2022 Grand Prix Espoo Men's Short Program | Page 21 | Golden Skate

2022 Grand Prix Espoo Men's Short Program


Jul 26, 2003
High energy and full speed, though it's been done over and over is better than a very bland program focused on getting the elements done. Skaters are evaluated on what they put on the ice at that precise moment... not on what they've done over and over and over... In that same train of thought, Kevin has also performed the same aerial, slide and butterfly since he was born... and he should still be rewarded for it. YMMV
Kevin is just way better at it!!!


Final Flight
Oct 24, 2020
I have no idea what this environment is of which you speak, but many skaters seem to thrive in it.

Seems like the Eteri bonus is no more. To my eyes, Morisi was never all that, and without the bonus to prop him up, his mistakes are more glaring. (And to be sure, this skate was not his best, bonus or no bonus).

He is an adult, and if he can't manage his own training, that's on him.
Ow I'm pretty sure that you have an idea xd basically opposite of Eteri.
Yea, my Katia certainly does.

As for Morisi idk, I never liked him as a skater, and his quads whatevers are everything what's wrong with judging these days.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
The most interesting skaters for me were Keegan and Selevko (despite his mistakes, the program and performance were unique, and have potential). Virtanen was a very nice surprise too. Something's not clicking for me when it comes to Kevin this season, maybe the programs will grow on me later on. Too bad about Camden, I like his elegant style.

I was very disappointed in TSL for making fun of Morisi's SP and tweeting that this is what a performance without Eteri's doping looks like. Very tasteless, I muted them instantly. Of course this topic flashes through one's head because of the stark contrast with his last seasons' consistency, but let's please give him the benefit of the doubt, especially with zero proof. The guy has just left his long-time coach, and apparently had to do so against his will, so stress induced mistakes are just as plausible.
Mar 21, 2018
The most interesting skaters for me were Keegan and Selevko (despite his mistakes, the program and performance were unique, and have potential). Virtanen was a very nice surprise too. Something's not clicking for me when it comes to Kevin this season, maybe the programs will grow on me later on. Too bad about Camden, I like his elegant style.

I was very disappointed in TSL for making fun of Morisi's SP and tweeting that this is what a performance without Eteri's doping looks like. Very tasteless, I muted them instantly. Of course this topic flashes through one's head because of the stark contrast with his last seasons' consistency, but let's please give him the benefit of the doubt, especially with zero proof. The guy has just left his long-time coach, and apparently had to do so against his will, so stress induced mistakes are just as plausible.
It was disgusting, I can have a high tolerance for jokes, but this really made my angry. Even if it was some truth in this (and I also have my doubts on what is going on in TT), Morisi did not deserve to be joked with like that after having such a bad performance and being in such a difficult situation. The boy clearly struggles and there is no need make him feel worse and mock him and his team. And it´s a very serious accusation as well, all though it was aimed to his team this must feel highly personal. I´m not shocked because it´s TSL, but this was even low to be them...

Lamente Ariane

Skating Skills -5, Fashion +3, Camp +4
Record Breaker
Apr 5, 2017
It was disgusting, I can have a high tolerance for jokes, but this really made my angry. Even if it was some truth in this (and I also have my doubts on what is going on in TT), Morisi did not deserve to be joked with like that after having such a bad performance and being in such a difficult situation. The boy clearly struggles and there is no need make him feel worse and mock him and his team. And it´s a very serious accusation as well, all though it was aimed to his team this must feel highly personal. I´m not shocked because it´s TSL, but this was even low to be them...
Agreed on all counts. Really disgusting comments by TSL, no need to kick someone when they're already down and it's not like Morisi is likely to be responsible for anything currently alleged to be happening (or not happening) at Sambo 70. It's more likely he's a victim if he's involved at all. If I've learned anything this year it's that some people are always looking for an opportunity to find the "right" (i.e. someone their social circle won't defend) target to unleash cruelty and nastiness towards without perceived reprecussions.


Working on Costumes contest & REWATCHES
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
The most interesting skaters for me were Keegan and Selevko (despite his mistakes, the program and performance were unique, and have potential). Virtanen was a very nice surprise too. Something's not clicking for me when it comes to Kevin this season, maybe the programs will grow on me later on. Too bad about Camden, I like his elegant style.

I was very disappointed in TSL for making fun of Morisi's SP and tweeting that this is what a performance without Eteri's doping looks like. Very tasteless, I muted them instantly. Of course this topic flashes through one's head because of the stark contrast with his last seasons' consistency, but let's please give him the benefit of the doubt, especially with zero proof. The guy has just left his long-time coach, and apparently had to do so against his will, so stress induced mistakes are just as plausible.
Thank goodness the crowd had more sense. They were clapping and cheering trying to encourage him after an error. it seemed to help him make it to the end. Kudos to the fans.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Georgian Lady Skating Fed Boss = not impressed again
I'm kinda judging these people, like you're not out there, lady, who are you to judge? Unless she can go out there and do a quad she can take her pouting, eye-rolling, nasty face and shove it. What a b-

I'm very sad for Moris, I bet it's all the nasty things people have written about his quads. Like it's a figure skating jump, he didn't murder anyone... wouldn't know it from the vitriol he got. Now he can't jump properly at all and everyone's like "Wow what the problem?" The dude can read and he's obviously read all that nasty stuff and it's in his head now.

Bah! Apologies for the rant, this just really peeves me.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
I was very disappointed in TSL for making fun of Morisi's SP and tweeting that this is what a performance without Eteri's doping looks like.
What did you expect? Those guys are actual scum, of course they'd pick on Moris, of COURSE they would. If there's a crummy, horrible, disgusting take on something you can bet your bottom dollar they'll take it.

In the past I've reported them on Twitter and YouTube for their disgusting treatment of skaters. Alas it did no good.

All I can hope for is that people stop watching them. I don't care if they conduct a seance and get Axel Paulsen himself on. They deserve nothing.

If you wanna list of the worst things in figure skating they're waaaaay at the top. It's BS they're in the sport.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
I'm kinda judging these people, like you're not out there, lady, who are you to judge? Unless she can go out there and do a quad she can take her pouting, eye-rolling, nasty face and shove it. What a b-

I'm very sad for Moris, I bet it's all the nasty things people have written about his quads. Like it's a figure skating jump, he didn't murder anyone... wouldn't know it from the vitriol he got. Now he can't jump properly at all and everyone's like "Wow what the problem?" The dude can read and he's obviously read all that nasty stuff and it's in his head now.

Bah! Apologies for the rant, this just really peeves me.
There are obviously things we don't know.... my comments about the Georgian lady are more comedic than anything. In the competition thread, we comment on everything live and things go fast... a facial expression, a smile, a frown, can lead to quick written reactions. Morisi has always been a polarizing skater... some like him, some don't. He is certainly not one of my favourites... but I don't rejoice when I see a skater struggle. My hypothesis would be the following : Morisi's new training arrangements have been difficult and his commitment not ultimate. Georgian lady cannot do much more than wait that he regains his training rhythm here... It would be useless to be cheerful and say things like "you will do better next time" when the issue is probably about Morisi having to really regain his dedication to the sport. So she sits there with a blank face... She has sat with other skaters and demonstrated more support. But never with Morisi.... So that would be my explanation... however, if anyone should read these lines, it's her... she should know that we are waiting for every facial expression to comment on it :) that's what we do in these threads... especially with "villains". I wouldn't read too much into it... I think you like to read the threads after the event has been done... you probably are watching the replays and I enjoy reading your reports at the end of the threads too. I bet with being in Australia, time zones have a lot to do with this... For having done that a few times myself, I felt it too... Sometimes, we fans, are a bit harsh... in the heat of the moment... and yes, it can be a bit much to read all the comments afterwards.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
What did you expect? Those guys are actual scum, of course they'd pick on Moris, of COURSE they would. If there's a crummy, horrible, disgusting take on something you can bet your bottom dollar they'll take it.

In the past I've reported them on Twitter and YouTube for their disgusting treatment of skaters. Alas it did no good.

All I can hope for is that people stop watching them. I don't care if they conduct a seance and get Axel Paulsen himself on. They deserve nothing.

If you wanna list of the worst things in figure skating they're waaaaay at the top. It's BS they're in the sport.
I'd like to point out that this post is basically indulging in the very thing you're criticizing, with much hyperbole and vitriol.

While it's not at all popular here, I'll freely admit that I love TSL and Dave and Jonathan. They are virtually the only folks doing what they do, and it's a thankless job putting yourself out there with your unvarnished opinions. Do I agree with or even like all of the things they say? Nope. They have their biases, just like anyone else. But nor do I think they've murdered anybody, to use your turn of phrase. I look forward to their recaps after each competition and updates on the skating news.

And quite frankly, I've haven't heard them ever say anything worse than what I've read on this forum. The hypocrisy when people dump on them and their work after some of the things posted on this board? Nope. I will never get on that hate train. I have a lot of respect for them and hope they continue for years to come.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
I have a lot of respect for them and hope they continue for years to come.
Which part do you respect? Their comments that Liza Tuk was too far to be a skater?

Or the time they joked and sneered about Alena K being in a sexual relationship with her coach? (Never proven)

Or maybe their outright stalking of Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkin trying to dig up dirt on them is worth praise?

Or their horrible nasty comments about Evgenia Tarasova, Vladimir Morozov and their coach Nina Mozer? (Oh wow they wore smaltzy costumes and their coach needs to wear prescription sunglasses let's tear them to pieces, sooooo edgy)

Or right here where they accused Morris of being a drug cheat? That's not slanderous or crappy behaviour at ALL, give them a freaking medal for being so marvellously respectful!

Or my personal favourite when they pretended they didn't think Plushenko was a complete and utter loser to get an interview with him then spent the rest of their video mocking and sneering at him? The absolute cowardice of that display...they can hate and disrespect a skater all they want, but how DARE they not say it to his face. I loathe them and I would take great pleasure in saying it directly to their smug faces.

They absolutely enrage me.
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Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
Which part do you respect? Their comments that Liza Tuk was too far to be a skater?

Or the time they joked and sneered about Alena K being in a sexual relationship with her coach? (Never proven)

Or maybe their outright stalking of Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkin trying to dig up dirt on them is worth praise?

Or their horrible nasty comments about Evgenia Tarasova, Vladimir Morozov and their coach Nina Mozer? (Oh wow they wore smaltzy costumes and their coach needs to wear prescription sunglasses let's tear them to pieces, sooooo edgy)

Or right here where they accused Morris of being a drug cheat? That's not slanderous or crappy behaviour at ALL, give them a freaking medal for being so marvellously respectful!

Or my personal favourite when they pretended they didn't think Plushenko was a complete and utter loser to get an interview with him then spent the rest of their video mocking and sneering at him? The absolute cowardice of that display...they can hate and disrespect a skater all they want, but how DARE they not say it to his face. I loathe them and I would take great pleasure in saying it directly to their smug faces.

They absolutely enrage me.

You know, you can always just not watch. You don't need to feed your unproductive hatred of people you don't actually know, then come and spill your bile on the internet. And that's all I'll say on the subject, since we're clearly never going to agree.