Love and Punishment (2010-2011) | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Love and Punishment (2010-2011)


Mar 5, 2017
This time around Cem is really getting on my nerves. I think I remember Savas calling him a drama queen and he is.

I think he is pouty when something happens that he doesn't like, but for some reason Savas likes him and considers him a good friend. Is it the actor or just the role that he plays.


Mar 5, 2017
I want to throw something historic in here, since the history of Istanbul is centuries old and they show us many of those sites during the series.

The tower that Yasemin's apartment overlooks is called Galata Tower and located on the European (left) side of the strait. The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi in Turkish) — called Christea Turris (the Tower of Christ in Latin) by the Genoese — is a medieval stone tower in the Galata/Karaköy quarter of Istanbul, Turkey, just to the north of the Golden Horn's junction with the Bosphorus. One of the city's most striking landmarks, it is a high, cone-capped cylinder that dominates the skyline and offers a panoramic vista of Istanbul's historic peninsula and its environs.!3d41.03723573777152!3m2!1i925!2i701!4f13.1


Mar 5, 2017
I see that Nazan and Cicek in the same unhappy position, Nazan tries to play the game and is still in torture over the death of her husband and therefore hates Cicek. Cicek is in torture in playing the traditions game.

Yasemin is also in torture, they all say there's a fire burning in them. Yasemin fights it by becoming a shopaholic, then trying to attract men. She's scarring me with Bora!!


Mar 5, 2017
Nazan treated her so badly. She should have seen what Cicek had to deal with. I understood the anger toward the family but Cicek was also a victim of her evil father

I think that Nazan is a victim of Ahmet too. He's the one that forced Yavuz to kill Nazan's husband. That older generation basically tortured the younger generation with its cruelity and traditions, including Sahnur and Pala


Mar 5, 2017
NE 6 - When Bora takes Yasemin away from Cems bar - only to miss Savas - they end up at the southern part of that part of Istanbul and can look across the waterway (they call it the golden horn) that connects to the strait. They can see what is called the new mosque (Yeni Cami). (9.29 minutes left) The Yeni Cami (pronounced Yeni jami), meaning New Mosque; originally named the Valide Sultan Mosque (Turkish: Valide Sultan Camii) and later New Valide Sultan Mosque (Turkish: Yeni Valide Sultan Camii) after its partial reconstruction and completion between 1660 and 1665; is an Ottoman imperial mosque located in the Eminönü quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. It is situated on the Golden Horn, at the southern end of the Galata Bridge, and is one of the famous architectural landmarks of Istanbul.


Mar 5, 2017
Our evil characters are both Ahmet and Bora (later Ceyda, a female Bora). The difference is Bora tries to look good but is evil through and through. Ahmet doesn't care about looking good. When Bora kisses Yasemin I wanted to throw up.


Mar 5, 2017
How do you all want to do this? Stay for one week on 6 netflix episodes or go faster with it. It's up to you all.


Mar 5, 2017
For the former KK&S lovers or survivors, the part of the city that Kurt Syeit lived in was Pera, it is now called Beyoglu, which is where Yasemin's apartment is. Here's a map showing the different waterways which also separate the various parts of the city. Pera/Beyoglu is the land north of the Golden Horn waterway. Apparently the old part of the city was south of the Golden Horn. Now Beyoglu is an old part of the city.


Mar 5, 2017
Well for me six episodes a week is too slow but let majority rule

lol, I see that - let's see what others say. what episode are you on? I guess I thought that so that it measured the same when we were watching season 2


Mar 5, 2017
I have a lot of free time
Denner or anyone else:
Since you are so far ahead, please watch for a electrical tower around Savas office and tell me what episode it's in. I know I saw one in one of the episodes. That will help me find his office.


Mar 5, 2017
when Savas speaks to the Baldar clan he tells them that the foundation for the factory will be laid this coming summer and the factory will be built next year.


Mar 5, 2017
Here are some of the clues to Savas' office location- I'll direct you back to this post when I have all the clues written down here, then you can help me find it: Netflix episides 8, 15 and 21 have great views of the uphill climb to the office.

Which after the below clues would put his office in this part of Istanbul (notice the yellow star labeled Yasemin's villa - which puts his office in the vacinity of her villa):,29.0623151,1889m/data=!3m1!1e3

1. NE 8 22:39 remaining - it's across the strait from: Rumeli Hisari Museumı (The 3 towered fortress on the european side just south of the Fatih Sultan - Bos 2- Bridge and was built in 1452 on the Bosphorus to protect the narrowest part of the waterway from advancing ships)
It is seen from across the strait on the drive up the hill to the office. Here it is on the iteractive map:!8m2!3d41.0691401!4d29.0622668

2. NE 8 22:37 remaining - It's a steep uphill climb not far from the strait with a sharp left curve going uphill , or sharp right curve downhill, maybe 3 or 4 buildings on the right (looking downhill) before reaching the office driveway and gate.

3. The street paving is different from Yasemin's, it's quarter circles one right after the other. The street can be a narrow 2 lane street.

4. The driveway gate is about a car length in from the street.

5. NE 15 - shows the office street number on the office driveway gate as #27.

6. NE 41 - shows Yasemin coming to the office from her villa from the other direction maybe downhill rather than his uphill climb. So it's not a dead end street.

7. NE 8 19 remaining and 15 - There are streets north of his that show villas on the hill higher that his office.

8. NE 8 22:05 remaining - It is a 3 story building with the ground leveled in the back at the bottom level and the ground leveled = street level at the middle story of the building.


Mar 5, 2017
OMG - all of sudden I found myself on episode 8 and it ends with Savas putting the angel necklace in the nightstand drawer. Darn Cem, his lecture to Savas forced the issue - either accept that you're in an arranged marriage or end it, you can't grow old with this kind of marriage. It's a good thing he was tempted (but not really) for only a brief moment.

If you leave netflix on it will flow automatically to the next episode - that must be how it happened

Sooooo do we start the weekend with another group of episodes to watch - you need to tell me.

By the way I also found a clue for 5x5 bar - it's on a water front, also NE 8


Mar 5, 2017
I love and was impressed with Savas journey to Van and his plan to bring the clan out of drug trafficking.

NE 8 I see Yasemin is watching a movie on tv with the french actress I can't remember her name, but note that it has subtitles. And she has to be 9 months pregnant - remember being that big and walking with a waddle. It would have been nice to see her that big with Masal and Savas admiring it. Oh well.

Her speech to Nuris certainly does force us to understand her current distrust of men, considering Fulya, her sister and the explanation and promise of and to her father, and experience with Mehmet and Bora!


Mar 5, 2017
Here it is NE 9 - Alpay says of Yasemin - Yasemin was the goddess of the advertisement world, she's really pretty and super smart, she's got it all. That's enough to make Azra full of envy and jealousy.

Then Savas and Nadja show up. Actually it was smart of the writers to have him and the XL group frequent the same bar. It keeps Savas in constant reminder of Yasemin and keeps him abreast with her whereabouts even though the XL group don't know of his love for Yasemin. Hearing them gives him something to hold on to.

And yes the interplay between the scenes is great - of running to the hospital and of Savas talking and realizing that it was love at first sight and it feels like she was his wife.


Mar 5, 2017
Here's how I calculate Savas' years of his life. He's 18 when done with high school (I think their education years are similar to ours). He has spent 1 year now in Istanbul as Aga, 5 years in Italy which, if he is 30, 31, leaves 6 or 7 years for his post high school education (so... 4 years bachelor and 2 years masters, I don't think he got his doctorate.


Mar 5, 2017
When Cem asks Savas why he is so love struck, is it just her beauty. Savas says she was brave. What do you think he meant by that?

And yes Yasemin's scene of child birth was well played, she gets my praise! :points:

Omer is born and the angel necklace comes back out of the nightstand drawer!!!


Mar 5, 2017
E9 And the the jealous fight on the sidewalk outside the house with Nazan's inability to leave the house on her own thinking she's being honorable to the family name. I laughed when Savas tells Cicek to stop weeping - not just crying.