Why Scott Hamilton chooses not to have his third brain tumor treated | Golden Skate

News Why Scott Hamilton chooses not to have his third brain tumor treated

Jun 21, 2003
Scott Hamiltin has had a recurring pituitary tumor for several years. After a period of remission and positive response to surgery and chemotherapy, it has come back. Scott has chosen to decline new treatment, at least ubntil it becomes symptomatic.

Scott is a deeply devout person. He is quite at ease with trusting in the wisdom of the Devine.



Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
Scott Hamiltin has had a recurring pituitary tumor for several years. After a period of remission and positive response to surgery and chemotherapy, it has come back. Scott has chosen to decline new treatment, at least ubntil it becomes symptomatic.

Scott is a deeply devout person. He is quite at ease with trusting in the wisdom of the Devine.

Read that....we need an "hugs" emoji.


On the Ice
Feb 10, 2006
I remember a documentary where Hamilton talked about his previous cancer treatment and his skating friends visiting him during his treatment. They said he was actually the one comforting them. He is a strong person and has gone through a lot. I admire his courage.


Mar 28, 2016
Scott Hamiltin has had a recurring pituitary tumor for several years. After a period of remission and positive response to surgery and chemotherapy, it has come back. Scott has chosen to decline new treatment, at least ubntil it becomes symptomatic.

Scott is a deeply devout person. He is quite at ease with trusting in the wisdom of the Devine.

This is NOT TRUE. I didn't hear this rumor until today until I spoke with my former coach who has know Scott since they were both teenagers. She has even introduced me to him on a couple occasions. This morning I had sent her a clip from Jeopardy where a contestant thought Scott Hamilton was Mary Lou Retton, which was hilarious! I asked her if she got my email and she said she sent it to Scott and his wife. His wife replied back saying they both needed a good laugh today because they have been spending the day reaching out to different media/social media outlets to say this rumor is not true.


On the Ice
Dec 20, 2019
is strange that he don't begins a treatment ,maybe lost hopes , will be praying for him

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
This is NOT TRUE. I didn't hear this rumor until today until I spoke with my former coach who has know Scott since they were both teenagers. She has even introduced me to him on a couple occasions. This morning I had sent her a clip from Jeopardy where a contestant thought Scott Hamilton was Mary Lou Retton, which was hilarious! I asked her if she got my email and she said she sent it to Scott and his wife. His wife replied back saying they both needed a good laugh today because they have been spending the day reaching out to different media/social media outlets to say this rumor is not true.

I don't understand what you are calling a rumor?

Scott *himself* has confirmed that the tumor reoccurred. It did re-occur a few years ago, not recently. Evidently recent news sources revived the story due to the 40th anniversary of Scott's gold medal.

This last time, when it came back in 2016, Hamilton — faced again with a difficult surgery — decided to forego any treatment until and unless he started experiencing symptoms. That decision has been the focus of multiple media reports this week, brought on by coverage of the 40th anniversary of his only Olympic gold.

Those reports triggered a flood of questions and concerns from fans, and Hamilton is moved by the outpouring. He also has a message for those concerned about his health — remain calm. Hamilton is.
"I don’t want people to worry about me at all," he said. "I’m playing with house money now.

"There are a lot of reasons I shouldn’t be here. And I am here. I celebrate every single day

Jun 21, 2003
People Magazine corrected the error.

"Correction: PEOPLE's print version of this story indicated that Hamilton's brain tumors were cancerous. In fact, all three brain tumors have been benign. Hamilton has only been diagnosed with cancer once, in 1997, when he had testicular cancer."

Here is the new version of the article.

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Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
The People article is very different from the one in the original post. It is much longer and more comprehensive. Also more interesting and less sensational.
Jun 21, 2003
The People article is very different from the one in the original post. It is much longer and more comprehensive. Also more interesting and less sensational..
I agree. That "less sensational" is the key. The first version, and especially the headline. seemed to be trying to work up some kind of click-bait controversy over whether a person sholud decline treatment and let nature take its course or whether that person should fight vigorously with all the weapons that modern medicine can offer. The new version is more along the lines of "catching up with our old pal Scott."

Now that my memory has been jogged, I do remember the discussions we had on Golden Skate back in 2016 about what exactly a "benign" tumor meant. The distinction with a cancerous tumor is that a benign tumor grows more slowly and does not metastasize to other organs. In the case of a brain tumor it can still kill you just by growing too large and pressing on the brain, but if the tumor is small and slow-growiing, the option of just monitoring it is often recommended, especially for old people for whom surgery poses other risks (not saying that the ever-young ScottHamilton is old :) ) -- but also a benign tumor can often be removed entirely without coming back.

By the way. the Jeopardy segment where a contestant misidentified a picture of Scott as May Lou Retton is available on You Tube. The contestant said afterward that she had lost her glasses on the way to the studio and was just trying as best she could from the verbal clue (1984 Olympic gold medalist -- she missed the "Winter Olympics" part of the clue). The irony is that Retton really is an anti-vaxxer who is suspicious of various medical treatments.
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Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
I agree. That "less sensational" is the key. The first version, and especially the headline. seemed to be trying to work up some kind of click-bait controversy
I'm really confused about the two articles. I thought they were totally different articles about Scott Hamilton. One is on AOL and one in People. But now I see that they have the same author and the AOL article has "People" on it. Does AOL take articles, rewrite them to be a quarter as long, include only the most sensational parts, and twist their meanings? A kind of tabloid Readers Digest?

Did the original author do the hatchet job, or did AOL do it and still "credit" the original author?

Or did the author voluntarily write, and People publish, both versions?


الله قوي إلى الأبد وأنا عبده
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023
is strange that he don't begins a treatment ,maybe lost hopes , will be praying for him
Lost hope? There is plenty of success treating brain tumors outside of conventional means.

Not going to get into a debate here about that but he definitely hasnt lost hope in his own life, seems like the contrary to me as a matter of fact.
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