Anyone else wake up at 7 to watch practice even though it wasn't on until 9? Just me? OK. Currently pairs are warming up and I'm trying to find Debbie in the audience.
And Queen Deanna takes the stage and the screen goes black. Oh it's back, ok. I missed what they were practicing. They look great, no falls or big errors. I guess that was their free, it was 4 minutes
The Italian team is up and sorry I'm not even going to attempt the names. Everyone is favoring all black practice gear. They are practicing their free and the Crawfoods are up next. I see Lume butt deodorant is a sponsor, really USFS? Truly sorry for butchering of names, this is early for me. They had a freakish fall, got up and are laughing about it.
Team R/S from Germany is now skating (it's the 2nd warmup group). Warhorse music that I've forgotten the name of but everyone and their dog has skated to. At least they have changed the Peacock banner from "can't stop watching" to "Peacock". Alexa and Brandon, the WORLD CHAMPIONS are up and the announcer flubs their names They're getting applause before they start practicing. She's got such a big smile and Iove her smile. They look so confident and well they should.
And it is Plazas/Fernandez of the USA, I'm sure they are children to many. They did have a fall but honestly look happy to be there. Oops another fall.
Alexa and Brandon getting a fair amount of camera time but everyone else has their share too which is nice..
I leave at 12:15 for doctors appointment but I am glued til then with coffee number 2
Wesley Chu of Canada is practicing first. Now here is Roman of Canada. Wil we get good Roman or bad Roman this comp? That was his short and he looked good, applause after his skate. MK of Estonia is up next, more applause from the crowd