Love and Punishment (2010-2011) | Page 7 | Golden Skate

Love and Punishment (2010-2011)


Final Flight
Jul 16, 2017
She may have told him about the attempt at an aborption, but I doubt she will ever tell him about giving Omer away. She was truly ashamed of that and as understanding as Savas was I think he would have been shocked at that. I can only envision it, if as the wife of the Aga and she was in the middle of social reform in Van and pregnancy came up in her campaign or the sale of infants came up in Van - only then can I envision her sharing that dark secret with Savas - her shame was too great!

Speaking of abortions, Yasmin also tried to get one when she was pregnant the 2nd time, and Pelin tries to stop her.


Final Flight
Jul 16, 2017
After the image of the shepherd I just went back and clicked visit the website for that picture and it's a whole article about Van and life with their animals. It's great, take a look at it:

It reminded me of the wisdom of Savas by providing 15 sheep per household to replace the drug money. They were to milk the sheep and sell it to a coop for money. I remember their surprise that the money would be theirs, must be most Agas would take most of their money.

And this one shows maids a milking
(reminds me of the 12 days of Christmas) xxx maids a milking. But also explains the wonderful cheese from Van. That was something Savas was proud of and he wants to eventually work his company into adding cheese production. Yavuz started that business but who knows how that was run since it was just a front for drug running, just like the Baldar sausage production had been a front for drug running, all before Savas got his hands on it.

Great article about Van! Thank you.


Aug 6, 2017
All the Fairy Tales originated in Germany and spread throughout Europe including Turkey and Disney popular in Italy too where Savas lived . At some point Estefan will tell Savas he does not like the drug business but did what he was told to do .


Mar 5, 2017
Haha--he's going crazy watching Savas and Nadia touching each other, laughing.
While we know the backstory between Savas and Nadya, I'm now thinking Savas might have lead her on too.

I have come to agree with you this second time around (actually it's more than second time around, but it's the second time around talking about what I'm seeing). I think he liked Nadya alot, but he knew it wasn't love. He also admired her brains/business ability, but that wasn't love either. He felt deep down that she loved him and he only liked her, so he just zoned her out as a love interest and treated her a little bit more than a sister! He certainly had enough experience with women, he should have known he was treading on cracked ice.


Final Flight
Jul 16, 2017
I see that Nazan and Cicek in the same unhappy position, Nazan tries to play the game and is still in torture over the death of her husband and therefore hates Cicek. Cicek is in torture in playing the traditions game.

Yasemin is also in torture, they all say there's a fire burning in them. Yasemin fights it by becoming a shopaholic, then trying to attract men. She's scarring me with Bora!!

Add Sevgi to the list of tortured women. I do like Sevgi, she's plays the tortured friend and the woman scorned (by Bora) very well.
The initial narrative of Yasmine and Bora was sort of believable when I first watched this show. But now that we know how it all ended, it's almost comical to think Yasmine thought he'd make a good father to her baby.
I think I'm going to skip a few episodes to catch up.


Aug 6, 2017
In future episode will find out Savas is relived, that deep down he knew it but did not want it to surface to ruin friendship.


Mar 5, 2017
In future episode will find out Savas is relived, that deep down he knew it but did not want it to surface to ruin friendship.

Yes, it's at the end of NE 42. After Yasemin caught them kissing in his office, she runs away, comes back, they yell at each other and make up. Later that evening they are out to dinner and she confronts him about Nadya by asking didn't he know that Nadya was in love with him. He answers that down deep he did but he didn't want to believe it. She asks when did he realize this and he says from the beginning. She wants to know why didn't he tell her about this and he says because he wasn't sure. He then says she meant so much to him like a sister but it turns out she was actually in love with him. Then Yasemin says was he surprised when Nadya confessed her love to him. He says he was actually relieved to hear it from her but it turns out that someone he looked on as his sister is actually in love with him. This all sounds familiar. The same thing happened with Cicek, he looked at her as his sister and then he finds out she loves him. With Cicek though it was a surprise. Maybe he's just too kind and just blind sighted by some women.

The next thing he does at that dinner is he wants to plan a wedding date. My dear Savas sometimes lives in a fantasy world and so in love with Yasemin - he hasn't even told her he's married. Ohhhhhh Savas! :hslap:


Mar 5, 2017
I just finished watching E 59 with my husband. Help me out here. He thinks that Sahnur didn't know about Hasip the son until she met him at Seher's apartment. Seher's pregancy wasn't visible at the time she went to her to ask her to leave Van because if it was then Hasip would have known, but she must have started to show after she left. I had wondered that but then someone here suggested that they thought that Sahnur, being the person she was in needing to know everything about everybody, probably kept track of Seher after she left. Now my husband thinks that by the look that Sahnur gives the son Hasip when she meets him means that he is a surprise to her. What do you all think???


Mar 5, 2017
NE 11 Yasemin is hovering next to Omer's crib while he is sleeping with the motherly look of love at her newborn child. My gosh I remember doing that with my children. Such a look of love that only a mother can give.

And OMG is Savas smitten. He says that its been a year but he still sees Yasemin's face when he closes his eyes.

And that baby in E11 is sooooooooooo adorable. You just want to hug him.


Mar 5, 2017
E11 shows Cicek going to a private university. I googled it and it's unbelieveable: Istanbul has 8 public universities and 29 private universities and 7 private vocational schools.

I just noticed - with the situation when Savas barges into the apartment at the university when she is tutoring a girl in old Turkish, and Savas holds his left hand and points to the right finger indicating to Cicek that she doesn't have her wedding ring on. Didn't notice up until now, but during his marriage to Cicek he doesn't wear a wedding ring, but when he marries Yasemin he wears one already the morning after the wedding before he even puts one on Yasemin's finger.


Mar 5, 2017
Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum but I love Love and Punishment.

Welcome and enjoy our conversation about Savas and Yasemin. You are welcome to comment on anything you want. We have started over with Netflix season 1 so enjoy and savor this wonderful and fulfilling Turkish fairy tale of a love story.


Aug 6, 2017
She kept tabs on Seher for a time and knew about Hasib. The look of shock was how he looked like Hasip. Why else look for an old lover if not for the child.


Aug 6, 2017
True. She must have had some influence to keep Cicek and younger sons on the right path so they did not end up like Yavuz


Mar 5, 2017
She kept tabs on Seher for a time and knew about Hasib. The look of shock was how he looked like Hasip. Why else look for an old lover if not for the child.

True. It did occur to me this morning that she felt this was the greatest mistake or secret she had ever maneuvered. I'm not sure that it would have been characterized as such if instead of taking a second wife, her husband had taken a lover for a short period of time some 40 years ago, who then had disappeared.


Mar 5, 2017
One thing I did find interesting is as evil as ahmet aga is he treated his wife better than I thought.

Yes, I think she knew how far she could go with him and only went that far with him. After all Cicek was able to maneuver her (who in turn coerced Ahmet) to allow Cicek to go to school. Remember how Cicek yelled at her for coming to the Baldar mansion and was snooping around and then Cicek just told her to leave. She left without telling Ahmet why, and he followed along.


Mar 5, 2017
NE 12 My heart goes out to Yasemin. In order to afford life's living expenses for herself, her mother and Omer and try to save for the best education she can get for her son, she's gone off to Istanbul, leaving her infant son for the entire week. That kind of separation is overwhelming painful! The scene where she gets out of her car and wants to talk to her infant son on the phone is heart breaking!