Russian Test Skates 2014 | Page 22 | Golden Skate

Russian Test Skates 2014


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
I/Z were the brave ones. Its one thing to skate an exhibition program quite another to present your competitive programs as a brand new team in front of all your team-mates. It must have been quite an experience for I/Z. I wish them well with their open skate.

Sisinka, thank you for the reminders. I hadn't realized they had originally committed to attend the closed rentals. But have you seen the new interview from Zueva?


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
From Bing translator:
The famous coach Marina Zueva in an exclusive interview with the newspaper.«Ru» spoke about working with the new Russian duo Victoria Sinicinoj/Nikita Kacalapovym, and shares her thoughts on the likelihood of return to sports Vancouver and Sochi Olympic champions Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir and Meryl Davis/Charlie White.

— By some reports, the number of athletes with whom you worked this summer, was never popular. In fact, if we take the number of students, it has not changed. Just constantly came someone to program. This year, for example, was more than usual, dancing couples. Three weeks here held Italian duo Anna Cappellini and Luca Lanotte. I can say that I was impressed with this joint work.

This couple on the ice have always been very pronounced relationship, they have long ride together, and there is a thing called chemistry, his style. It was very interesting to me to look for some new ideas, identify new dramatic talent. We worked together with Massimo Scali and, of course, with Oleg Epstein.

Is what will appear in the new season, the current world champions in ice dancing?

They came with the music that has been their coach Paola Meccadri, and ideas. We only collect the whole composition. But since this is not my idea, I would not like to talk about it first.

Are you as Belorussian, easier or more difficult to work with someone else's idea for a program?

— In different ways. It happens that the music is not the performers, no time, no rules. Then I just change. But in this case it was just an exceptional hit.

You agree that by winning the European Championships and the World Championships, Anna and Luke might end amateur career. And once they have decided to continue to skate in the new Olympic cycle, only to discover something new. And I hope that we can this new show.

— Among your regular pupils now Russian pair Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov, one of the most anticipated new duos in ice dancing. I know that you have thought on the topic of their free dance and even changed the plan. The final version is already clear?

A theme is chosen, Yes. But I do not like to talk about it. Besides, I always give their students the opportunity to decide when they are ready to announce the theme of their programs.

This new duo. And I particularly want to do not just have the Russian students, and create the perfect couple in the ice dancing. But it takes time.

We work together and somehow very happily, long, long time. But, as I said, this process will take time, it is difficult to say as much. Victoria just 19 years old, she has much to learn. However, not only to her. And I, all of us. (Smiling.)

If you compare what it was at the beginning, and that there are now, the picture is completely different. But this is not the final result. So far I can only say that when Victoria and Nikita on ice, the eye of them can tear off no one. Whoever was at the skating rink, all stop and stare.

This strikingly beautiful couple. But it's not just that they look good. They have a strength of spirit, which helps a lot in the work of all the coaches. And the amazing high speed capabilities.

Now we are learning how to perform at that speed all the elements of a technically correct. It is difficult, but very impressive.
Plus the guys need to find your own style of sui, a dialogue between a man and a woman.

-Have you ever tried before the start of the season in the Grand Prix series to their students, including Olympic champions Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, and Meryl Davis and Charlie White, on some kind of small table tournaments to check programs under combat conditions. With Sinicinoj and Kacalapovym do the same?

— I'd love to, and such plans are. But even more eager to even the first competitions of Victoria and Nikita feel totally comfortable. That they did not need to overstrain.

Each held together in the minute brought them happiness. And while this was happening. Also it should be and at competitions. But you need to be well prepared, in the right condition. And yet they only develop skills and gain material for all items.
They learn relationships with each other. This process cannot be accelerated artificially.

-Any unexpected problems were?

-Yes there is. Still, this is not my first pair. No surprises, thank God it wasn't.

-Nikita Katsalapov told that surprised when calling you and telling about the idea of skate with Victoria you have just heard the agreement.

"Well first, I immediately said" Yes ". I took a day to think about. I just always think and take a decision very quickly.
You know, when He explained what he wants, I enjoyed it very much — as a professional and as a coach. I liked his approach to the commencement of work. A certain period in the career of Nikita and ended very successfully is a bronze of the Sochi Olympics, which had a lot of candidates. And it imposes on me big responsibilities. We are entering a new stage of his career, and I very much hope that this will also be the path to the top.

Now I hear from him that part of his motivation was to please the audience. It is very in tune with my own relation to work. In life people have so much difficulty. And if my students at four and a half minutes that lasts for a program, will make someone happier, lure, can be considered to be its primary task has been implemented. This is very consistent with what I heard then from Nikita, and therefore took a decision so quickly.

Are you asking what happened with previous partner? Or you are not interested?

— Of course, I asked. The couple was extraordinary and beautiful result. But Nikita has a very professional arguments. I was enough.

-You did not try to dissuade the take on this duo?

-No. Doubts expressed quite a lot. (After a pause.) Not even a doubt. Rather, argued that it would be difficult. Oh sure will! And where and to whom it happens easily?

— How are you your other students — the American duo of Maya and Alex Šhibutani?

The program is already ready. American judges came to view them and expressed their approval. Maia and Alex this year as something very grown up. Many offer analysis. They have such a scientific, academic approach to figure skating, in a different way though. (Laughs.) And this is me also helps.

— Now that the Group has no Virtue/Moir and Davis/White, it turns out, they were older.

— Yes. They age and barely older than Nikita and Victoria. And when Anna and Luca came, they took senior status, and age, and titles, and all around. I'm actually really glad they came. Such a huge sample excerpts, attitude to work.

You know, it's actually very hard to train young. It is difficult to train with such a pair, as Nikita and Victoria, with their youth, strength, passion, enthusiasm, beauty.

Cappellini and Lanotte but showed perfect example of professional approach, the impact on training. I was shocked with what they were listening to me attentively. Didn't have the feeling that this is a new pair for me. I am quite peculiar. But Anna and Luca understood literally everything I say.

— For good reason, probably, out of all the contenders for the World Championship Gold Medal — 2014 won him the Italians. — Nothing is just wrong. Now, after working with them, I can say that their victory in the European Championships and the world is not an accident but a regularity. They had a lot of coaches, and all they have is the best.

Is your famous disciples, Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Vancouver, and Olympic champions Meryl Davis and Charlie White, who won the Games in Sochi 2014 took a break in his career. You missed them?

— Of Course. They are like children to me. But Tessa and Scott's home in Canada, it is necessary to understand. This is it's not very far away, three hours of road, but still. I hope they will come sometime, but until they have the deeds, they were touring. But Meryl and Charlie come to us on the ice, they train, getting ready for the show. Although there are of course different.

Know what Tessa with Scott takes time because they made the feat in sports. Especially Tessa.

— Do you mean her two operations on her legs? — Not two, four.

-The duo have not yet formally put the point in his amateur career. You have discussed the matter with them? At least to understand how to manage their own time in the new Olympic cycle.

-No. You know, about the time I love to say that it is at all and always. You can always say that in humans, for example, there is no time to go to the gym. But in fact he just uses it for something else. Correctly? But if the goal was every day to go to the gym, then the person simply redistributed to its time.

So I always have time for all students. We have ice from six in the morning until six in the evening, you can train non-stop. It would be desire. If it is, there's always time.

— That is, if after a year or two they will come and say: we are missing at the Marina, the "citizen" ... is it all can be. Katia Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov once and came to Canada, saying: we are missing. Prepared and delivered.

By the way, I wanted to ask you about Meryl Davis, which amazed everyone in the United States in the "Dancing With the Stars." Have you been surprised by its transformation?

-Absolutely not. When their only invited to this show, I first said: Meryl will win! And so it happened. I was just pleased to have been able to show all their talent.

And then, you didn't think that she won the Olympic Games without the charm and sexuality?

Yes, but their pair with White was still quite a different image. They resembled rather a brother and sister. Another partner is always the other relationships. The same Nikita: new partner-a different style. And everyone is waiting for, everyone is interested to see this.

The more you need to keep in mind that Davis and White have always stood in contrast to the Virtue and Moir. And those, in turn, was absolutely exceptional chemistry between a man and a woman. What is Nikita and Victoria. The new pair that I, frankly, excites and fascinates.

As a coach, you'd like to see your students — Vancouver and Sochi Olympic champions still tried to come back?

"I really don't think about it, because I have now a whole new direction in his work.

But if we talk about this subject, I see that the era of Tessa and Scott and Meryl and Charlie in ice dancing is complete. It's all feel and understand. These two pairs have made enormous contributions to the development of their own species. For example, dancing men steel watch. I have said many times that husbands name is wife to the television set when starting to show dancing on ice. Consider this your greatest achievement. (Laughs.)

Of course, their return possible. But both duos for this must have a lot of energy and strength. Because just continue what they have done before, you cannot. You will need to do something new, coming up with everything from the beginning. And if they want to open new talents and abilities, physical and psychological, of course, it will be interesting. And if you just go back with nothing better to do, nothing happens.
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Jan 28, 2010
-Have you ever tried before the start of the season in the Grand Prix series to their students, including Olympic champions Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, and Meryl Davis and Charlie White, on some kind of small table tournaments to check programs under combat conditions. With Sinicinoj and Kacalapovym do the same?

— I'd love to, and such plans are. But even more eager to even the first competitions of Victoria and Nikita feel totally comfortable. That they did not need to overstrain.

Each held together in the minute brought them happiness. And while this was happening. Also it should be and at competitions. But you need to be well prepared, in the right condition. And yet they only develop skills and gain material for all items.
They learn relationships with each other. This process cannot be accelerated artificially.

-Any unexpected problems were?

-Yes there is. Still, this is not my first pair. No surprises, thank God it wasn't.

I think ths confirms they are not ready and they will not skate because of that. :sarcasm:


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
So far I can only say that when Victoria and Nikita on ice, the eye of them can tear off no one.
Whoever was at the skating rink, all stop and stare.

This strikingly beautiful couple. But it's not just that they look good. They have a strength of spirit, which helps a lot in the work of all the coaches. And the amazing high speed capabilities.

This woman sounds like a broken record. Always the same old thing. Snoooooze!


Final Flight
Jun 14, 2014
"You can't take your eyes of them!" Honestly, is there anyone who doesn't say that about his students?
It's simply her duty. She is their coach, she has to promote them in some way (and thereby promote herself) :laugh:
People will form their own opinions on them at the Rostelecom Cup, but if Viktoria doesn't start to show some emotions and gets away from her "robotic" way, I will take my eyes of them very easily!
(and rather look at someone of who people REALLY can't take their eyes...*clears throat* ...Elena)

Of course my opinion is based on personal preference, but all in all I simply think that's how it is.


Nov 25, 2006
Sisinka, thank you for the reminders. I hadn't realized they had originally committed to attend the closed rentals. But have you seen the new interview from Zueva?

Thanks Doris for translation, I started with translation of part which was not there in the moment when I noticed the article, but as I can see the translation is already there….put I will post it here, because it gives me better sense than Big translator.

…there is some more info about Vika and Nikita which was not translated…
whether Zueva plans to take them at B-competition before Grand Prix:
“I'd love to, there are such plans. But even more I want them to feel comfortable even in their first competition. So that they wouldn’t need to overwork.
So that they would be happy in each minute during working together at practise. This should be at competition as well. But it needs to be well prepared, in the right condition. And right now, they are just gaining skills and gaining material for all elements. They learn the relationship with each other. This process can not be accelerated artificially.“

to Nikita’s first call:
“Well, first, I did not say "yes" immediatelly. I took a day to think about it. I just always think and make a decision very quickly.

You know, when Nikita explained what he wants, I really enjoyed it - as a professional and as a coach. I liked his approach to the top job. A certain period in Nikita‘s career is over, and very successfully - bronze Olympic Games in Sochi, for which there were many contenders. And it leaves me a big commitment. We are starting a new round of his career, and I hope a lot that this will be the path to the top also.

Now I hear from Nikita, that part of his motivation - to delight the viewer. It goes with my own attitude to work. In life, people have so much difficulty. And if my students will make someone happier, carry away for four and a half minutes, which lasts the program, it can be considered that their main job was done. This is very much in tune with what I heard then from Nikita, and therefore I decided so quickly.“

whether she asked what happened between him and Lena:
”Of course, I asked. In fact the couple was extraordinary and had wonderful result. But Nikita told a very professional arguments. It was enought for me.”

whether somebody tried to persuade her not to take the couple:
”No. Many people expressed their doubts. (After a pause.) Do not even doubts. Rather told that it will be difficult. Well it certainly will be! But where and to whom it is easy?”


Nov 25, 2006
Sisinka, thank you for the reminders. I hadn't realized they had originally committed to attend the closed rentals. But have you seen the new interview from Zueva?

Zueva is speaking very nicely about Cappellini & Lanotte, but she straightly says that the couple came to her with music and idea and it was her (Zueva) and her team who created programs – the whole composition. But I read somewhere that programs were already done sooner by somebody else???

It is great that Vika & Nikita’s FD is already done, it was already frightening to make it done so late.

Zueva: “So far I can only say that when Victoria and Nikita on ice, no one can’t take eyes from them. Whoever is at the skating rink, they all stop and watch. They are strikingly beautiful couple.“

I would prefer to hear this from fans, not coaches. But sometimes it is too much, especially that BEAUTY thing. I really don’t know if Marina Zueva realises that using such words she makes a feeling that:
A) All other dancers are ugly or at least not so beautiful like Vika & Nikita. For example both Tessa and Meryl and Anna and Maia are looking totally different than Victoria (and different than Nikita even more), so Zueva wants to say that all those other girls are not so pretty? She thinks it sooo much that she must point Vika & Nikita’s beauty in every article?
B) Top coach who describes qualities of the couple - and makes the main advantage from their look (and she always talks about beauty on the first place)…well, and what part of Technical or Component mark this reflects?

Zueva: “And the amazing high speed capabilities. Now we are learning how to perform at that speed all the elements technically correct in such speed. It is difficult, but very impressive.“

I believe that they are very very fast. But thanks to ISU, I was able to watch some programs from Junior Grand Prix and I saw even some junior couples with very very fast and dynamic cross overs. Thanks to a fact that good quality programs must contain many difficult turns in close holds in step sequences, twizzles and also it should contain a lot of transitions – there is a hard work in from of Vika & Nikita, I agree. If the couple will be able to keep high speed without using hoops like some other couples and keep the difficult choreo in the same moment, it will be great.

Zueva: “They learn the relationship with each other. This process can not be accelerated artificially.“

As I remember Nikita told in articles that he and Vika are in great relationship, they are already used to each other and they even breath like one person. Zueva doesn’t agree saying that they need to learn the relationship?

Zueva: “But even more I want them to feel comfortable even in their first competition.“

Zueva wants them to feel comfortable and well prepared at competition, it is nice that she wishes them this…but I don’t think this can be sooner then after about 5 years of working and skating together. And maybe never. Every year we watch couples entering the ice, couples who skate together 9 seasons (Cappellini & Lanotte), 8 seasons (Weaver & Poje), 14 seasons (Bobrova & Soloviev), and 6 straight seasons for Ilinykh & Katsalapov. Every time their faces are full of stress and nervousness – because that’s how high level competitions work (and how high athletes nerves work).

You can be ready for 120% at practise, and then just entering the ice ring and feeling the atmosphere of big competition - you can loose all your confidence and skills. Suddenly you start to hesitate about your skills, your body freeze and you feel sloppy even in cross overs. The feelings are even worse when you enter the ice and realise that you must show everything right now with no possibility of re-correction (like you may do at practise). If you don’t control your nerves - then you suddenly start to make mistakes and you “don’t know why“ – maybe because of stress?

Some posts ago I made quite unpopular recap of what happened last season at competitions to Russian dancers – how many fatal mistakes they did and Lena & Nikita were leading the list as to numbers of fatal mistakes. And let me to repeat that after all those mistakes (from smaller mistakes like stepped out in steps, uncontrolled twizzles by Nikita; to big mistakes like fall during lift, fall during twizzles, not doing twizzles at all) – both Lena and Nikita always told: “It never happened at practise, we don’t know what happened!“

If Zueva really wants to keep her students out of competitions as long as possible…maybe a miracle will happen and the couple will skate clean and maybe they will even get good levels (but the presentation will be very questionable, because first audition of dance is never so strong in presentation like in later times). But if the stress which is hunting all skaters for whole life will appear (even in bigger measure thanks to no competive experience) and Vika & Nikita will not be able to keep it under control – then we can see something what will remind all last years I&K‘s mistakes put in one program. Personally I don’t want to see it.

Zueva: “In life, people have so much difficulty. And if my students will make someone happier, carry away for four and a half minutes, which lasts the program, it can be considered that their main job was done.“

I would change it a little into: “In life, people have so much difficulty. And if your skating will make someone happier, carry away for four (or four and half) minutes, it worth it.“

During last few years I told this to some skaters to persuade them to realise that points are not the only thing in their lifes…
It is great to hear that even such famous coach like Zueva shares this approach…

One funny note: I would kindly ask Nikita to take ISU rules and read the music requirements. I wouldn’t like to see Vika & Nikita getting music deduction because Nikita wants to keep four a half minutes FD, while only four minutes plus minus 10 seconds are allowed.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
It is great that Vika & Nikita’s FD is already done, it was already frightening to make it done so late.

She didn't said it's done. She said "A theme is chosen, Yes. But I do not like to talk about it. Besides, I always give their students the opportunity to decide when they are ready to announce the theme of their programs.
She says that the programs for Shibs are ready.

Zueva is speaking very nicely about Cappellini & Lanotte,

Do you really think so?

In Zueva's words: Now, after working with them, I can say that their victory in the European Championships and the world is not an accident but a regularity.

Zueva new C&L not only as skaters but she has worked with them before also. Therefore, she had an opinion about them as skaters.
Only now, after they went to her, she thinks that their WC was so obvious "regularity"? ;)
Basically she is saying that before I thought C&L were not worthy of European and World titles.
Now they are. :rolleye:


Jan 28, 2010
One funny note: I would kindly ask Nikita to take ISU rules and read the music requirements. I wouldn’t like to see Vika & Nikita getting music deduction because Nikita wants to keep four a half minutes FD, while only four minutes plus minus 10 seconds are allowed.

Vera Costa

Feb 16, 2014
Know what Tessa with Scott takes time because they made the feat in sports. Especially Tessa.

— Do you mean her two operations on her legs? — Not two, four.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as it is publicly known, Tessa has had two surgeries right? One in 2008 and the other in 2010. They didn't participate in the GPF series both those years. Where is Marina getting the other two from?:confused:


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as it is publicly known, Tessa has had two surgeries right? One in 2008 and the other in 2010. They didn't participate in the GPF series both those years. Where is Marina getting the other two from?:confused:

Maybe she is counting it as two surgeries on each leg.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Don't you remember her words after break up news of Ilinykh/Katsalapov? You know how they born to skate together bla,bla... Couple of weeks later she thought Elena looked ''too old'' next to her skater :laugh: Good turn:thumbsup: :laugh:

Yep, and also this, from the same article:

Lena and Nikita left the strongest impression.

Ilinykh and Katsalapov really stand out from the row.

Really?! Not Anna&Luca, the World Champions? :rolleye:

Oh I forgot. They were not officially with Marina back then. ;)