Spinning Out | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Spinning Out

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Genre: Drama

Director: Samantha Stratton

Cast: January Jones, Kaya Scodelario, Willow Shields, Evan Roderick, Mitchell Edwards, Will Kemp, Kaitlyn Leeb, Amanda Zhou, Sarah Wright, Svetlana Efremova, David James Elliott

First aired:

Overview: Kat Baker is an up-and-coming, high-level single skater who is about to turn in her skates after a disastrous fall. When Kat seizes an opportunity to continue her career as a pair skater with a talented bad-boy partner, she risks exposing a fiercely kept secret that could unravel her entire life.



May 19, 2018
I would be very curious to hear what some actual skaters think about the show!

This skater does NOT like that kind of angsty drama and will not be touching the series with a 10 foot pole! Much as I love Johnny, not even Yuzu could get me to watch something so dark. :laugh:

But I'd sure like to go to a rink where $2200 will get you adequate coaching and ice time and costumes to make it to Nationals!


On the Ice
Mar 13, 2018
Some of the small stuff bugged me, like skaters talking about getting music for their long program and regionals in three months in the middle of winter and like mentioned above, the low tech content of everyone's programs while seriously talking about going to the Olympics. It seems odd there would be mistakes like this, since it's not like it costs more VFX to mention doing triple-triples instead of triple-doubles and the accuracy of other elements of the show suggest the writers know more than enough about the sport to be ignorant of stuff like this.

What I like best, I think, is how they are subverting cliched figure skating archetypes, like the playboy pairs skater, the pervy coach, the mean Russian... They all turned out to be really sweet, good people (although I haven't finished the whole season yet).

Otherwise, pretty uneven, messy storytelling, but watchable. Some of the weightier topics they try to tackle, like with Marcus and Serena's plots, I feel like they should have been much more thoughtful and careful with and devoted more time to instead of treating them like throaway side stories.


Final Flight
Dec 3, 2011
This skater does NOT like that kind of angsty drama and will not be touching the series with a 10 foot pole! Much as I love Johnny, not even Yuzu could get me to watch something so dark. :laugh:

But I'd sure like to go to a rink where $2200 will get you adequate coaching and ice time and costumes to make it to Nationals!

It may have been less. But it was acknowledged on the side that the partner's step mother lied about her share of the costume costs and it was $5000 not the $700 they told her to pay. That aside, apparently $1500 covered coaching and ice time with some to spare.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
I'm on episode 6 out of 10, and I love it, but I love trash so my taste is questionable :laugh:

If you're looking for a super realistic figure skating programme this probably isn't it. It's a teenage angst drama that is set around people who skate rather than an ins and out look at the sport. But I guess if that's what you're looking for, you wouldn't be watching a netflix show.

However from what I've seen it's been decent-ish in reflecting skating (the jumps are correct, the terminology is fine, the process is accurate) and I appreciate they're not going for something outlandish (e.g. going to the olympics - the main characters are aiming for Nationals) with the storyline. I also think the skating shots with the body doubles have been good. Also the premise of the switch to pairs skating makes much more sense when you get the context and backstory from the show.

Warning though, it is quite dark - heavy focus on mental illness, medication and dysfunctional families and questionable/abusive parenting practices. Also scenes of self-harm and general injury/blood. It's not a light and fluffy show.

TL;DR if you want a decent show about figure skating this probably ain't it. If however you want trashy angsty drama whilst also enjoying some figure skating on the side, I recommend it :agree:

I had to give you a thumb's up for the trash tv comment because I'm a dedicated fan of trash in all forms! And museums. And theater. High AND low rules!

This sounds right up my alley.


Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017
This skater does NOT like that kind of angsty drama and will not be touching the series with a 10 foot pole! Much as I love Johnny, not even Yuzu could get me to watch something so dark. :laugh:

But I'd sure like to go to a rink where $2200 will get you adequate coaching and ice time and costumes to make it to Nationals!

But it's life, people have issues, the skating world isn't all sunshine and rainbow unicorn farts like people want it to be.

I thought it might be too dark, but so far it's decent other than the misinformation I can tell immediately. If her and her mothers mental illnesses are going to trigger you then I would not suggest watching it, otherwise I like it so far.


May 19, 2018
But it's life, people have issues, the skating world isn't all sunshine and rainbow unicorn farts like people want it to be.

It's mind-boggling to me that there are people who think that. Half the time when I tell people I skate, they tell me to watch my knees, like every single rink in the world has a few Tonya Hardings lurking about. Weird how different people's stereotypes are so opposite.


Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017
It's mind-boggling to me that there are people who think that. Half the time when I tell people I skate, they tell me to watch my knees, like every single rink in the world has a few Tonya Hardings lurking about. Weird how different people's stereotypes are so opposite.

Yes, but if you read any thread that happens for example when any bad news comes out about the skating world: Abuse, mental illness, eating disorders, people mostly react like it's a shocker. Skaters are people, coaches are people: we live and have the same problems many who don't skate have.


Mar 23, 2018
I think this show is terrible but I am still 100% here for it. The dialogue is so cringey. There are tropes everywhere. Literally every second is a new drama. I'm enjoying drinking to it and being like WTF all the time. My husband has been kind of half watching it with me while doing other things and he keeps being like - so is this person supposed to be like a villain and I'm like no they are just all terrible to each other all the time.

Also I watched Skins back in the day and so I'm practically watching this as if Effy Stonem took up ice skating hahahaha. Kaya is perfect for this role, it's basically Skins on Ice.

I would be very curious to hear what some actual skaters think about the show!

I'm only on episode three but I kind of am finding what level they are supposed to be at confusing? Like having the goal of making it to nationals in two years sounds like they are at a much less elite level but then there are mentions of going to the olympics and Kat says something like she might as well because otherwise what is she going to always make money as a waitress, but if she is only at the skating level where she hopes to make nationals I don't see her making money from skating? Also the way the moms and other skaters act make it seem like a more fraught competitive situation - but for all I know it's like that, I've never skated myself! I certainly hope most rinks aren't this toxic though, lol.

Hahah my SO was half listening in the background as well and he now calls it a show "about horrible people on skates".

I'm also so confused about the Jenn character aiming for Beijing 2022 but is somehow threatened by a girl who just landed at 3-2??? I'm here for all the angst though!!!


On the Ice
Mar 4, 2018
Hahah my SO was half listening in the background as well and he now calls it a show "about horrible people on skates".

I'm also so confused about the Jenn character aiming for Beijing 2022 but is somehow threatened by a girl who just landed at 3-2??? I'm here for all the angst though!!!

Oh but an episode and a half later the same skater is referenced as landing a 3Lz-3T though off screen in a competition of course.


Jul 26, 2018
I watch all kinds of TV and films that are laughable when it comes to historical or professional accuracy and am able to get a huge kick out of them anyway. Absolute accuracy is not always dramatically effective--perfection in that sense could lean in the direction of being a total snooze fest for most viewers.

I thought Spinning Out was pretty good on a family drama kind of level which could be applicable to various elite athletes, musicians, actors, singers, or dancers and their families. Balancing an extreme pursuit of skills combined with varying levels of talent and all of the drama of growing up creates enormous pressures for kids--not to mention the question of strain on families' time, focus, and financial resources (without even combining all of that with serious mental health issues). I liked that it dealt with the anxiety and competitiveness of skate-moms. (I could only personally compare them to dance moms as the mother of a daughter who was serious about ballet to the point of finally choosing in her late teens between the corps de ballet of a major company and a normal life! While issues of weight and injuries were always threatening everything she was working for--an injury finally tipped the delicate balance for her). I recognized the passive-aggressive dance moms for sure! Those dance moms called my daughter bubble-butt and told her how cute her figure was--so curvy! When stick-skinny quasi-anorexic was encouraged/rewarded! My kid, of course, like all of theirs was underweight, but she did have great lower body strength.

The mental health parts were not 100 percent accurate either but also scored well on addressing some of the issues surrounding those problems. I liked that there it was not strictly romance-centered also. And as a series, it did develop a number of stories threads and not just a single one like most skating or dance movies.


On the Ice
Aug 24, 2019
I've never watched this show before...
Until now [emoji13]
I've just started watching episode 1 rn


Nov 1, 2019
Thoughts on "Spinning Out" - Netflix Drama Series

Also I watched Skins back in the day and so I'm practically watching this as if Effy Stonem took up ice skating hahahaha. Kaya is perfect for this role, it's basically Skins on Ice.

Skins nostalgia is about 50% of the reason I’m watching this [emoji28]

Overall I’m finding SO okay but a bit cringe-worthy and cheesy: the dialogue is full of clichés and the acting is painful sometimes. That being said, I love cheesy and cringy, and I’m enjoying watching it and geeking out about figure skating to my clueless boyfriend. I also think the mental health and biting habit aspect of it is pretty interesting and reminds me of Black Swan (the 2010 ballet movie).


Fan of Kolyada
Final Flight
Jun 6, 2019
The accuracy of the film might be the limit of the skaters/ stunt doubles. Does anybody know what they can do?


On the Ice
Nov 14, 2018
The accuracy of the film might be the limit of the skaters/ stunt doubles. Does anybody know what they can do?

Here is the link to an article that discusses all the stunt doubles

In terms of the pairs skating, Trennt Michaud was Justin and Elizabeth Putnam was Kat in episode 3 & 4, replaced by Evelyn Walsh in episode 7 & 10. Walsh/Michaud are the Canadian National Silver medalists and were 12th at Worlds last season.

In terms of the singles skating/non pairs stuff, Dylan Moscovitch was Justin and for Kat her doubles included Kim Deguise Léveillée and Michelle Long, who were both Canadian singles skaters.


Mar 22, 2019
The accuracy of the film might be the limit of the skaters/ stunt doubles. Does anybody know what they can do?

I looked up some of the singles skaters that worked as doubles, and listed their most difficult jump elements:

for Kaya Scodelario as Kat Baker:
Michelle LONG (CAN) at 4CC 2018: 3F+2T, 3Lo+2T, 3S+1Lo+2S, no Lutz

for Scodelario and Willow Shields as Serena Baker:
Kim DEGUISE LÉVEILLÉE (CAN) at JGP Czech Skate 2014: 3Lz!, 3Lo+2T, 3F+2T, 3T+2T, no Salchow, and no Lutz in later senior comps.

for Amanda Zhou as Jenn Yu:
Lilika ZHENG (CAN) at CTNSC 2019 junior: 3T+2T, 2A+2T, 2Lz+Eu+2S

for January Jones as Carol Baker:
Emma CULLEN (CAN) at CTNSC 2017 senior: 3T+3T<<, 3T+2T, 3S+2T, no Lutz

for Kaitlyn Leeb as Leah Starnes:
Madeline SCHIZAS (CAN) at CTNSC 2019 junior: 3T+2T, 2F+2T+2Lo, 2A+2Lo, no Lutz

Of course that's only in competition. In filming they have the advantage of trying multiple times, so they might have been able to perform more difficult elements.


Nov 2, 2019
Here is the link to an article that discusses all the stunt doubles

In terms of the pairs skating, Trennt Michaud was Justin and Elizabeth Putnam was Kat in episode 3 & 4, replaced by Evelyn Walsh in episode 7 & 10. Walsh/Michaud are the Canadian National Silver medalists and were 12th at Worlds last season.

In terms of the singles skating/non pairs stuff, Dylan Moscovitch was Justin and for Kat her doubles included Kim Deguise Léveillée and Michelle Long, who were both Canadian singles skaters.

One thing this series did really well was blend multiple doubles together to look like the same person. You definitely wouldn't know it wasn't Kaya, or which double was doing what, unless you knew exactly what to look for. Great editing and use of camera angles.


Final Flight
Dec 3, 2011
Yes, but if you read any thread that happens for example when any bad news comes out about the skating world: Abuse, mental illness, eating disorders, people mostly react like it's a shocker. Skaters are people, coaches are people: we live and have the same problems many who don't skate have.

Oh, but at this rink, everyone has all of that and more pretty much all at once.

My favorite part is that when someone falls in competition they land in heap on the ice on their backs and need to go to the hospital. And I really had to laugh at the horror that ensued at the rink when Kat and Justin (OMG!) fell from a lift during practice. Because clearly no one ever falls at practice, ever. So it would be the only topic of conversation for the day at a rink if someone did.

Seven Sisters

Jul 17, 2018
. I liked that it dealt with the anxiety and competitiveness of skate-moms... I recognized the passive-aggressive dance moms for sure!.

I watched the first three episodes and have not really been impressed but the portrayals of the skate moms and rink grapevine really stood out for me as well. Like Oshun, I have a child who danced; all that looked VERY familiar to me!

We can’t expect accuracy, of course, but I was amused by the very first scene, showing a packed house of very involved spectators, at what appears to be a junior-level regional or sectional competition.