Weir Willing to be Arrested in Sochi for Gay Rights | Golden Skate

Weir Willing to be Arrested in Sochi for Gay Rights


Record Breaker
Mar 6, 2010
He skated in Finlandia and didn't reach the qualifying scores? Or they are expired? We will see if public couples violate the law. So weir and his husband would be arrested for being together in public.


On the Ice
Jan 14, 2010
I like that Johnny is opposed to a boycott. Some politically correct groups are calling for one over these ridiculous new laws. I kind of think that nobody will be arrested, that it's just some sort of weird negative publicity stunt. I hope so, anyway. Wasn't there a pair of "lesbian" Russian singers a few years ago ("lesbian" in quotes because they really weren't and had several abortions that their evil manager made them get?) Now Johnny can't even be seen with his husband in public?


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013

Nothing like taking advantage of a terrible law to get a bit more publicity for one's self!

The only way he will be in Sochi is if a broadcaster invites him to commentate/present.

I get that awareness of the law needs to be raised, but this just smacks of martyrdom for fame.


Record Breaker
Mar 6, 2010
I like that Johnny is opposed to a boycott. Some politically correct groups are calling for one over these ridiculous new laws. I kind of think that nobody will be arrested, that it's just some sort of weird negative publicity stunt. I hope so, anyway. Wasn't there a pair of "lesbian" Russian singers a few years ago ("lesbian" in quotes because they really weren't and had several abortions that their evil manager made them get?) Now Johnny can't even be seen with his husband in public?

That's what weir says. He goes to the Olympics after winning nationals or placing second appears in public with his husband and he would be arrested and deported! That's his view! After he wins or places second at nationals this will be what he continues to say! Or he doesn't medal and then blames judges for not wanting to risk a contender not being able to compete because they were deported! I find it hard to believe no gay couple has been in Public in Russia since the law was passed!


On the Ice
Mar 17, 2013
I get that awareness of the law needs to be raised, but this just smacks of martyrdom for fame.

Sigh. Knowing about his past experiences with having to deal with homophobic comments and his love for Russian culture, I think that there must be genuine anger and disappointment on Johnny's part re: the current Russian law. Still, some of his recent more off-putting words/actions can't help make some cynical part of me also question part of his motivations behind this proclamation as a publicity stunt. Somewhere out there is an alternate universe where Johnny skated as best as he could at the 2010 Olympics with a respectable result (as he really has done) and then gracefully bowed out of competition to pursue a happy personal/professional life rather than putting his own physical health & reputation at risk whilst pursuing what have so far been (and probably will continue to be) disappointing comebacks. :/


Match Penalty
Jun 16, 2010
Weir wont have to worry about being a gay athlete at the Olympic Games, unless he plans to show up as a spectactor. His chances of making the team are something below Sandhu's chances to make the Canadian Olympic team. I do wonder though if there is any openly gay athlete in any sport who realistically could be competing at the Games (aka Weir doesnt fit that bill at this point whether he "wants" to try to make the team or not) to test the waters of what would happen. I cant think of one at the moment.


Record Breaker
Mar 6, 2010
I don't know if the new Zealand speed skater is like the Johnny weir of new Zealand speed skating or someone who's been to a worlds in the past 3 years.


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2012
I like that Johnny is opposed to a boycott. Some politically correct groups are calling for one over these ridiculous new laws. I kind of think that nobody will be arrested, that it's just some sort of weird negative publicity stunt. I hope so, anyway. Wasn't there a pair of "lesbian" Russian singers a few years ago ("lesbian" in quotes because they really weren't and had several abortions that their evil manager made them get?) Now Johnny can't even be seen with his husband in public?

Johnny Weir is decent at heart. He WAS an amazing skater. He is no longer a great skater, but he is forever a decent person.

A boycott is only going to hurt the wrong people. When it comes down to it, most people hopefully will realize that.

This fight is not the skaters' fight. It is not the athletes' fight. Even though they are potentially affected, it is most important that they participate in the games. The rest of us have no excuse except wilful blindness or, in Coke's and the IOC's case, profits. Johnny Weir's statement is over the top, ya, but at least he is taking a stand. Bully for him.

The two people you refer to were from a punk band called "Pussy Riot". The particular incident had nothing to do with LGBT issues but the band did do songs that were supportive of LGBT rights. The two members were sentenced to two years in jail for performing in a church (after hours and unauthorized) for a video entitled "Punk Prayer - Mother of God, Chase Putin Away!" The group was larger than two people, but there were complicating facts (a third member successfully appealed and was released, several members who were there but were not charged actually fled the country, and a whole bunch of other stuff) as to why the government was able to only scapegoat two of them with hard jail time. The case is significant in the present situation because it is illustrative of the government's very real crackdown on the basis of "morality". As well, this particular case, was very much internationally publicized, drawing a lot of celebrity involvement.

But really, there are quiet ways of speaking loudly. (Drink Pepsi.) You don't have to get arrested, Johnny. We would miss you.


Match Penalty
Mar 11, 2007
I did see him land the most beautiful 3lutz-3toe-3loop combo last week.

If Johnny did not get any Grand Prix assignments, can we expect to hear about him being at US Figure Skating's Champs Camp for an update? I'm sure if he is there he will have some updates when he speaks so expertly with the media.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I like Weir but I don’t really think he has this to worry about unless he’s just planning on going to Russia to visit. I just don't see him making the team.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
He has nothing to worry about as the Russians have said that no athlete/outsider will be harmed during the Games. Obviously they wouldn't arrest an athlete, let alone a high-profile athlete and Russiophile such as Weir. It might put them in a difficult situation though if Weir talks about his husband.

I agree with karne, this smells of martyrdom and attention-seeking.

Also, he's not the only LGBT athlete to compete in the Olympics. Think of how many athletes there are as a whole. LGBT ones I can think of along with Blake Skjellerup from New Zealand (who has recently been asked about the whole situation), include Barbara Jezeršek (cross-country skier), two Canadian curlers I know who I'm not sure I can name, Brian Orser, Sarah Vaillancourt (hockey), Ireen Wüst (speedskater) and probably a slew of others.


Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
Is this a threat or a promise? Because if his being locked away could spare us the continued proliferation of his private agendas and the unnecessary drama; I would be all for it:mad::yes: