Shoma Uno | Page 313 | Golden Skate

Shoma Uno


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
I haven't watched the men's FS, but based on what I've been hearing I don't think I really want to. The more important point... Shoma won the free skate despite being in less than optimal condition! He's a fighter for sure. His resolve is one of the strongest out there.

Had to laugh, apparently they had more features of Itsuki talking about Shoma. He said he initially beat his older brother the first time they played, but the next time they played he lost big time. He later found out that Shoma practiced table tennis to get better (which would explain why he did so well in the Olympic camp). His competitive spirit apparently extends to a lot of things. I'm guessing there might be a similar story somewhere when it comes to darts, lol.

You can watch it. Sure, it's not one of Shoma's better skates out there, but it isn't unwatchable either. He seemed a bit slow and sluggish and obviously had those mistakes. But there were good jumps in there, great spins and he even went for the Cantilever. I'm of the believe that skates like that are sometimes even useful. Like the one at Boston in 2016. He wasn't in a good condition and made it through until the end. This outing will make him stronger. Sure he was lucky that his competitors didn't have the skate of their lives here, but still, it's a great testament to his fighting spirit.


Record Breaker
Mar 17, 2015


im so happy he is qualified for GPF at his home !!!!!:yay::hap57:

also did you see the haircutter from the ice?

some pictures :love:
blessed hug with Mihoko
with the dog
from kiss and cry magazine


Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
It makes me so happy to see these photos. Whew he made it! But did we?! When he skated out onto that ice and looked as white as a ghost, I got really worried. He just had so much less strength and speed. He's a fighter. Don't know if there's a banquet, but if there is, he should skip it. And he should skip the gala too. Javi did when he was sick in China! I think the organizers understand.

301.10 in Canada and 273.32 in France. He is continuing with his GP pattern of one gold and one silver. Not a bad record! I doubt that he had any choice but to skate, so he made the best of it. Thank goodness he has Sargeant Fluffy along with him...So now 3 weeks until GPF. I'm so exhausted I feel as if skated!


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
It makes me so happy to see these photos. Whew he made it! But did we?! When he skated out onto that ice and looked as white as a ghost, I got really worried. He just had so much less strength and speed. He's a fighter. Don't know if there's a banquet, but if there is, he should skip it. And he should skip the gala too. Javi did when he was sick in China! I think the organizers understand.

301.10 in Canada and 273.32 in France. He is continuing with his GP pattern of one gold and one silver. Not a bad record! I doubt that he had any choice but to skate, so he made the best of it. Thank goodness he has Sargeant Fluffy along with him...So now 3 weeks until GPF. I'm so exhausted I feel as if skated!

The good thing about the GPF is that it's next door. So he doesn't need to arrive a week early, he just has to get over France - three weeks seems okayish for that. I'm hesistantly confident.


Gold for the Winter Prince!
Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2004
We all have 3 weeks to regroup and rest before the GPF. Plenty of time to get our battle gear ready. It is so much fun being a Shoma fan you all are the best!:ghug::ghug::


On the Ice
Jun 5, 2017
Wait - is that really him?!

yes, yes, Arriba! Katei Gaho announced super Shoma's 20yo edition. will be sold on Dec 1, there're two kinds of selection. oh my.. this comes to be a poster or a post card or pages. Got the pic within 30mins from official Katei Gaho photographer.


On the Ice
Jun 5, 2017
Shoma interview, after the competition/
"I" is interviewer & "S" is Shoma

I/thank you for your performance. How do you feel now? You seemed thinking something after that.
S/thank you. yeah, that's pretty hard, but SP was more! Na, I was not thinking a serious stuff, just feeling like this competition was very tough to me ever, probably I'd not taste it again. To complete this season, I want to regard this experience as fruitful one for me.
I/So how do you feel to join in GPF?
S/The venue's my home town, Nagoya, I'll do my best for your and others' expectation. I need to practice more. That's it & that's all.
I/Thank you for your comment. good luck to your challenge in GPF!!
S/Thank you.


On the Ice
Nov 17, 2017
It´s certainly very hard to skate these difficult programs through even when you are totally healthy. Shoma was looking so exhausted and maybe even desperate after SP. So glad that he was feeling a bit better yesterday and performed Turandot very very nicely in spite of the mistakes.

And hi to everyone. I´m joining in so that I can praise Shoma and other favorite skaters here with you. Long-term FS fan but pretty new in social media circles. I´ve always liked Shoma´s performances, deep edges and strong presence + Fluffy´s music choices and choreos, but after seeing Winter at Lombardia I would say I started to adore him. Winter is a masterpiece imo and also Turandot a great glorious program.


Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2013
Just dropping by. There was no way for me to watch anything yesterday, so this morning I caught up with Short dance from Friday, and then... I just couldn't wait and decided to watch the Men's free programs first. Just *had* to know if Shoma had survived and not accidentally killed himself out there on the ice or something. I dunno, not taking *anything* for granted anymore this GP season.
I'm SO HAPPY to see he made it, though of course he clearly was beyond exhausted. Well done, Shoma, you're so strong! :hap10:
Now, please get some real, proper rest. Just practicing isn't gonna make you better, rest is the best medicine sometimes. :bed:


Final Flight
May 8, 2017
Hi everyone! I’m a huge Shoma’s fan and I have been watching this forum for quite a while now and today I finally decided that I want to join the fandom.

Welcome Shomachika and Lyyli! So fun that more fans are joining the forum!! Loved what you shared and your thoughts!

I finally watched it, wasn't as terrible as I thought. He may even have won if the 4T hadn't been zayaked or if he'd only fallen once. Either way, he fought and never let go of the performance. Mental fortitude.

Also, all those pictures after his free are so beautiful. He really does smile at lot more when he's tired!

Have to catch up with medals- uh, I mean, stars- ceremony. Plastic stars for an international competition! I've gotten nicer medals at quiz bee competitions. When he saw them, Shoma was probably thinking, "Sure, Javier, you can have the big blue star with a '1' on it. I can barely hold on to mine as it is!" Such a funny thing to be located among all the nice medals in the collection. Plus the recycled disco ball podium?? Did they at least finally have flags during the ceremony? Haha.

Interview after the free :
Excepts from Itsuki's interview :

And just... Aww


Final Flight
May 8, 2017
It makes me so happy to see these photos. Whew he made it! But did we?! When he skated out onto that ice and looked as white as a ghost, I got really worried. He just had so much less strength and speed. He's a fighter. Don't know if there's a banquet, but if there is, he should skip it. And he should skip the gala too. Javi did when he was sick in China! I think the organizers understand.

I agree on the gala, although he's on the line-up. I'm a bit torn though, I was hoping to see La Vie en Rose again, but would be happy if he rested as well.


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
I think skating in the Gala won't kill Shoma and it's also, imho, his duty as a figure skater and medalist to appear. A lot of fans travelled to Grenoble for him and he owes it to them. It's always easy to say from afar, he shouldn't go and just rest, but I think he will survive another skate of This Town or something, he doesn't need to jump if he doesn't want to. Of course I want him to relax, but I also think not skating in the Gala goes against everything he believes in. So unless he is down in bed with the flu, or injured he will appear.


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
German Eurosport - Original Commentary, Shoma Uno, LP, Internationaux de France 18/11/17

S(igi Heinrich): A chance for Uno. Who knows. Let's take a look at the little man with the big heart. Shoma Uno from Nagoya. 13 points behind Javier Fernandez. But if he executes all his elements in an optimal manner, with 4 quadruples, he can put himself at the top spot. A classic from the opera Turandot of Giacomo Puccini.

H(endryk Schamberger): Woah, strong! Only he and Hanyu can do this one.

S: The quadruple Loop.

End of Program

S: Shoma Uno, it won't be enough. Javier Fernandez will, as it looks like now, win this Grand Prix in Grenoble. The big heroes, they are a bit down for the count in this season. Yuzuru Hanyu, Javier Fernandez, Shoma Uno.

H: Yes, and uhh, in this case of Shoma Uno, from my point of view this was a tactical mistake. He wanted too much. He showed three quadruples after the two minute mark and in my opinion that, that is easily, maybe, it's overstretching his capabilities. And it simply wasn't needed. Because, with the content he shows, he doesn't need to take it to the extremes.

S: Because of the 10%.

H: Yes, exactly. He should've jumped, at the beginning, after the Loop immediately the Flip and then immediately the Toeloop and perhaps another Toeloop sometime later, but uh, he did the triple Lutz and the triple Axel instead. The triple Lutz is a jump, he can jump out of complete exhaustion in the last minute still. He doesn't have to show it at the start. It's incomprehensible and the only reason is that he wants that 10% wheedled out at all costs. This was his downfall at the end. Because the Loop was, it was dreamlike! Yes.

S: So now there also will be deductions because of the falls. That is clear. If it's going the usually way....

H: Well Fernandez had them too.

S: Yes, Fernandez too. Nevertheless, Hendrik, I like The Man from La Mancha better. I like the program better, probably because we don't see it that often. Because Turandot and Puccini it's simply too much.

H: Yes, that is true indeed, too many. ohm, Just this season I've seen it from four different skaters.

S: So I don't think the program (Shoma's) is that great, but for Fernandez it just fits perfectly!

H: Yes, of course.

S: Well, Shoma Uno, as we noted, all the big guns, including Patrick Chan have been plucked this season.

H: They've run into trouble

S: Yes, and now we have to wait and see, it almost seems like there won't be, an actual, at least at the moment, a big favourite for the Olympic Games.

H: Almost. In the Quad Mania Nathan Chen is almost the one with the least amount of mistakes.

S: He will show up one more time next week.

H: Exactly.

S: At Skate America, I can already say.

H: It's really, well, if someone would've told me 2 years ago, that Nathan Chen will be Olympic Champion, they would've been called crazy. That he will be the one reaching the Phalanx of the Fernandez', Hanyus

S: And Unos...

H: Ayayay!

S: 179 points

H: It still isn't enough!

S: No, it's not enough, he was thirteen points behind. He has 273. Hanyu..uh, I say Hanyu, Fernandez 175, 173 makes it clear. Javier Fernandez beats Shoma Uno at this prestige duel of the figure skating high-achievers.. Still it won't be enough for the Grand Prix Final for Fernandez.

H: And for Uno it does, of course, because he won his first Grand Prix.

S: That's a fact.

H: Yes, crazy result, who would've guessed, truly insane. Fernandez wins, Misha Ge third. Unbelievable.


S(igi Heinrich): Ne Chance für Uno. Wer weiß. Als schaun' wir auf den kleinen Mann mit dem großen Herzen. Shoma Uno aus Nagoya. 13 Punkte Rückstand auf Javier Fernandez. Aber bei optimaler Ausführung all seiner Elemente, mit 4 Vierfachsprüngen, kann er sich nochmal an die Spitze setzen. Klassiker aus der Oper Turandot von Giacomo Puccini.

H(endryk Schamberger): Woah, stark! Den kann nur er und Hanyu.

S: Der vierfache Rittberger.


S: Shoma Uno, es wird nicht reichen. Javier Fernandez wird nach Lage der Dinge diesen Grand Prix in Grenoble gewinnen. Die großen Helden, sie sind alle so ein bißchen angezählt worden schon in dieser Saison. Yuzuru Hanyu, Javier Fernandez, Shoma Uno.

H: Ja, und ähm, und in dem Fall Shoma Uno aus meiner Sicht ein taktischer Fehler. Er wollte zuviel. Er hat drei Vierfache nach den 2 Minuten gezeigt und meiner Meinung nach, das ist einfach, vielleicht..das überstrapaziert einfach sein Leistungsvermögen. Und es ist überhaupt nicht nötig gewesen. Denn, eben, bei dem Inhalt, den er zeigt, braucht man das nicht noch auf die Spitze zu treiben.

S: Wegen der 10%...

H: Ja genau. Er hätte am Anfang, nach dem Rittberger direkt den Flip und direkt den Toeloop und dann vielleicht noch nen Toeloop später irgendwann, aber äh, da hat er anstatt dessen den dreifachen Axel und den dreifachen Lutz. Den dreifachen Lutz, den springt er, sagen wir mal auch aus völliger Erschöpfung raus in der letzten Minute noch. Den muss man nicht am Anfang zeigen, das ist für mich völlig unverständlich und das ist nur damit zu begründen, dass er noch unbedingt diese 10% rauskitzeln wollte und letzten Endes wurde das ihm zum Verhängnis. Denn der Rittberger, der war, der war traumhaft! Ja.

S: Dann gibt es natürlich noch Abzüge der Stürze wegen. Die bleiben ja dann auch nicht aus. Bei normalem Verlauf...

H: Ja nun, die hatte Fernandez auch.

S: Hatte Fernandez auch. Mir gefällt trotzdem Hendryk, der Mann aus La Mancha besser. Mir gefällt das Programm besser weil es wahrscheinlich nicht so oft zu sehen ist. Weil man mit Turandot und Puccini schon ziemlich überfrachtet wird.

H: Ja, das ist richtig, das ist in der Tat ein wenig überstrapaziert worden, ähm. Schon alleine in dieser Saison habe ich es von vier verschiedenen Läufern gehört.

S: Das finde ich als Programm jetzt nicht den Reisser schlechthin, da passt das natürlich zu Fernandez perfekt.

H: Ja, natürlich.

S: Ja Shoma Uno, wie gesagt, alle großen der Zunft, Patrick Chan schließe ich da mit ein, sind in dieser Saison schon ziemlich gerupft worden.

H: Ins schleudern geraten.

S: Jaja, und jetzt muss man mal aufpassen was passiert, es hat fast den Anschein als könne sich da tatsächlich kein, momentan zumindest, kein haushoher Favorit für die Olympischen Spiele herauskristallisieren...

H: der Vierfach Manie ist fast Nathan Chen noch der mit den wenigsten Fehlern.

S: Der hat noch einen Auftritt nächste Woche.

H: Genau.

S: Bei Skate America da darf ich sie schon mal darauf verweisen.

H: Das ist wirklich, also wenn mir das einer vor 2 Jahren gesagt hätte, Nathan Chen wird Olympiasieger, da hätte man einen für verrückt erklärt. Dass der die Phalanx der Fernandez, Hanyus

S: Und Unos einholt.

H: Uiuiui!

S: 179 Punkte.

H: Das reicht aber trotzdem nicht

S: Nein, es reicht nicht, klar er hatte dreizehn Punkte Rückstand. Er hat 273. Hanyu, äh Hanyu sag ich schon, Fernandez 175, 173 damit ist das ne klare Angelegenheit. Javier Fernandez schlägt in diesem Prestige Duell der Eiskunstlaufüberflieger, Shoma Uno.
Für's Grand Prix Finale reicht es für Fernandez trotzdem nicht.

H: Und für Uno natürlich, denn er hat den ersten Grand Prix gewonnen.

S: So ist es.

H: Ja, Wahnsinnsresultat, wer hätte das gedacht also alles eigentlich Wahnsinn. Fernandez gewinnt, Misha Ge dritter. Unglaublich

I found this hard to translate, for some reason some idioms don't work that well in english, so if any german member wants to chime in, feel free.

I think it was interesting what Hendryk said, but he underestimates the way that Shoma can change his program without getting out of rhythm. And he is able to skate this program clean, we know that he has the stamina for even one more quad. But of course, the commentators don't follow Shoma like his fans and don't know that. And doesn't he know that the Lutz is Shoma's nemesis? :)


Gold for the Winter Prince!
Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2004
Thank you for the translation Maikatze interesting commentary indeed.

Welcome Shomachicka and Lyyil to Shomajesty's FF. :)


Oct 20, 2017
Hi everyone
report from Grenoble :love:
First of all weird thing happened to Shoma while he was warming up off ice: people were running after him (mostly kids) no ideal right ?
Second, this competition almost killed I was so stressed for him and it was though right in the beginning with the warm up I thought he was going to collapse on the ice ! You could feel that something was wrong he did his jump fell or pop and I realized how important coach fluffy is, she is his rock !
He did look like a ghost Arriba before skating ( oh boy his face! ) and it was a though skate but I can't tell you how proud I am because He fought so much and I really think that this kind of experience is much more meaningful than in Lombardia, he didn't give up and he did his BEST knowing his condition.
Honestly some people are going to say that I am crazy but I did like his performance with all the mistakes and comparing to Javier I think that Shoma is a better performer, he draws you in, he is beyond intense. I got shomemotion :drama:
Podium was priceless : he was so genuine, cute and funny, I like him even more.
Last thing : I understand all the critics about the organization of this gp but it was kind of fun and amateur (awesome crowd), it's a small venue so you can easily talk to the skater (Mai Mihara is the nicest girl)
I did my best to support him (scream so much time "allez !!!!")
Once again sorry for my english and I just hope he'll come back next year, I really think that he has special connection with France, that was already his second gp in France in three years, fingers crossed :pray::pray: