2015 World Team Trophy countries announced | Page 5 | Golden Skate

2015 World Team Trophy countries announced


Jan 11, 2014
Nah I don't think anyone judge him harshly because of that. Just to show some skaters don't enjoy WTT at all.
And I honestly can't blame them. It's fun in theory and fun to watch, but it's gotta feel awfully pointless in addition to being an unnecessary risk for them.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Totally agree with you… Even on this forum, our words, which are printed right here are often taken out of context ;) and the media often cuts interview, either by lack of time, or because they know how to create a more punchy story… I, of course, am a fan of Chan… and have watched over and over his interviews… he is not arrogant, very humble actually and very kind… At least, that is the image he succeeds to deliver on media. We all know how beat up these athletes are, even at nationals or worlds, and if just makes sense that another competition, especially of lesser importance that comes 3 weeks after season's peak is probably harsh on their minds and bodies. I do LOVE the WTT of course because we get to see more of our skaters so I hope they keep doing it… but perhaps there could be a less demanding format…maybe only the free skates… etc… I think the worst must have been at the olympics though… as they skated the Team event right before the individual events… Anyways… just chiming in in a less than concise manner to say that I agree that some fans make a whole with very little ;) Looking forward to more skating and official announcements about the Canadian team ;) (would be thrilled if Patrick would come out of retirement early… and hoping W/P will skate with all their heart again!)

The quote begins with "What if that had been me?" This question could've easily been preceded by Chan sympathizing with Menshov i.e. "I feel terrible that Menshov was injured during the event, especially so close to an Olympic year. What if that had been me?" It's possible he's expressing sympathy by imagining himself in Menshov's position. We don't have the interview transcript (unless we do somewhere?) so we have no idea, only what is presented in the article.

I don't hate Chan but I'm not a diehard fan. I just don't really have any interest in seeing skaters lambasted for quotes in articles that may or may not be taken out of context.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
And I honestly can't blame them. It's fun in theory and fun to watch, but it's gotta feel awfully pointless in addition to being an unnecessary risk for them.
I don't even know why they don't let skaters choose seriously. They're tired after a long event, let someone else who was not on the World Team do it.


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
I don't even know why they don't let skaters choose seriously. They're tired after a long event, let someone else who was not on the World Team do it.
I think the ISU wants the event to feel/be "legitimate." It does no good if all the top skaters skip out. Kinda like how people didn't take kindly to S/K skipping out Worlds.

I understand Scott's feelings and he's hardly a jerk to express them in that situation. But I also understand the ISU's perspective--from the POV of attracting viewers/money.


Record Breaker
Feb 23, 2014
I don't even know why they don't let skaters choose seriously. They're tired after a long event, let someone else who was not on the World Team do it.

So what if they were giving the choice? And they choose to skate... we know very little about what is happening behinf, I bet most of the selected skaters feel honored.


Record Breaker
Feb 23, 2014
Mura in fact is team captain :), according to another tweet.

Last year Akiko and Shizuka named Kozuka team captain for the new generation, but since Kozuka has been the most weak in the male department and Mura is the sempai I guess it was a logical choice.


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
If Mura can recovery from his injury by WTT, I understand including him instead of Kozuka. A somewhat healthy Mura is still competitive, when his head doesn't get in the way. Kozuka, though I feel for him and admire his SS like the rest of you, just doesn't seem to have the jumps anymore. Even at Nationals, he landed many of them on two-feet/borderline UR'ed. That's just not enough... :cry:

*sigh* no Dai, no Tatsuki...


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
So if Team Japan has announced, and Team Russia is half-announced...when do we know? *pacing anxiously*


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
:drama: seriously I really want some kind of mix teams, like Russian ice dancer + US single skater + Canadian pair... as a team! That could be FUN!!


Nov 19, 2013
Skaters are given a choice to go or not - the sanction is that if they fall into the "required" category and choose not to go they can't participate in any shows over the same period. Presumably people don't want to go because of tiredness & fear of injury, so surely they would not want to do shows for the same reason? I fail to see how this is a huge burden; if you don't want to go, you don't have to, and if you do go, the prize money is a huge reward and more than the skater would make doing say a an SOI date on the same weekend.

Scott was really rude - Patrick was doing his usual foot in mouth thing, but at least giving reasons, Daisuke was politely explaining why some skaters struggle with the event, but "OMG I hate this event" in the kiss & cry to be broadcast to everyone, in front of the organisers and all the fans who had paid to see them is just tacky.


May 24, 2013
Skaters are given a choice to go or not - the sanction is that if they fall into the "required" category and choose not to go they can't participate in any shows over the same period. Presumably people don't want to go because of tiredness & fear of injury, so surely they would not want to do shows for the same reason? I fail to see how this is a huge burden; if you don't want to go, you don't have to, and if you do go, the prize money is a huge reward and more than the skater would make doing say a an SOI date on the same weekend.

Scott was really rude - Patrick was doing his usual foot in mouth thing, but at least giving reasons, Daisuke was politely explaining why some skaters struggle with the event, but "OMG I hate this event" in the kiss & cry to be broadcast to everyone, in front of the organisers and all the fans who had paid to see them is just tacky.

Who said I hate this event? Scott or Dai?


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Russian team announced: Kovtun, Vonorov, Radionova, Tuktamysheva, I/Z, K/S.

I'd love to watch that. I really like K/S, I/Z, Liza and Voronov. Hopefully there'll be videos of that event somewhere, streams don't usually work for me.


Nov 19, 2013
I'd love to watch that. I really like K/S, I/Z, Liza and Voronov. Hopefully there'll be videos of that event somewhere, streams don't usually work for me.

I haven't seen anything about TV yet - I think in 2012 & 13 there was the ISU stream which was not geoblocked anywhere apart from Japan, and Icenetwork covers it, but I don't think any of the normal broadcasters have coverage.