Skating Pet Peeves & Moves You Dislike | Page 5 | Golden Skate

Skating Pet Peeves & Moves You Dislike


On the Ice
Oct 6, 2017
Thank you for a great topic!

- skin coloured gloves. Emmi Peltonen, i'm looking at you.
- tights over the skates, either fully or just over the back. Just hate them.
- rushed moves and spirals, having everything for the sake of transitions (sadly, the current judging system rewards this)
- hair that isn't tied up (Laurine)
- rushed landing positions and moving directly to the next transition. Just keep it for a while, makes the successful jump seem even more amazing!
- slow spins
- tanos and rippons. Even when they are well-executed, I prefer the normal position.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
thought of another one - costume changes mid program. it works for exhibitions and I love it, but it's stupid during competitive programs especially when it can become a distraction.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
I have always hated the Bielmann - even when Bielmann was doing it. I think it's an ugly and awkward position. And I'm fast starting to dislike the arms over the head on EVERY jump in the program.

Could not agree more, when Denise Bielmann started doing that spin, I thought what a god-awful fugly spin, thank heavens it will go away with her.

Which is about in line with all my other predictions:laugh2:


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
Just remembered another pet peeve - backloading!!! It makes for a very jumbled up program. Again we're losing the beautiful style of skating to pander for points. Blechhhh!!!!


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
Backloading, more than one Tano in a program, I-spins where the skater bends her leg in front to get into position (Alina, Bradie, for example); most I-spins in general (Sasha set the standard, Julia exceeded it; only Mirai and Satoko are doing good ones now); most Biellmans (Elena R. has the best but her future is in question); A-spins (AKA butt-spins); wimpy double axels (most skaters these days). Will add more if I think of others.

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that practically all there is to her ChSq this season? Along with a couple spread eagles?

That's all her ChSq has been in every program, this short spiral, a short spread eagle, and one random step or turn. Yet the judges continually give the element +2 or even +3 GOE.


Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
Pet Peeves:

--The dreaded shoulder shimmies
--The dog pee spin and (of course) the butt spin (Best/worst butt spin was when a young lady was doing a wonderful sequence of spins, but right as she launched into her butt spin, the announcer accidentally said "Isn't that lovely?" cringe....)
--Excessive touching of the hair and/or face
--Transitions that are cookie cutter, meaningless, poorly executed, unimaginative, and have nothing to do with the music


May 25, 2017
My #1 pet peeve is definitely bad layback positions. Prime example being Yuna's layback; it was fine at the start of her career, but come Sochi I physically cringed even thinking about it. Never understood why that was (is?) a required element. Also not a fan of laybacks with the free leg close to the spinning leg. Yulia used to do that one which I thought was a pity as she was flexible enough to hold it higher.

Another big one is when skaters don't finish their movements. Zagitova tends to do this which is a shame because especially her fs could be great if she wouldn't rush things as much. She's improved but I still don't think she should be getting the pcs that she gets, though that's another topic entirely.


Final Flight
Feb 11, 2007
Repeating what’s already been said but here are mine:

-Any triple-2T-2T combo
(I’m fine with -2T-2Lo and -2Lo-2Lo as the third jump follows the second immediately leaving no awkward rhythmic pause)

-A whatever-half loop-salcow combo that appears as if the free leg is scratching the ice during the prep for the salcow

-the technique used by some ladies preceeding a triple jump where they make a distractingly big swinging rotational motion with their forearms in order to produce sufficient rotational momentum for the jump


On the Ice
Aug 29, 2017
Pet peeve: not a skating move, but my biggest pet peeve from skating in general is commentators who talk all the way through a program. Commenting what an element is was helpful for me as a newbie, but beyond that it's just so distracting! I don't care if its positive or negative, save it for the replays please!! Let me watch in peace!


Jan 17, 2014
My #1 pet peeve is definitely bad layback positions. Prime example being Yuna's layback; it was fine at the start of her career, but come Sochi I physically cringed even thinking about it. Never understood why that was (is?) a required element. Also not a fan of laybacks with the free leg close to the spinning leg. Yulia used to do that one which I thought was a pity as she was flexible enough to hold it higher.

Another big one is when skaters don't finish their movements. Zagitova tends to do this which is a shame because especially her fs could be great if she wouldn't rush things as much. She's improved but I still don't think she should be getting the pcs that she gets, though that's another topic entirely.

For Zagi’s DQ LP, I realize why those rushed moves looked so jarring for me. It’s that tutu. She tends to bend over a lot and that tutu flashing up in those frantic 75% finished bendy moves just don’t cut it for me. If the transitional moves were smoothened and polished out to completion, I believe it will look much better.