Edges and turns | Golden Skate

Edges and turns


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I've been meaning to come back to this topic. Found some time tonight.

I didn't want to just continue on from the Identifying Turns and MITF from the Sine Qua Non thread thread because that started in the middle of the topic instead of starting with the basics. I thought it might be useful to organize the thread more systematically. I'll start by copying an edited version of my last post in that thread, which should really be the beginning of the discussion.

Other skaters: Please suggest edits if you think I got something wrong or didn't explain clearly.

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Blades are the basis

The sport of figure skating is based on all the different ways that the human body can manipulate a pair of narrow blades fastened lengthwise along the bottom of the foot.

Figure skating blades are sharpened with two edges, one toward the inside side of the foot (inside edge) and one toward the outside of the foot (outside edge) with a narrow groove running between the two edges. Most figure skating skills are based on gliding forward or backward on one edge at a time, which produces a curved movement over the ice. These curves, and the curved tracings that the blades carve into the ice itself, are also referred to as “edges.”

Gliding on two feet at the same time in most cases removes most of the challenge of maintaining balance that the sport is based on. Gliding forward or backward on both edges of the blade at the same time results in straight-line motion. Blades moving sideways across the ice act as brakes, slowing or stopping the gliding motion. Stepping or hopping on the serrated teeth (toepicks) at the front of the blade allows for staccato motions in contrast to the basic gliding motion. Such moves can all be used for choreographic variety. But the fundamental techniques of figure skating consist of gliding on one edge at a time and transitioning from one edge to another.

Balance Glide Flow Edges Curves are all words that describe the fundamentals of good skating that the sport has always held among its highest values.

Speed and centripetal and centrifugal forces allow skaters to control their balance on the thin blades in positions that often cannot be sustained while standing still, on or off the ice. Deep lean over the edges, usually with deep knee bend to control, is highly valued.

Two edges on each foot (inside and outside) times two feet (right and left) times two directions of travel (forward and backward) yields a total of eight different edges: right forward inside, right forward outside, left forward inside, left forward outside, right backward inside, right backward outside, left backward inside, left backward outside. These are often abbreviated RFI, LBO, etc.

Each curve travels in either a clockwise (RFO, LFI, LBO, RBI) or counterclockwise (LFO, RFI, RBO, LBI) direction.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
If you change an odd number (one or three) of the three edge factors -- which foot you're on, whether you're on an inside or outside edge, or whether you're traveling forward or backward -- you'll change which direction you're curving (clockwise or counterclockwise). If you change an even number (zero or two) of those factors, you'll stay on the same curve.

Same edge

A single sustained edge can curve all the way around to make a circle. Two of the same kind of circle, one on each foot, makes a figure eight. (sorry, I can't find video examples of how these were done in beginning school figures; these are from the current US Moves in the Field tests)

Or the same edge if held long enough might start to curl in with decreasing diameter as it decreases in speed, drawing a spiral design on the ice. Since this was often done in an extended sustained body position, the position with free foot at or above hip height came to be known as a spiral.

Starting with a small circle and pulling it in to become even smaller draws a loop on the ice.
in moves in the field
two loop circles on one foot

Nonturning transitions between edges/curves

Stroking from one foot to the other on the same kind of edge keeps you moving forward (or backward, as the case may be) with alternating clockwise and counterclockwise curves. The general direction of movement will be a straight line (called the "long axis" in technical terms), with shallower or deeper curves on either side of that line, depending on the type of move and the skill level of the skater.

alternating forward outside edges (and then forward inside, back outside, and back inside)

back inside edges on hockey skates

back outside cross rolls

Changing edge on the same foot, the same principles apply.

forward serpentine figure

forward and backward power pulls

change-edge spiral

Changing foot and changing character of edge, while maintaining backward or forward travel maintains the same curve:

hockey crossovers

back crossovers, beginner and advanced versions



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Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Change between forward vs. backward and inside vs. outside, staying on the same foot, maintains the same direction of curve (CW or CCW).

Three turns rotate in the same direction that the edges are curving, drawing the shape of a 3 on the ice

how-to (start here for verbal introduction)

Forward and backward three turns in the field:
Forward outside-back inside
Forward inside-back outside

Double threes

Dances based on forward outside three turns:
European Waltz
American Waltz

Twizzles, whether single or multiple rotations, can start from any edge, but the focus is on continuous quick rotation rather than on the larger curves of the entry or exit edges. Almost always the rotation is in the same direction as the entry and exit curves.

In Brackets, the body rotates in the opposite direction from the continuous curve of the entry and exit edges -- this is called counterrotation. The blade draws the shape of a } on the ice -- kind of like an inside-out 3.

moves in the field

school figure

in freeskating


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Turning from backward to forward on the same foot while maintaining the same character of edge (outside or inside) changes the direction of the curve (CW or CCW), so they make an S shaped pattern on the ice with a turn between backward and forward at the point where the curve changes.

Counters go in like a bracket (rotating against the curve of the entry edge) and come out like a three turn (the exit edge continues the same direction as the turn rotation). The point of the turn points into the new circle.

counters (moves in the field; full pattern on outside edges then insides)

figure counters

back outside counter into double axel

Rockers go in like a three turn (same direction as the entry curve) and come out like a bracket (counterrotated). The point of the turn points into the original circle.

rockers (moves in the field; full pattern on outside edges then insides)

Rocker Foxtrot solo starting shortly before the rocker turn


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Mohawks change between forward vs. backward and change feet between right vs. left, maintaining character of edge (inside or outside), and maintain the same curve.

forward inside to back inside

dance mohawks, esp. forward outsides

open forward outside mohawk in solo Fourteenstep

closed forward outside mohawk in solo Rocker Foxtrot

Forward inside and back outside mohawks rotate in the same direction as the curve (natural rotation, like a three turn), whereas forward outside and back inside mohawks are counterrotated (like a bracket).

Back-to-forward mohawks are often just referred to as “step forward.”
Especially the back outside mohawk, which is usually just a transitional step, for instance from backward outside edge, stepping forward into a waltz jump

(If our toes could turn inward 180 degrees, we could do a natural-rotation turn on the ice from forward outside to back outside. Since human feet and hip joints don’t usually work that way, when we do make that natural-rotation transition from FO to BO, we do it in the air and call it a waltz jump, or an axel, if we add another rotation.)

backward inside step forward

Choctaws change all three factors (forward/backward, right/left, inside/outside), which changes the direction of the curve (clockwise/counterclockwise). The general pattern is an S shape.

dance choctaws

in The Blues CD

back inside to forward outside spin entrance

Choctaws can be counterrotated either on the entry (like a counter) or on the exit (like a rocker)
(Back-to-forward choctaws are also often unhighlighted transitions that are just called step forward. But a back inside choctaw would also rotate like a counter and back outside like a rocker.)

It takes skill to reverse the rotation quickly or with deep edges between forward and backward choctaws
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Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Thanks for these resources! Question about Step Sequences:

For the combination of 3 difficult turns, I'm wondering if a loop can be incorporated into it. This document (which might be out of date from current rules) says otherwise, http://www.usfsa.org/Content/Constructing Step Sequences.pdf, but I'm sure I've seen skaters put loops into their series. Plus, this document says that loops are considered difficult turns (http://www2.isu.org/vsite/vfile/page/fileurl/0,11040,4844-206986-224209-125742-0-file,00.pdf). Which is more up to date?
e.g. in my freeskate, I'm looking to start my SS with: LBI - LFI (counter), LFI - LBO (bracket), LBO-LBI (change of edge), LBI-LBI (loop)
But if that's not allowed I might have to switch it to a riskier: LBI - LFI (counter), LFI - LBO (bracket), LBO-LBI (change of edge), LBI-LFO 540 (twizzle)


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I don't know the answer for sure -- we'd have to ask a technical specialist or technical controller.

But if you're talking about singles skating, the second document you link would be more relevant as well as more up to date. And it does list "Two different combinations of 3 difficult turns (rockers, counters, brackets, twizzles, loops) executed with a clear rhythm within the sequence" as a feature, so I think the first combination you list should count for one of them (unless you completely lose the rhythm while executing it).
Jan 22, 2004
Thank you so much for compiling all of this information, gkelly. It is really really appreciated. <3


Dec 6, 2013
Thank you for all the work on this! I enjoyed reading it. Can I just add that skating blades used to be made of wood with no inside and outside edges?


On the Ice
Dec 8, 2013
Hoping someone here can help as I can't seem to find a video of it, but I am looking for information on a backwards inside Choctaw!

How it should be performed and then any common errors skaters make?



Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
In what context?

The common spin entrance is a back inside choctaw.

The US preliminary Moves in the Field test includes back inside choctaws as part of the power threes and alternating threes moves.

The center on the old first test threes to center figure was a back inside choctaw.

The technique for each of them would be somewhat different. Obviously the school figure would require the most precision, but not as much as shown by the advanced skater in this video.
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Final Flight
Jan 14, 2008
In what context?

The common spin entrance is a back inside choctaw.

The US preliminary Moves in the Field test includes back inside choctaws as part of the power threes and alternating threes moves.

The center on the old first test threes to center figure was a back inside choctaw.

The technique for each of them would be somewhat different. Obviously the school figure would require the most precision, but not as much as shown by the advanced skater in this video.

Gkelly, those are great video examples! I love the threes-to-center figure video!


On the Ice
Dec 8, 2013
In what context?

The common spin entrance is a back inside choctaw.

The US preliminary Moves in the Field test includes back inside choctaws as part of the power threes and alternating threes moves.

The center on the old first test threes to center figure was a back inside choctaw.

The technique for each of them would be somewhat different. Obviously the school figure would require the most precision, but not as much as shown by the advanced skater in this video.

Sorry for the delayed response - has been a busy week for me! The backwards inside Choctaw would be in the footwork context I guess as skaters next year will have to do a step sequence.

"A Turn Sequence is required consisting of the following steps: Forward outside three-turn, backward cross-cut, backward inside Choctaw. This is to be repeated four times."

I am in Canada if that helps!


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
That sounds like the power three move that I linked above.

If you search on youtube for Preliminary MIF (3rd move) or Adult Bronze MIF (2nd move) tests, you should find examples of various skaters at that level doing the move the way it's done in the US. Possibly the Canadian pattern will have some differences.

What is this required for? Are you planning to have to skate this sequence? Will you be teaching it?


On the Ice
Dec 8, 2013
That sounds like the power three move that I linked above.

If you search on youtube for Preliminary MIF (3rd move) or Adult Bronze MIF (2nd move) tests, you should find examples of various skaters at that level doing the move the way it's done in the US. Possibly the Canadian pattern will have some differences.

What is this required for? Are you planning to have to skate this sequence? Will you be teaching it?

I will be teaching it to young skaters this coming season as it is a requirement in the skaters solo's. However these skaters are quite young so I believe the Choctaw might come out looking more like a Mohawk.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Probably not -- back inside mohawk isn't really easier.

They need to get onto a forward outside edge for the next three turn. Probably they'll just do that however they can, e.g., wide stepped. There doesn't seem to be a requirement that the step is neat or that the free foot touches the skating foot before stepping onto the new edge. But try the pattern yourself to see where your weight needs to be to help control the pattern.

(From personal experience, I'd say that the harder part of this pattern is holding the first BI edge, the exit of the three turn, long enough to be able to be ready to change curves with a wide step from inside to inside -- if you put the other foot down too soon after the three, it'll be on an outside edge still on the same curve, and then you have to change edge on both feet to start the back crossover.)
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Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Is it possible to bump this thread after all this time?

It seems that most of the links are still active.