2015 Four Continents Free Dance Feb 13 Seoul time | Page 14 | Golden Skate

2015 Four Continents Free Dance Feb 13 Seoul time

Ice Diva

On the Ice
Sep 10, 2012
Couldn't disagree more. They were hit hard in the SD. I thought the Shibs deserved to win that, by the way. W/P fully deserved their overall win. I, for one, am thrilled. I'm really pulling for them to win the world title this year. I think their FD is absolutely genius. It gives me chills every time I see it. I'm just totally in love with it. I'm glad that the judges can see how exceptional it is.

Totally agree with you rain.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Couldn't disagree more. They were hit hard in the SD.

They were not. Let's be honest about it. I'm not a fan of C&B at all, but Kaitlyn was sloppy in the SD, and they even got +2 and +3 GoE for their twizzles which were so slow and have little ice coverage, level 2. Not to mention the PCS they got, same as GPF scores.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
I'm impressed with what they've managed to make of it in such a short time. It's still a big improvement on the program they had at the beginning of the season. Changing mid-season is always a big risk, but in this case, I think it was the right choice, even though they're still not scoring the way they'd no doubt like to be. They are gorgeous skaters, and I hope next season they can come out with a dynamite program to finally have that breakthrough they've been looking for.

Oh I agree it's a huge huge improvement over the Sinatra piece, which was gawdawful. But if you're going to skate to Peter Gabriel, why skate to the stuffy orchestral version? The original is much better. And I'd love to see someone skate to Rhythm of the Heat.


On the Ice
Feb 12, 2015
Yep. Shibs for 4th place! :laugh:

though I'd obviously love to be completely wrong

I think Worlds will be:
1) W/P. SD mistakes here aside and that the judges love the the French team, W/P were 2nd last year and the judges aren't going to give the first place slot to a French team that placed 13th last year at Worlds #1 here. It would be completely unprecedented, and W/P have proven their consistency throughout the years
2) P/C- I think they're better than C/B and they're definitely riding the momentum with their FD
3) C/B- despite me not loving their programs this year, I don't think the Italians have what it takes to beat them
4) C/L- weak programs this year but their FD has drastically improved from COC and given that they are supposed to be the defending champions, judges will be generous
5) Shibs- they will deserve to be in 4th but if the Italians skate relatively well I think the judges will have more of an interest putting the former World Champs ahead of them
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Jan 12, 2014
Agreed! Too bad that Alex had the slip with the twizzle. Maybe they could have rallied for second. But probably not since Chock and Bates put out a good performance. I did find more freedom in this performance which was sorely needed. I am happy for the Shibs that they have a FD score over 100. Something to build on for Worlds.
Yeah 101+ They will probably drop with third, but given that they haven't gotten 100+ at a major ISU event, this is a huge milestone for them.


On the Ice
Aug 29, 2014
Ahhhhh I just got home in time for the award ceremony... Glad to see my predictions turned out right, but I was really rooting for the Shibs. Can't wait to go through the videos and see what went down.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Oh I agree it's a huge huge improvement over the Sinatra piece, which was gawdawful. But if you're going to skate to Peter Gabriel, why skate to the stuffy orchestral version? The original is much better. And I'd love to see someone skate to Rhythm of the Heat.

That's my view point. That's what I was expecting. When I heard they were skating to this piece...I'm like "Awesome, they get to show a powerful piece!" Uh, nope.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Yes she is and the costume is beautiful and the program is a snoozefest.


W/P have improved and yes they skated it well. I just wish the program wasn't so damn self-consciously Important.

I've been thinking for months, what is it that I don't like about this program, a part from the music version, and I couldn't find the right words. Thank you. :biggrin:


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
On my YouTube channel in a few minutes. Award ceremony is still going.

Thanks sabinfire. And just so that you know, I was watching your videos when I came to watch the final group of the Short Dance. When there is no commentary available in your own language (in our case English), it makes things so much more enjoyable to be able to watch it as the spectators do, without any commentary.



Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
They were not. Let's be honest about it. I'm not a fan of C&B at all, but Kaitlyn was sloppy in the SD, and they even got +2 and +3 GoE for their twizzles which were so slow and have little ice coverage, level 2. Not to mention the PCS they got, same as GPF scores.

Level 2. That really says it all. They were three full points back of what they scored at the GPF and in ice dance that's huge.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Level 2. That really says it all. They were three full points back of what they scored at the GPF and in ice dance that's huge.

Yes, and they lost a level on the partial as well. But it's not like they were hit hard. Their twizzles in general are the weakest among top 6 or 7 couples. Yesterday was even worse, yet they still got big GoE's and huge PCS not having their best performance. What I mean is that the judges helped them as much as they could in the SD.


Final Flight
Jan 10, 2014
Alright, I'm off to my nap. Good night, Mrs. P, see you tomorrow! As for the rest, see you in and hour.

Nah, my sleep won the debate on "to sleep or to watch"! Hopefully, no too much shocker from the ladies event. I am still reeling from the men's short. I enjoyed most of the last group of the free dance. Missed a couple of them cos I was reading commentary on GS:laugh2: Well worth it.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
You're welcome.

I really wanted to like it. It certainly has more dance hold, transitions, and inctricate choreography than any other dance program this year. But I just don't like it.
P&C, the young canadians (I can't remember their names now :hopelessness:), and H&B are the only FD's I like this year.


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
Congratulations to Weaver/Poje. :clap: While their SD seemed to lose a bit of luster as the season progressed (maybe 'cause I'm all paso'ed out), the FD is just getting better and better.

Chock/Bates... I think I figured out why I'm not a fan. Madison is a great performer, who can really project into the audience. However, she doesn't really have chemistry with her partner. The choreography had some, er, "chemistry" moves, but she looked like she could've been doing them with anybody.

I thought Maia shined (literally, too ;)) in the Shibutanis' FD, but Alex seemed a little off, not just on the twizzles.

Kinda enjoyed G/P's FD in a guilty pleasure way. It was fun and showed personality. Just wish they didn't choose such aesthetically displeasing positions on their elements (notably the twizzles).


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Agreed! Too bad that Alex had the slip with the twizzle. Maybe they could have rallied for second. But probably not since Chock and Bates put out a good performance. I did find more freedom in this performance which was sorely needed. I am happy for the Shibs that they have a FD score over 100. Something to build on for Worlds.

Yes. They did go out and attack it. So :clap: for them. And I think they've finally found some good tech coaching from Scali and probably Charlie White. I'm not even a techie and it's plainly visible. Charlie once said he thought Philip Glass was a good potential source for programs. Do all of us ShibSib fans a favor: find them a really beautiful driving arty Glass piece, cut it for them, and convince them to really go for an arty beautiful FD, like their Coldplay exhibition is this year.

Just sayin'...