藤 利緒菜
Riona Kato 3Lo 2A 3T2T(tano) 55.42

野 口 望々花
Nonoka Noguchi 54.69

竹 野 仁 奈
Niina Takeno 52.69

新田谷 凜
Rin Nitaya 3F3T 2A 3Lz(fall) 52.46


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Miyu Yunoki / Shoya Ichihashi SP (Black Car) 29.42

Still working on aquiring basic level Pair elements but considering they announced their partnership only 2 months ago and Miyu is new to pair skating (that I'm aware of) I feel like they show promise
Looking forward to their FS

Note: Miyu is also competing in the Jr Womens event


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr women's SP results:


1.Q山 下 真 瑚 Mako Yamashita63.13
2.Q白 岩 優 奈 Yuna Shiraiwa60.37
3.Q荒 木 菜 那 Nana Araki59.16
4Q大 庭 雅 Miyabi Oba58.42
5.Q三 宅 咲 綺 Saki Miyake56.41
6.Q浦 松 千 聖 Chisato Uramatsu55.95
7Q加 藤 利緒菜 Riona Kato55.42
8Q野 口 望々花 Nonoka Noguchi54.69
9Q籠 谷 歩 未 Ayumi Kagotani52.80
10Q竹 野 仁 奈Niina Takeno52.69
11Q新田谷 凜 Rin Nitaya52.46
12Q森 下 実 咲 Misaki Morishita50.33
13Q永 見 千代乃 Chiyono Nagami49.33
14Q竹 野 比 奈 Hina Takeno49.04
15Q酒 井 祐 香 Yuka Sakai48.15
16Q田 村 綾 音 Ayane Tamura48.11
17Q伊 勢 桃 菜 Momona Ise47.84
18Q高 村 幸 来 Saki Takamura47.12
19Q永 田 絵美莉 Emiri Nagata45.76
20Q西 坂 美 柚 Miyu Nishizaka45.70
21Q小 嶋 孝 夏 Kyoka Kojima45.39
22Q渡 辺 真 央 Mao Watanabe43.61
23Q三 善 友 奈 Yuna Miyoshi40.67
24Q加 藤 日向子 Hinako Kato37.88
25FNQ片 平 陽 冬 Mafuyu Katahira37.85
26FNQ井 上 晴 絵 Harue Inoue37.32
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Sr Men SP videos

Kazuki Kushida SP 76.06
Falling Like Stars; choreo Kohei Yoshino

Mitsuki Sumoto SP (new working link) 71.88
Forever Ain't Enough; choreo Keisuke Kodaira

Yuto Kishina SP 67.72
Bad by Micheal Jackson; choreo Cathy Reed

Sumitada Moriguchi SP (new workng link) 67.30
I'm Still Standing; choreo Cathy Reed

Takumi Sugiyama SP 62.56
Welcome Home; choreo Jeremy Abbott

Mitsuki Sumoto, Sumitada Moriguchi and Takumi Sugiyama's SPs still processing
Edit: Uploaded the Men's SPs before the Womens. Not sure why these clips are taking longer to process

Edit: All links now working
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Competition D1

Jr women's SP
Pair FS/Final
Sr. women's FS/Final
Sr. men's FS/Final


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Jr women SP starting order:

(live results update)
  1. 緒 方 美 揺 Miyura Ogata (B5.9//132.25)
  2. 山 𥔎 藍 香 Aika Yamazaki (B4.7//120.69)
  3. 吉 田 陽 菜 Hana Yoshida (B5.3//178.41) *Seed skater
  4. 大 門 桜 子 Sakurako Daimon (B5.4//169.52)
  5. 高 橋 萌 音 Mone Takahashi (B5.11//128.38)
  6. 田 中 梓 沙 Azusa Tanaka (B5.5//166.07)
  7. 櫛 田 育 良 Ikura Kushida (B5.1//183.47)
  8. 高 岡 も も Momo Takaoka (B4.6//120.71)
  9. 田 村 珠里亜 Juria Tamura (B4.4//124.70)
  10. 永 川 実 咲 Misaki Eikawa (B6.5//119.29)
  11. 岡 本 真 綸 Marin Okamoto (B6.2//151.72)
  12. 吉 井 絹 恵 Kinue Yoshii (B4.10//117.08)
  13. 江 川 マリアMaria Egawa (B6.1//160.60)
  14. 横 井 きな結 Kinayu Yokoi (B4.1//146.13)
  15. 杉 原 舞 香 Maika Sugihara (B6.9//108.26)
  16. 服 部 杏 奏 Akana Hattori (B4.9//117.34)
  17. 岩 崎 陽 菜 Haruna Iwasaki (B5.7//140.38)
  18. 柴 山 歩 Ayumi Shibayama (B5.2//179.97)
  19. 横 田 胡 幸 Koyuki Yokota (B6.6//114.99)
  20. 佐 藤 葵 Aoi Sato (B6.7//109.44)
  21. 柚 木 心 結 Miyu Yonoki (B5.10//132.09)
  22. 村 岡 那 菜 Nana Muraoka (B6.4//129.40)
  23. 鴨 井 彬莉彩 Arisa Kamoi (B6.3//141.74)
  24. 後 藤 千 弦 Chizuru Goto (B4.2//131.51)
  25. 片 山 緋奈子 Hinako Katayama (B6.8//108.43)
  26. 清 水 咲 衣 Sae Shimizu (B5.6//147.97)
  27. 吉 本 玲 Rei Yoshimoto (B5.8//133.19)
  28. 木 村 芽 愛 Meai Kimura (B6.10//107.92)
  29. 森 実 愛 Miai Mori (B4.3//130.42)
  30. 大 坪 瑚 子 Koko Otsubo (B4.5//122.16)
  31. 磯 村 彩 姫 Saki Isomura (B4.8//119.54)


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
As expected, after 2 groups Kinoshita Academy Jr Women currently Top 4

田 中 梓 沙
Azusa Tanaka 3Lz3Tq? 2A 3F

櫛 田 育 良
Ikura Kushida 3Lz(hangs on)3T 3F 2A

大 門 桜 子
Sakurako Daimon 3T3T 3F(hangs on) 2A(hangs on)

吉 田 陽 菜
Hana Yoshida 2A 3Lz3T 3F(fall)

Marin Okamoto, Maria Egawa and Kinayu Yokoi, all capable of competitive scores skating in group 3 after ice resurface


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Top 9 Jr Women after 4 groups, 2 groups (11 girls) left to skate. (Sae Shimizu skating in last group)

田 中 梓 沙
Azusa Tanaka 3Lz3Tq? 2A 3F

柴 山 歩
Ayumi Shibayama 3Lz3T 2A 3F(rippon)

櫛 田 育 良
Ikura Kushida 3Lz(hangs on)3T 3F 2A

大 門 桜 子
Sakurako Daimon 3T3T 3F(hangs on) 2A(hangs on)

江 川 マリア
Maria Egawa 3Lz3T 3T3T 3F 2A<<(2ft, fall)
Really weird, painfull looking fall. She never opened up to land, stopped rotating in air, fell hard and hit the boards.
If not for that mistake she would've scored 60+

横 井 きな結
Kinayu Yokoi 3T3T 3F 2A
Surprised by her score. Expected her to get 60pts. Jumps looked solid. Maybe edge call on the Flip?

吉 田 陽 菜
Hana Yoshida 2A 3Lz3T 3F<<(fall)

岡 本 真 綸
Marin Okamoto 3Lz3T 3F 2A

岩 崎 陽 菜
Haruna Iwasaki 3Lz(hangs on)3T 3Fq? 2A
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Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
Azusa finally delivering and Hana having to do a remontada again. Interesting.
Ayumi is solid as usual.


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Jr women's SP final result:


1.Q田 中 梓 沙 Azusa Tanaka65.86
2.Q柴 山 歩 Ayumi Shibayama64.36
3Q櫛 田 育 良 Ikura Kushida62.45
4Q大 門 桜 子 Sakurako Daimon59.65
5Q江 川 マリアMaria Egawa57.30
6Q横 井 きな結 Kinayu Yokoi55.84
7Q吉 田 陽 菜 Hana Yoshida55.44
8Q岡 本 真 綸 Marin Okamoto55.38
9Q岩 崎 陽 菜 Haruna Iwasaki52.87
10Q清 水 咲 衣 Sae Shimizu52.56
11Q鴨 井 彬莉彩 Arisa Kamoi52.36
12Q後 藤 千 弦 Chizuru Goto49.25
13Q吉 本 玲 Rei Yoshimoto49.01
14Q柚 木 心 結 Miyu Yonoki49.00
15Q高 橋 萌 音 Mone Takahashi46.56
16Q磯 村 彩 姫 Saki Isomura46.25
17Q大 坪 瑚 子 Koko Otsubo46.20
18Q田 村 珠里亜 Juria Tamura44.73
19Q吉 井 絹 恵 Kinue Yoshii44.44
20Q高 岡 も も Momo Takaoka43.18
21Q森 実 愛 Miai Mori42.45
22Q片 山 緋奈子 Hinako Katayama42.17
23Q緒 方 美 揺 Miyura Ogata40.71
24Q木 村 芽 愛 Meai Kimura40.30
25FNR村 岡 那 菜 Nana Muraoka40.28
26FNR山 𥔎 藍 香 Aika Yamazaki39.47
27FNR杉 原 舞 香 Maika Sugihara38.41
28FNR永 川 実 咲 Misaki Eikawa38.04
29FNR横 田 胡 幸 Koyuki Yokota36.97
30FNR服 部 杏 奏 Akana Hattori36.22
31FNR佐 藤 葵 Aoi Sato33.42
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Pair final result:

1. Miyu Yonoki/Shoya Ichihashi 68.29 Total: 98.34
1Tw 3T-2T 5SLi 2FTh 2A 3Li 2STh 4Li ChSq FiDs PCoSp



⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Jr Women SP videos

Azusa Tanaka SP 65.86
Smile; choreo Cathy Reed

Ayumi Shibayama SP 64.36
Pure Imagination; choreo Cathy Reed

Ikura Kushida SP 62.45
The Piano (Michael Nyman); choreo Kenji Miyamoto

Sakurako Daimon SP 59.65
Emerald Tiger; choreo Cathy Reed

Maria Egawa SP 57.30
The Last Emperor

Kinayu Yokoi SP 55.84
Bei Mir Bist Du Schön; choreo Miho Kawaume

Hana Yoshida SP 55.44
Shine On You Crazy Diamond; choreo Cathy Reed

Marin Okamoto SP 55.38
NHK Taiga Drama~Naotora: The Lady Warlord; choreo Miki Ando

Haruna Iwasaki SP 52.87
So Long Farewell Goodbye; choreo Mari Araya

Sae Shimizu SP 52.56
Dark Eyes; choreo Cathy Reed
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Miyu Yunoki / Shoya Ichihashi FS 68.92

I thought this was actually more impressive than their SP
Really nice sbs 3T2T and 2A, successful 2LzTh and 2STh, and decent FiDs
This was soon after Miyu finished competing in the Jr Womens event (she skated 21st, 2nd to last group)

Narumi seems to be doing a good job coaching them
Hope they continue to work together and keep improving


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Miyu Yunoki / Shoya Ichihashi FS 68.92

I thought this was actually more impressive than their SP
Really nice sbs 3T2T and 2A, successful 2LzTh and 2STh, and decent FiDs
This was soon after Miyu finished competing in the Jr Womens event (she skated 21st, 2nd to last group)

Narumi seems to be doing a good job coaching them
Hope they continue to work together and keep improving
Thanks! That was quite impressive. And they seemed to enjoy the skating. So they should be making it to the National without problem?


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Thanks! That was quite impressive. And they seemed to enjoy the skating. So they should be making it to the National without problem?
I'm assuming they'll advance to Nationals...unless there's a level or score minimum that I'm unaware of that they haven't met to qualify


May 5, 2018
Miyu Yunoki / Shoya Ichihashi FS 68.92

I thought this was actually more impressive than their SP
Really nice sbs 3T2T and 2A, successful 2LzTh and 2STh, and decent FiDs
This was soon after Miyu finished competing in the Jr Womens event (she skated 21st, 2nd to last group)

Narumi seems to be doing a good job coaching them
Hope they continue to work together and keep improving
Thank you for this! I think they have great potential, their SBS jumps are great. Exciting to think Japan could have another good Pairs team!


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr. women final results:


Happy to see Nana coming back to take the lead!! :jump:

*As Hina Takeno will compete at Winter Universiade, her participation to Nationals is pending. So the 12th placement of Misaki Morishita will also advance.

1Q荒 木 菜 那 Nana Araki59.16115.07174.33
2Q白 岩 優 奈 Yuna Shiraiwa60.37106.55166.92
3Q山 下 真 瑚 Mako Yamashita63.13102.06165.19
4Q籠 谷 歩 未 Ayumi Kagotani52.80110.42163.22
5.Q三 宅 咲 綺 Saki Miyake56.41106.65163.06
6.Q浦 松 千 聖 Chisato Uramatsu55.95103.77159.72
7Q大 庭 雅 Miyabi Oba58.4299.45157.87
8Q野 口 望々花 Nonoka Noguchi54.69101.74156.43
9Q新田谷 凜 Rin Nitaya52.46101.70154.16
10Q竹 野 比 奈 Hina Takeno49.04102.98152.02
11Q竹 野 仁 奈Niina Takeno52.6997.05149.74
12Q森 下 実 咲 Misaki Morishita50.3395.13145.46
13FNR永 見 千代乃 Chiyono Nagami49.3394.55143.88
14FNR加 藤 利緒菜 Riona Kato55.4288.15143.57
15FNR酒 井 祐 香 Yuka Sakai48.1594.48142.63
16FNR田 村 綾 音 Ayane Tamura48.1191.81139.92
17FNR伊 勢 桃 菜 Momona Ise47.8489.22137.06
18FNR小 嶋 孝 夏 Kyoka Kojima45.3983.13128.52
19FNR永 田 絵美莉 Emiri Nagata45.7682.44128.20
20FNR西 坂 美 柚 Miyu Nishizaka45.7076.55122.25
21FNR高 村 幸 来 Saki Takamura47.1272.51199.63
22FNR加 藤 日向子 Hinako Kato37.8877.09114.97
23FNR渡 辺 真 央 Mao Watanabe43.6166.11109.72
24FNR三 善 友 奈 Yuna Miyoshi40.6765.57106.24