Madeline Aaron (Coyotes SC of Arizona) and Max Settlage (Broadmoor SC) are currently in the lead with 40.33 points, followed by Chelsea Liu (Broadmoor SC) and Devin Perini (Los Angeles FSC) who have 38.64 points. Caitlin Fields (Coyotes SC of Arizona) and Jason Pacini (Fort Collins FSC) are a close third with 37.82 points.
Aaron (16) and Settlage (18) put out a solid routine to Debussy’s Clair de Lune which featured a double twist, a throw double flip, and side-by-side double loops. The team earned positive Grades of Execution (GOE) on all their elements.
Liu (11) and Perini (17) entertained the crowd with their Can Can routine which was highlighted by an Axel lift (+1 GOEs), a throw double loop, and a double twist.
Fields and Pacini, who performed to A Bug’s Life, was the only team to attempt and land a throw double Axel. All other elements were solid including their side-by-side double loops, double twist, and lift.
Audrey Goldberg and Joseph Dolkiewicz (SC Of Southern New Jersey) are fourth with 36.27 points.