Love and Punishment (2010-2011) | Page 3 | Golden Skate

Love and Punishment (2010-2011)


Mar 5, 2017
Can someone explains what it means to be the bride of the house and she's their honor and not supposed to do any work. I've tried to google it but come up with nothing.


Mar 5, 2017
Both Pala and Sahnur looked shocked when Cicek busts into the home office and says she won't yield to tradition again and marry Savas, she's going to leave and go to Van. It's her father than doesn't look shocked, instead he looks disgusted and gets up to go after her. By what he says it's the fact that she'll make him look bad by her not following tradition. It's all about his ego and self esteem, nothing about cicek. So her penalty is death and he gives Sahnur and Pala permission to shoot Cicek is she tries to leave. This then horrifies Nazan. It's our logical Savas then explains that yes they are both against the tradition of the bridal exchange but her manner of rejection is to openly and angrily rebell which will only bring on death. His manner of rejection is to not to openly rebel but act as though everything is ok but to unite and work together to slowly change the tradition BUT she needs to back him in this! That's where she will eventually fail in the agreement. He asks for her agreement and she cries about her midterms. She's not only too young for these decisions but she's also extremely immature.


Mar 5, 2017
Both Savas and Yasemin are now at the same time making life changing decisions - Savas with the Agaship and bridal exchange and Yasemin findng out that she is pregnant and deciding to not get an abortion.

The interplay of those scenes back and forth is well done on screen and makes the point.


Mar 5, 2017
This time around Cem is really getting on my nerves. I think I remember Savas calling him a drama queen and he is.

Yes I think you're right although I'm only on NE 4 - I enjoyed Savas saying to Nadja that she was Cem's type - meaning that she wasn't his type.


Mar 5, 2017
I think I'm ahead of y'all(obsessed)... When you get to when they have the launch or as Uncle Pala says lunch party notice how Savas is looking at Yasmine like he can eat her up he is so much in love. Also listen to conversation Shanur has with Cicek when she comes home upset from the party. I understand it better now that I know her husband cheated on her. Maybe she genuinely felt like Savas was going to love Cicek. Isn't it amazing that even though we have watched these episodes a gazillion times(speaking for myself of course lol) we can still find new things?

I think it's the same thing in NE 4 when Savas goes downstairs to the home office to ask about Sahnur having his clothes put into Cicek's bedroom and she says that he'll grow to love Cicek - just give it time. But here Savas slams the door in her face. I loved the line. I'm not my father, not my brother, and not my uncle. I'm not your puppet. I am Savas Baldar, I don't hand my strings to anyone! I had to cheer on that one.


Mar 5, 2017
Love it when Savas tells his mother he's going to enroll Cicek in a private college. "She's my wife, I can do with her what I want." He's made his point and then kisses her on the forehead. ;)


Mar 5, 2017
Savas tells Nadya that the company warehouse is in Altinsehir, not far from where they are: Cem's place. Cem's place is close to Yasemin's apartment by the Galata tower (the southern part of the European side of the strait - it'd be called the left bank if it were in Paris.) The Baldar mansion, the office, and eventually Yasemin's villa will be on the Asian side of the strait (the right bank of the strait) So it makes sense that the warehouse is in Altinsehir, which is west of Istanbul and not far from Cem's. It would be far if you are driving from the Baldar mansion or the office, but not far from Cem's bar. So sorry for all of this but thought I would share this once I found it!!8m2!3d41.025356!4d28.97399
If you find the little yellow stars you can locate to the top right - the Baldar mansion (bordering the country side), the cluster of 4 stars on the right (asian) side of the strait - Yasemin's villa and the company office, on the left (european) bank just above the word Istanbul - Yasemin's apartment and near Cem's bar, and to the left (west) the Baldar warehouse - just west of the Mall of Istanbul!

and here are the directions from Cem's to the warehouse - 42 minutes:!2m2!1d28.97399!2d41.025356

from the office to the warehouse- 47 minutes:''/...98d17ad9b13236a!2m2!1d29.0609583!2d41.0694237

from the Baldar mansion to the warehouse - 48 minutes:!2m2!1d28.7570078!2d41.0587247!1m0


Mar 5, 2017
Interesting the ultimate connection between Savas and Yasemin - Nadya calls Savas brave - not afraid to dream - and Savas calls Yasemin brave - but doesn't explain why he thinks she's brave, I think it's because she was a virgin and had decided to go ahead and get rid of her virginity with him.


Mar 5, 2017
NE4 - did you notice that Mehmet is still wearing his engagement (wedding ring on right hand) ring. Oh do I love Yasemin slamming him after he lies to her that it was a one time mistake on his part - by telling him off - after she found him with Mujde and he wants to just forget about it, she tells him she went to Bodrum and slept with the first man she saw and didn't even ask his name. That should have made them equal in their mistake, but no - as a woman - her mistake was worth 1000 to his mistake equal to 1. I cheered and loved it!!!!


Mar 5, 2017
I don't understand why they have to have all those sheep at the warehouse when they are loading or unloading the heroin to or from their truck.


On the Ice
Feb 12, 2017
I'm almost done with epi 4. Savas finds out about the drugs, driving Nadia or Nadya back to the airport. I love Savas' anger for good , just reasons!!


Mar 5, 2017
I'm almost done with epi 4. Savas finds out about the drugs, driving Nadia or Nadya back to the airport. I love Savas' anger for good , just reasons!!

He is a principled man and not afraid to make it known and willing to fight for it. As Esref called it a different moral compass. A characteristic that is not common but is at the top of his list of important characteristics. Love it.


Mar 5, 2017
I guess its part of the tradition. The bride's major role is to produce offspring.

Yes that makes sense! And that is what she harangues Savas about, although she knew from the beginning that he had no intention to have any relations with Cicek. I guess she was pretty sure at that time that she was going to be able to control Savas.