2016 Four Continents Short Dance | Page 26 | Golden Skate

2016 Four Continents Short Dance


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I also think stricter tends to be fairer. With lenient callers, you'll help skaters get the benefit of doubt who don't normally get it, but the ones who don't need the leniency will suffer since the points are less spread out as they should be.


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
I also think stricter tends to be fairer. With lenient callers, you'll help skaters get the benefit of doubt who don't normally get it, but the ones who don't need the leniency will suffer since the points are less spread out as they should be.

This is completely accurate!! There is zero benefit for a lesser team to receive a number they don't deserve. This usually happens with a less experienced panel. They tend to miss the subtle differences that take a team from good to great. When I watch the Shibs twizzle. As a dancer, I tend to look at their upper bodies and faces to make sure they are "spotting." I imagine others would look at their feet to check the timing. This is why I would love to hear what the judges have to say for themselves following an event. Jenny and Dave......I'm looking at you, my cute babies. ;)
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Feb 7, 2014
I feel like that levels should be given more leniently (relatively speaking) and then have GOE and PCS decide who the winner will be. When team A is already down to team B by 4 points because of levels, it makes it difficult for team A to catch up even with far better execution and components. In this case, the order of the top 4 teams seems to have solely been determined by levels, and nothing else. Also levels and GOE are usually related anyways, so theres no need to ding/reward a team twice. (though I understand there are differences)
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Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
I feel like that levels should be given more leniently (relatively speaking) and then have GOE and PCS decide who the winner will be. When team A is already down to team B by 4 points because of levels, it makes it difficult for team A to catch up even with far better execution and components. In this case, the order of the top 4 teams seems to have solely been determined by levels, and nothing else. Also levels and GOE are usually related anyways, so theres no need to ding/reward a team twice. (though I understand there are differences)
It's a sport. The idea of CoP is to judge the elements seperately. I think the best teams should be able to hit those levels. If they can't they have to work on it. The judges can still do a lot with the PCS and GOE's.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
It's a sport. The idea of CoP is to judge the elements seperately. I think the best teams should be able to hit those levels. If they can't they have to work on it. The judges can still do a lot with the PCS and GOE's.

Furthermore, there are many examples of teams with lower levels and thus lower base values still receiving similar or even higher TES based on GOE and outscoring another team with a higher base value overall thanks to PCS. I'm not always opposed to having some elements be scored strictly on GOE (like when ice dance OD used to only let teams do a level 1 lift) to encourage more quality and creativity, but I don't think very important elements like pattern dances should only be judged by GOE, especially if the spectrum is only -3 to + 3. You have to separate the boys/girls from the men/women.

I can't help wonder who Bobbob is trying to help with that suggestion because it seems to be motivated out of fandom.
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On the Ice
Jan 7, 2007
I do think there's an argument to be made that there aren't enough tech specialists. It's always the same handful of people getting assigned the events. And since ice dance is so incestuous, you inevitable have accusations of bias cropping up about basically everybody since most of them have ties to somewhere. But going back to only judges and the likely return of protocol scoring also doesn't strike me as a great idea. I would like the ISU to acknowledge that the tech panel wields a lot of power and is also human, thus perhaps making sure that one "fraction" (say, people close to Montreal, or people close to Shpilband, Zoueva, Zhulin etc.) isn't dominating one panel. But level calls and separating those out of the regular judging panel have done ice dance a world of good in general IMO.


Record Breaker
Nov 14, 2007
Am late to comment here, but I've finally watched the recorded Ice Dance during weekend at home.

Among the first half, I enjoyed performances of Lee/Kam and Min/Gamelin of Korea, and our home town team Kana/Chris :yes:. My tiny complain is Igor's a bit lazy in picking up music for Min/Gamelin's by recycling Nathalie/Fabian's. Very well done considering it's less than a year since they teamed up according to TV commentary.

The secodn half.
Why is Emi/Marien's TES low? I know she made a msitake on twizzles, but what I don't uinderstand is they always get much lower TES than Kana/Chris. They seem never to be able to get necessary TES for Worlds... Their steps and turns are that weaker than Kana/Chris, really? sigh....
Loved Gilles/Poirier's! What a lovely choreography by putting a hand on other's head during 2 turn twizzles in the step sequence. :love: Every season, at least one of their competitive programs does get my vote for 5 best ice dance programs of the season. They never stop surprising me by their uniqueness, which is very welcoming for me. :)

Sorry about Evan's mistake on twizzles. Otherwise, it was a very good performance, airy and sophisticated, I thought. A bit worrysome to see their PCS are tied with Maia/Alex's now. The Shibs skated with such confidence and sureness here. US Nats title maust have given a confidence boost. :yes:

Best 5 SD costumes for me:
5. Emi Hirai http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail...-of-japan-perform-during-news-photo/498989554 How should I describe it in English?! Very cute and it's soooo French! :dance:

4. Kaytlin Weaver http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail...canda-perform-during-the-news-photo/511138010 Lovely color. Hems of her dress, too, dance a waltz like beautiful patels of flowers. :love:

3. Gilles/Poirier http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail...anada-perform-during-the-news-photo/511138012 Oh, such rediculous colors but suit their good-hearted personality sooo well. :yahoo:

2. Madison Chock http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail...of-united-states-perform-news-photo/511137584 Whichever color and whatever design she is to wear, it's Madison who can do justice to any costume. The best in the business. :cool:

..............miles ahead
1. There so many beautiful ladies in ice dance but no one can match his gorgeousness. :luv17: http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail...anada-perform-during-the-news-photo/500979584
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