Former French skaters come forward about sexual abuse in FFSG | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Former French skaters come forward about sexual abuse in FFSG


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019

Of course he should. The sporting pride of France is at stake:

And important decisions must be made regarding the future. Why do the French elite skaters train at this Florida rink, now tainted by Cipres and under investigation from SafeSport? To be as far away from Galhaguet as possible? FFSG paid and still pays for all this?

Latest editorial, Galhaguet incriminating others or still feigning innocence?: (subscribers only)

" The end of the omerta on sexual violence: the defense of Didier Gailhaguet scrutinized

In his defense, the president of the FFSG launched numerous assertions Wednesday, during his press conference. Some were imprecise, if not downright inaccurate."


On the Ice
Jan 10, 2014
In these instances, I never understand why they are given the option to resign. He should be fired.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
In these instances, I never understand why they are given the option to resign. He should be fired.

FFSG is a private organisation, Gailhaguet is not a public servant, the Minister for Sports cannot fire him. The Prosecutor General's office has started an investigation and prosecution will follow.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
The Committee on Culture, Education and Communication of the Senate asked Thursday in a statement to meet with the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, following the accusations of sexual abuse of several skaters.

"The sportswomen who speak out to denounce the sexual violence they have been victims of are courageous and Parliament must listen to them in order to act in the most energetic way," said Catherine Morin-Desailly, president of this Commission, who therefore also wishes to interview the victims.

Objective: "measure the extent of the dysfunctions encountered in the protection of minors" and "identify necessary legislative changes".

Hopefully this interest from the President and the Senate will all amount to some real changes to be made later, but the matter is both delicate and tough at the same time, and politics and politicians are finicky ....

l'Equipe keeps a strong lead in reporting on this case. Well done, since the news is available to non subscribers.


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
No time to read everything here but I was shocked when this story made National Public Radio (NPR) in the US.
Sorry if this is a repeat but they said even though the statute of limitations has run out, the Police are still going to do an investigation.
#Epsteim # Weinstein #Nassar (Was the judgement for the Nassar victums $218 million?)


Record Breaker
Oct 23, 2017
No time to read everything here but I was shocked when this story made National Public Radio (NPR) in the US.
Sorry if this is a repeat but they said even though the statute of limitations has run out, the Police are still going to do an investigation.
#Epsteim # Weinstein #Nassar (Was the judgement for the Nassar victums $218 million?)

I believe it's still the Paris Prosecutor's Office that's going to be conducting the investigation, rather than the police, at least in part because of the statute of limitations issue. However, with the information that came out yesterday about Beyer's sexual harassment of Nadjma Mahamoud's mother, which occurred in 2017-18, the police may now be able to get involved - if, of course, Mme Mahamoud and/or Nadjma choose to press charges.

It's cheering to hear that this story has gained some traction in the US news, as the awareness it will raise it may help to shift the window for local issues and cases too, even with the Centre for Safe Sport as overwhelmed as it is. I hope it has the same effect everywhere the story is heard.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
No time to read everything here but I was shocked when this story made National Public Radio (NPR) in the US.
Sorry if this is a repeat but they said even though the statute of limitations has run out, the Police are still going to do an investigation.
#Epsteim # Weinstein #Nassar (Was the judgement for the Nassar victums $218 million?)

Epstein the most perverted of the lot, defloration parties with his wealthy friends on his private islands ( and who knows what more, manhunts, snuff parties and other atrocities only his kind can get away with ). Many of these friends now tainted too and unable to drag themselves out, like this Prince Andrew. Let's hope US justice goes to the full depth of this case and nails the lot of them, and Weinstein's too.

Politicians taking an interest in an investigation or legal case is both good and bad. President Macron and those Senate members might have different motivations, but it is good a few women in power haven take charge too.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
The president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) Denis Masseglia said on Thursday that the future of Didier Gailhaguet as the head of the French Ice Sports Federation should be in the hands of the clubs, while the Minister of Sports asked for his resignation.

"It is to the clubs and to them alone that the final decision belongs" on whether or not to keep Didier Gailhaguet at the head of FFSG, the president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) Denis Masseglia said Thursday .

"Who does the federation belong to? It belongs to the clubs. It is up to them and them alone that the final decision belongs, ” he told AFP. He repeated that Didier Gailhaguet, called to resignate by the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu in the midst of a scandal of sexual violence in skating, was "facing his conscience".

"He cannot stay in this status quo"
“He must ask himself two questions: what is best for his federation and what is best for his honourability. From these viewpoints, he can not remain in this status quo, " said the boss of the French Olympic movement.

According to the statutes of the French Ice Sports Federation (FFSG), the Federal Council can end the president's mandate by a two-thirds vote. This body is made up of 31 members, elected by the general assembly, who are not all club representatives.

Let's wait and see if this Council takes its responsibility, or is divided and held back by invisible ties by the puppet master, still undisclosed?


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
As was to be expected, more incriminating evidence has turned up.

" Sexual violence: Didier Gailhaguet knew about Michel Lotz since 2013

Contrary to what he said on Wednesday, the president of the French Ice Sports Federation was aware of Béatrice Dumur's accusations against Michel Lotz since 2013."
From: Subscribers only, and I am not, but the front page coverage of L'Equipe will suffice to keep yourself informed on the case.

And it won't stop here, once these kind of events gain momentum, more evidence will surface, more victims will come forward, more of those bullied into silence will start talking freely, more 'friends' will start leaving ...

But how will French NOC, politics and lawmakers respond, what will all sporting federations do about child protection in general and prevention of sexual violence in particular?


Feb 14, 2018
Thanks for keeping us updated, Edwin. It's not a pleasant topic to talk about, but I'm heartened that the French authorities are taking this seriously. Didier needs to be fired and then some, and the entire French skating federation dismantled and started anew. I don't even know who you could trust there as it is.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Finally. Good news. I hope his cronies won't remain there either. What will now happen to the federation now he's gone, will it still be without funding?


Feb 16, 2014
Maryvonne Del Torchio (chair of the federal council) will lead the Federation as interim until new elections take place


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
Gailhaguet has just resigned.

Yes, an emergency meeting of the FFSG board has been ordered:

The president of the French Ice Sports Federation resigned from his post on Saturday after a federal council at the FFSG.

Didier Gailhaguet resigned from the presidency of the French Ice Sports Federation on Saturday after a federal council.

" For the sake of appeasement alone, with philosophy, with dignity, and without any bitterness, faced with this injustice, with my head held high, I took the wise decision to resign," declared the now ex-president of the FFSG.

Earlier this week, the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, asked him to leave office after receiving him to discuss the revelations of several media including L'Équipe on cases of sexual violence in the FFSG. Didier Gailhaguet had initially refused to submit his resignation in the face of what he called " oukase ".

On Saturday, Gailhaguet again criticized the attitude of the minister, chasing after him " a sacrificial victim ".
Even in his 'farewell' he refused to acknowledge any misconduct from his part. This man's arrogance (or indifference?) knows no limits?

Now, the whole breadth, depth and size of this scandal must be disclosed, who did what, who knew what and covered up, who acted, who lied, and all incriminated need to be judged, sentenced and punished to the full extent of the law.

Then, of course, subsequent measures must be taken to ensure child and youth protection at all levels, in every sport.

We'll see what the French society and its politicians make of this and how steadfast Mme Maracineanu is.

Finally. Good news. I hope his cronies won't remain there either. What will now happen to the federation now he's gone, will it still be without funding?

I hope this will also get investigated, given Gailhaguet's power and total control, financial malversations are a real possibility.


Record Breaker
Jan 5, 2019
Roxana Maracineanu was quick to react to Didier Gailhaguet's resignation from the presidency of the French Ice Sports Federation (FFSG) on Saturday, after a federation council meeting. “I take note of the resignation of the president of the FFSG. It's a first step, ” she said on her Twitter account right away.

Before adding: “The steps taken by the government aim to analyze the dysfunctions that have allowed serious acts to occur over time within the Federation. These steps will come to an end. We owe it to the victims. We will do this with the constant concern of preserving athletes, (amateur) practitioners and clubs so that this magnificent sport can grow. "

Now we wait for the next steps. How will Beyer and any accomplishes be prosecuted? Will Gailhaguet fight back in court, demanding a compensation? What immediate measures will be taken to ensure continuity of FFSG? What to do with Cipres now?

And of course the main act: actual reforms and installing of adequate child protection measures. Which probably will take time because it is politics after all ...

I suppose the general press will closely follow the case for its scandalous nature, but when the political process is started, only dedicated press will remain on the case.


Brian Joubert, after Didier Gailhaguet's resignation: "I've always liked him as a person".

On the sidelines of the French Junior Championships in Charleville-Mézières, former world champion Brian Joubert reacted on Saturday to the resignation of Didier Gailhaguet from the presidency of the FFSG.
Brian Joubert (2007 world champion, Poitiers coach), after Didier Gailhaguet's resignation from the presidency of the Federation of Ice Sports (FFSG): “I had said that Didier (Gailhaguet), whatever happens, would make the right decision for the Federation. If he decided to step down as president, it was because he felt it was the best thing to do. For me, I've always liked him as a person, whether he is president or not. But life goes on no matter what. You have to think about sport, we are at the French Junior Championships, there are the Junior World Championships, the World Championships coming. I hope we can focus on this a little more.

The problem is that we accused Didier a lot, but he was not the one who touched them, who made the rapes. Many people wanted him to leave. These people are relieved but it will still be necessary to resolve this problem of violence."

Abitbol says Gailhaguet's resignation was "necessary"

I have no personal interest with Didier. I supported him because I consider him a second father, he always supported me in difficult times. He offered me a position as national coach, which I refused. I was in the executive board, I left this position to devote myself to my role as coach. A change of president is not going to change anything in my daily life. "

Rodolphe Vermeulen (National Technical Director): “The president has made a responsible decision, which aims to regain serenity, protect clubs from media pressure and allow the federation to refocus on its core business: sport, sportspersons, youth education and training. Given my information on this matter, my duty as a reserve prevents me from reacting further. "

To be continued no doubt.