2015 Skate America Mens SP Oct 23 | Page 25 | Golden Skate

2015 Skate America Mens SP Oct 23

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
High 80's?! With PCS of 45 points? :laugh: Aaron's speed is much superior to Pitkeev, and Pitkeev still has many juniorish qualities about him. I think he's a more elegant skater than Aaron, but Aaron very clearly outskated Adian.

PCS of 45, wut? No. 40 PCS could have put him there with his tech.

I don't see Aaron's speed as superior to Pitkeev's. Maybe at the very start of the program because he is doing nothing but crossovers going into his opening combo. If you look at how they actually build speed from a stop, Pitkeev wins.

As for your erroneous numbers they mean nothing. We've been through this a 1000 times. It doesn't matter what scores the judges give. It doesn't make it a fact. It doesn't make it correct. Try looking at the skating. Aaron only even outscored Pitkeev on spins here because the tech panel wrongly did not give the latter credit for one of his positions in the combination spin and that automatically knocked off the points. It had to have been the sit position, but Pitkeev did 2 revolutions with the butt down at knee level for the sit. It was barely there but he got it.

Max did a 4-3 to Adian's 3-3. He did a harder quad (salchow).

This means nothing. Adian did the quad. Doing a 4-3 is worthless in this system unless you are doing 2 quads in the SP. Max gets a .2 bonus doing Salchow instead of Toeloop. Pitkeev gets 1.28 point bonus for doing more jumps later in the program. Pitkeev wins on base value by 1.08 points. That's how it goes.

Pitkeev is a young, unestablished skater and this is Skate America. The reason for the result is obvious.
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Zamboni time
On the Ice
Apr 21, 2014
Just watch men's SP~ Jason's spins so fast! But I feel he's too rush with the choreography maybe will be more at ease as season progress~

Mura seems to be having problem with his jumps rotation which is rare for him~ but my oh my what a lovely choreography Charlie made for him! Very liking what I'm seeing right now! Love some of the fluid movement!

Max definitely earn that marks but he could go further if he polish his spin a bit~ I watch him after watching Jason... its a stark contrast in spin...

ETA: Menshov quads are huge!! But I can't put my finger on what was he missing with this routine.

Well back to watching the others XD
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Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
When all the judges in the event score someone 7.50 or lower
I usually would wonder first maybe it looked different there than it did on the Live stream.

Jeremy Abbott was getting 6's for PCS for great performances back when he was an unknown, a month and a half before he won the Grand Prix Final that year.

Yuzuru Hanyu's PCS at 2011 Cup of China with an awesome SP performance = 36. Some judges had him down in the 6's on components. Why? Because he still didn't have enough senior reputation at that point.

Pitkeev will earn his way upward but it's too bad it ever has to be about that.


Dec 3, 2014
Woke up to highlights and seeing Aaron on top and Jason in the middle. My god has my predictions gone codswallop.:jaw::jaw::jaw:


Record Breaker
Feb 6, 2014
I just woke up and saw the results. What happened (again) to Denis?:cry: This becomes so frustrating. He can't be forever that talented skater that can win but almost never does. It's sad that events like last year's Four continents are the exceptions and not days like this.
Even if he's going to have a magical 190+ FS and win, his lack of consistency should give him something to think about.
After The artist I said well this guy will surely become a world champion one day. :no:


Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2014
Saw the competition live & before I forget everything... a few brief notes.

I hate that Han Yan gets stuck with these jazzy warhorses from Lori... I think he deserves much better than that. I personally like his skating better than Denis's.

Adian and Kostya were great - Adian definitely should have been a bit higher..

Max was good, but again not feeling this generic program. Brendan was fun to watch. Poor Alexei - despite his issues I really did like his program.

I like Shoma a bit more after seeing him live, but can't say the same for Jason, sorry. The mugging and the suspenderography is just so cheesy.

I like Mura, but I really disliked his program. Not a good fit, most annoying version ever of Dark Eyes, just...unpleasant.

I don't like opera vocals in skating, so Denis's program was another miss. Ross was about as exciting as a bowl of oatmeal.

Sorry if this sounds too negative, I did really like most of the guys, really.


Final Flight
Sep 13, 2015
Jeremy Abbott was getting 6's for PCS for great performances back when he was an unknown, a month and a half before he won the Grand Prix Final that year.

Yuzuru Hanyu's PCS at 2011 Cup of China with an awesome SP performance = 36. Some judges had him down in the 6's on components. Why? Because he still didn't have enough senior reputation at that point.

Pitkeev will earn his way upward but it's too bad it ever has to be about that.

It's great to see that this system is improving, (At least no judges give Pitkeev or Shoma 6's for his senior debut)
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Final Flight
Mar 18, 2013
I can forgive a lot of things in figure skating. However, if you're gonna use a piece like Nessun Dorma, and show absolutely zero emotion or expression at the crescendo of the piece, why use the damn music? He's still skating as through he isn't listening to the music, the moves in between the jumps, while getting better, are still not up to snuff. It's all speed and power, and while it's impressive, there is zero impact other than me respecting his talent for skating fast and jumping. He's still a skater that relies on the clean program to give the emotion, rather than creating the emotion through expression of the music with his program.

He was better here, and the clean short helped, but he still looks like, to me, a hockey player who is "doing" figure skating, rather than a figure skater skating a program. Maybe I'm being too critical, but he's just got so much DAMN talent for the athletic part of the sport that the lagging aesthetic part drags the whole thing down for me.

Ice Dance

Record Breaker
Jan 26, 2014
I just woke up and saw the results. What happened (again) to Denis?:cry: This becomes so frustrating. He can't be forever that talented skater that can win but almost never does. It's sad that events like last year's Four continents are the exceptions and not days like this.
Even if he's going to have a magical 190+ FS and win, his lack of consistency should give him something to think about.
After The artist I said well this guy will surely become a world champion one day. :no:

Calm. Denis is a late-season skater. If you sign up to be a fan, this is what you sign up for. We're lucky he's here. He had to withdraw from the Autumn Classic due to injury and only got the go-ahead to do full workouts at the beginning of October. (He missed his quad & then botched his final spin--sigh--in the short). Overall, though, I think this is just his process. Every year, he tackles two new programs, and I really believe it just takes him a certain number of competition run-throughs to reach the point where the programs are his.

But seriously, he has World silver, Olympic bronze, 4CC gold, and World bronze. That's four fabulous competitions three seasons running under the most intense level of competition you can face. He puts it together when it counts, and he can bring the crowd to its feet all over the World. Do you know what most of these guys would give for that ability?

It's not just three seasons either. Even during the early years (and Denis had a lot of rough years), he has always peaked late in the season. 2009, 2010, and 2012.

I would love for Denis to be World Champion. But when and if that happens, it will likely be during a season in which he skates just about like this at Skate America.


Nov 2, 2012
Pitkeev have been so inconsistent last year so hopefully he will skate clean LP. If he stay consistent this year that PCS will go up I think it will be easy for him to overtake Kovtun. Ofcourse it doesnt hurt that he is a looker too. lol.

Max! Yasssss! So happy for him. hopefully he will skate a clean LP.

Han yan is a very good skater but very awkward performer. Need to loosen up a bit.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
That's a wrap! ...

Thx, satine94.

The PROTOCOLS have been discussed to some extent, but for posterity, here is the link (which no one ever posted, AFAIK):

So happy for Max :yay:. No negative GOE. No underrotations.

Just back from the arena and reading thru the posts....because I haven't had enough skating yet!

The skate of the night for me was Max, I am just so happy it came together and he got that S.O. And even though it wasn't Jason's night, to see him perform in person was so cool. He lights up the arena. Ross gave an excellent skate too. He seemed so big on the ice but saw him in the concourse and he is small but quite handsome

One of my favorite posts in this thread. Thx, semosk8tfan.

Hat trick for Max: in chronological order, first the standing O; then the PB score; then when all was said and done, the SP win.

Gosh I'm nervous for everyone! I want them all to do their best, land their quads and may the best skater win!

The men are unpredictable as always. The FS will determine all.

... Yay for Max, very impressive and much more 'feeling' than when I saw him at WTT. ...

Tomorrow will be exciting!

And now Newbie's sentiments are in effect all over again for the FS :yes: .... which will be very exciting indeed :popcorn:. May the best man win.

I have never been a Max fan, but Wow Did He Bring It Tonight! That combo! That gorgeous delay on his Triple Axel! Speed, power, and much better line and extension than in the past. He won this fair and square.

Sad about my fave Jason. and Denis!

Hope Max won some new fans :yes: and will join their existing favorites.

I just missed the entire event. Anyone have videos?

Thx to Mao88, links to videos are in Doris' aptly named Skate America Videos thread.

And thx to Doris, the link to the Videos thread is in the OP of this thread.
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Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
I'm a little confused after watching the skates and reading the comments.
Max Aaron is the clear winner of the short (though he isn't point wise).
Han was not engaging at all, so very concentrated, almost tentative. Overscored.
Menshov hit his quads, is in good for and this was one of his better programs, I liked it.
Shoma and Pitkeev looked very promising, maybe Pitkeev should have received higher PCS, but he shouldn't have won the short (because he didn't do the quad out of steps and did that level 2 spin).
Ten's program had some very very nice moments, as well as Brown's. I really hope that they'll have good free skates, because I want to see them in the GPF.
It's a really close competiton, so the FS should be great fun to watch!