2014 Olympics Free Dance | Page 52 | Golden Skate

2014 Olympics Free Dance


Record Breaker
Jan 27, 2014
As someone who likes both couples, I thought they were both without a doubt magical. Everyone has their own preferences, but I suppose I prefer to look at it like, why cheapen the medals both pairs won by saying that one team's performance wasn't "this" or "that?" I think it's easier to look at the situation like, they both gave fabulous performances that they should be extremely proud of; and that we should be so grateful to have gotten to watch them.

That being said, I do think both couples were magical. Each team has its own relationship which is different than the other...And is portrayed in different ways on the ice. I'm glad that for the past 4+ years we've been able to see great performances from both teams that have shaped and evolved ice dance!
So congratualations and thanks to them for sharing their talent with us!!

I love this post :biggrin:

I too agree that they were both ah-ma-zing and magical, and at the end a lot of it (especially for the casual viewer) is about personal preference - like do you prefer blondes or brunettes...

Having said that, the hatred and vitriol is just dripping on the ISU FB page from the Virtue&Moir fans, which is to me very upsetting. Reminds me of 2010 Plushenko. I loved both teams equally (is that even possible?), but now I'm starting to think the Canucks should just go home and make themselves a platinum medal already, sheesh. (To be fair, I mean the Can fans, not V&M themselves.)


On the Ice
Feb 17, 2010
I haven't read the whole thread, but here are my thoughts:

1. As much as I like "The Little Prince" as a book, the P/B program reminded me of Usova/Zhulin's clownish, humorous
one, back in the day, with similar results.
As someone above has already stated, Olympic judges really do prefer dramatic/sweeping ones.

2. Agree V/M should have saved Carmen for this year.

3. D/W were fantastic in my view in both programs and are not merely technical.

4. I also apologize for the Russian audience, truly embarrasing for me as a Russian.
All I can say is: nationalism and Putin for years = this result.


Final Flight
Nov 12, 2012
I love this post :biggrin:

I too agree that they were both ah-ma-zing and magical, and at the end a lot of it (especially for the casual viewer) is about personal preference - like do you prefer blondes or brunettes...

Having said that, the hatred and vitriol is just dripping on the ISU FB page from the Virtue&Moir fans, which is to me very upsetting. Reminds me of 2010 Plushenko. I loved both teams equally (is that even possible?), but now I'm starting to think the Canucks should just go home and make themselves a platinum medal already, sheesh.

They should hear Tom Hammond and Tracy Wilson commentating on D/W's golden performance;


Dr. Jenn

Jan 10, 2014
I actually really liked the program, but about halfway through my dislike of B's skating started to overpower my like of the concept. I applaud their effort to do something different. Of course, I actually kind of miss the days of over dramatic Russian drama, even if the modern more ballroom oriented programs are probably more technically demanding and true to dance. That is probably why I liked Swan Lake more than either v/m or d/w, even though their skating skills are not on the same level.

Completely off-topic, but I burst out laughing when I read the reasons for your edits... Well played, Angryyew, well played! :laugh:


Dec 15, 2003
I have mixed feelings. It's like the SP all over again. I just can't understand VM losing to DW. DW are a very good technical couple and VM - art on the ice, a different league. They will be remembered, their programs will be rewatched over and over again. WP were stunning! I liked the Spanish couple immensely, the one to watch. IK finally brought it, the lift were exquisite, the most difficult of the night, I guess.

My standings are:
1. VM
2. DW
3. IK
4. WP

I agree. So many memorable performances. They created magic on their ice. Their chemistry is unmatched.


Final Flight
Nov 5, 2006
I'm Russian. I was at the event and apologies for the audience.
But you should to understand. 20000 roubles per ticket.. It's very expensive. There were few fans of figure skating. There were rich people who scream at hokkey and after came here to scream. About me, no one even knew the names of our scaters.

Thanks for sharing your perspective!


On the Ice
Dec 20, 2013
D/W were okay last night but I felt a little let down watching them receive the Gold. I don't think it's up there with the all-time great Olympic winning skates but I don't think they were ever not going to win.
V/M did all they could but the Gold was lost before they even skated in Sochi.
I/K were amazing. I had goose bumps watching them even though I wanted Nathalie & Fabian to get the Bronze.
P/B like V/M did all that was asked of them. I will be sad to see them go.
My two sisters who were there said the audience were so loud even for the non-Russian couples.
They sat next to two Canadians who also loved I/K but were a little sad for V/M.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
Oh, my. I don't much like this.

Marina coached them to an Olympic championship and two other medals in Sochi and two WC's. I'd say she did a pretty good job.

I really felt that their two individual performances here were the best they've skated in years, it just wasn't enough to win.

Before the Games, I wondered whether distractions like their TV show were a good idea.

I think that's probably a more likely explanation than the coach.


Record Breaker
Jun 3, 2008
Cant believe I missed the best skated event so far! Watched from tv and wish I was there!
Edit: Wow P/B sound so bitter, I thought they did great and their program was my fav last night, I wish they shoud be proud, I wish they had won a medal but I was surprised also I/K skated back to back two clean performances. I like their program too.
Last edited:


On the Ice
Oct 23, 2005
Davis and White were amazing, extremely well prepared and it showed. They earned the Olympic Gold Medal!
I also wonder what if Virtue/Moir had saved their Carmen program for this season.........


Jul 26, 2003
You know what this sounds like to me, who loves neither?

The ol' shopping list of excuses.

Well as it has been said this thread may get some drama because of this article. I think now they are doing what if just like many would. I my self wondered why they stayed after Igor left. I think it is difficult for a coach to remain neutral when they are coaching top teams . Marina now had one gold medalist team and over the next four years I think she would naturally push the other one to attain the same level. I think Tessa and Scott were so used to her that maybe they were afraid to change so close to the Olympics. But yes I think they should have seen the writing on the wall when their marks began to fall. There must have been a reason for it and not just because of judging. Maybe they needed a coach with fresh eyes to give them a different perspective. But I do think they felt a loyalty to Marina after all she got them the gold medal in Vancouver. I do not think it is sour grapes for them I think they are just trying to figure out what went so wrong. But in the final analysis it does not matter the results are in and they got silver which is nothing to sneeze at.Their performance yesterday was the best they had done that program and I think they can be proud and happy their ended their amateur career with that kind of performance. They had a brilliant career and achieved the highest pinnacle for them Now it is time to let it go and get on with their lives and allow Meryl and Charlie to enjoy what they have had for the last few years. I am sure Tessa and Scott will as they are good competitors but right now the disappointment is very fresh


On the Ice
Oct 22, 2013
Apparently Virtue and Moir questioned Marina's commitment and their decision to stick with her at their press conference! Said for the first time this season Marina wasn't there for them -- about Canadian nationals, I guess? Looks like there may be some drama.


They really are sour losers. Why can't they just shut up and let Meryl and Charlie have their moment, the same way D/W let them have theirs in 2010?


It was easy when you were on top, wasn't it? Except Meryl and Charlie were nothing than gracious and happy for you.

That's really so not fair towards Marina and not fair towards Davis/White. Just let it be.


Forum translator
Record Breaker
Jul 28, 2003
Yes, when Zueva chased Shpilband from the rink, V&M should've gone with him. Would it have ultimately made a difference? Perhaps not. But I think it would've been the right decision and would've given them more of a chance.