Just read my post again I am not talking about skaters not willing to share a bit of time with fans. I am sure that many appreciate it. I am talking about my own behaviour. I do not like to be the instigator for quite a lot of reasons that come from my own experience as a performer who is required to greet audience members after concerts. I am a very good actor : I have always been nice to anyone talking after a show and so on, but I would prefer if I didn't have to do so most of the times, so I give the skaters a break. Of course, I made one exception at this rule once when I asked Nik Soerensen to sign my book...His handwriting is superb. It was a funny moment because all the young skaters were asking Lolo for photos and autrographs and he was standing gloriously by himself, in all his splendour... So I obliged and gave him some fan attention. He grinned and it was a very nice moment... but it is enough for me. When you get the best in the world, you don't need othersIf they don't like it when I approach them they are extraordinarily good actors/actresses. Not only does Amber sign everyone's Pride flags (she asked my name, which no other skater has ever done and signed with a big beautiful signature and a big beautiful smile) but she invites everyone who brought Pride flags to take a group photo with her after the competition.
Also there is FOFS breakfast where I have to believe they are 100% certain they will be approached by many people. That's what the event is for.