Yuzuru Hanyu: 2015-16 Season | Page 108 | Golden Skate

Yuzuru Hanyu: 2015-16 Season

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Record Breaker
Aug 14, 2014
Thank you so much!:) I really wanted to know how he feels about that and whether he's ok spending time outside. He sounds like a typical indoors person to me. I guess he has some kind of anxiety or feels purposeless when spends time outdoors. Definitely proved himself to be a cat again!
I think he's mentioned before that despite his lack of free time he managed to make a few close friends. Sashi must be one of them or it might be just him, yes.

another thing i noticed at this part was he emphasized "truly" close friend. i remember his words in his school days(15-18? ) like "i don't need a type of friend who try to get close to me just because i am fomous.". he got well known in his youth. there were some people who did so. he must have felt some difficulty about friendship. now he gets true friends like sashida-san. it's nice.
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May 4, 2014
Asaichi talk show was a treasure of his words. He also talked about skate or program. Now I am working for crafting gist type translation covering all the topics. Yesterday, making Japanese script watching the video took me several hours! But his words were really impressive. Now I am on my short trip and has no pc with me. I will complete it within 1 day or so and post it.:)

If anyone is interested, Chinese fans already subbed the entire show (so fast!) and its about 85 minutes.

Thank you everyone for the translations! You guys are awesome :rock:

And as always, its great reading won0066's blog entries :)

Looking forward to your translation hamaguri! \(^o^)/

also thank you for all the information translated so far! seeing this sub video by amazing chinese fans make me jump for joy! i can watch this interview many many times and not get tired. ( ´∀`)


Zamboni time
On the Ice
Apr 21, 2014
Well, they may have just drawn a conclusion of their own, like everybody else.

Oh~ I thought he mentioned it in the show that attire wasn't assembled by him? The part where he said he never dress stylishly like that... or am I mistaken? Hamaguri and others who are more expert? ^^;


Record Breaker
Aug 14, 2014
The work took me much more time than imagined. The volume is so large, and I devide tho whole by every 10 minutes. I continue my work. I tried to constitute it centering on something new, impressive, funny…And point out and correct anything wrong, please.:drama:

Asaichi vol.1 (0:00-10:00)
(l) lady announcer
(m) man personality (Inohara-san)
*Their words are summarized.
*Some parts are abbreviated.

(Yuzu) Good morning! August 28, Asaichi.

(L) You look fresh from the morning. Which time do you get up and how?
(yuzu) I don’t get up so early. I hardly get up early like this.

(l) Your two (lady announcer and yuzu) costumes overlap.
(yuzu) They look like a kind of “pairlook” (Note: When a couple wear the same or similar outfits, it’s called “pairlook” in Japan.).
(l)They are just “pairlook”.
(l) Sorry. I tried to express my respect.
(m) The image may be blue..
(l) Yeah, it may feel like loyal blue.
(l) You have the image of costumes on ice. How about your casual wears?
(yuzu) It’s the first time I’ve come dressing up like this.
(m) You always?
(yuzu) Jersey, T-shirt, rucksack, glasses.
(m) You are an athlete. I could have an image of your jersey.
(yuzu) Something tight is hard for me, like while I am moving..
(m)(l) The number of fax is over 6800. We want you to answer as many questions as possible today.
(l) by man, 92yo, message. You always give me vigor.
(yuzu) Thank you.
(l) by girl, 15yo, question. You finished your homework for summer holidays as planned?
(m) I didn’t do it as planned.
(l) You are gold medalist. So she expects you are the type of person who would do things as planned.
(yuzu) I betray her expectation to a great degree.(lol)
(l) You do it in a hurry at the end of holidays?
(yuzu) Truly hurry. Especially, in my elementary school days, I was ordered by my mother or sister, “Do it!” and I did “fueeen” ..
(the episode of 24H TV)
Last week, Yuzu appeared on 24HTV and next to Inohara-san. Yuzu sweated a lot and Inohara-san lent yuzu a handkerchief. Then Inohara-san appeals that he has a handkerchief for yuzu today. Further, about the handkerchief of 24HTV, yuzu had been going to return it after washing, but couldn’t and rerturned the one with his sweat at that time since he was too nervous. Then, lady announcer asked (5:00),
(l)Have you got nervous?
(yuzu) Yes, I am rather nervous now and I get rather talkative.

(Move to fax corner)
~They see faxes and pictures.
(l)What do you think of being surrounded by pictures with such a handsome face?
(yuzu) I don’t know how my parents feel, but honestly, I feel a bit embarrassed with too many faces of mine.
(m) Do you feel a bit shy?
(yuzu) Yes, I feel shy. Anyway, everyone draws me so that I look better than I am.
(l) You are like a prince. Do you think so?
(yuzu) Not at all. I am not a prince-type person.
(m)Which type?
(yuzu)Athlete with hot spirit. ~ As some people know, I have hate-to-lose spirit and cherish desire to improve myself. I am not so calm.

(l) by woman, 48yo, question. What do you first after you get up?
(yuzu) My hairs terribly get tousled with sleep.
(m) How?
(yuzu) This was like a “beetle” in the past.
(m) Male?
(yuzu) Of course. Female wouldn’t make up messy hairs. My hairs feel “stiff”... “My bangs”
“Side hairs also stand..” . Further, I turn a lot in my sleep…
(Then, Inohara-san touches yuzu’s hairs and says they are a bit stiff. Inohara-san’s are also stiff, and they sometimes become like a stag beetle. “Yuzu agreed merrily.”
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Final Flight
Jan 18, 2014
Thanks Hamaguri for the translation.
I can't follow the progress of the thread these days but at least I was able to see that :yay:


Jul 2, 2014
thanks for your translation hamaguri! it's always nice to hear him talk about his everyday life outside the rink. it's quite refreshing.


what are levels anyway
Record Breaker
May 2, 2014
thanks hamaguri not only for translation but also including screenshots and gifs!!!! :love:
how sweet of 92 year old man to say "you give me vigor" ! he has amazing fans


Jun 19, 2013
Such hard woking, Hamaguri :eek:

Shame, I'm so lazy :disapp:

I think this will be included, maybe next part ?

Yuzuru said he had heard lots of music themes of NHK "Taiga (literally meaning mighty river, but in this case "saga novel" ) Drama Series - popular Japanese history drama series, when he chose Japanese theme for this season's FP (although Seimei is not the one in Taiga Drama Series).

I'm interested in what he felt with these music themes.

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Jo de Souza

On the Ice
May 31, 2015
another thing i noticed at this part was he emphasized "truly" close friend. i remember his words in his school days(15-18? ) like "i don't need a type of friend who try to get close to me just because i am fomous.". he got well known in his youth. there were some people who did so. he must have felt some difficulty about friendship. now he gets true friends like sashida-san. it's nice.

very smart of him .. we have a saying in Brazil "before alone than in bad company"
if it feels good playing, listening to music should not leave apra please others ..

better to be alone or who likes it truly
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Jo de Souza

On the Ice
May 31, 2015
The work took me much more time than imagined. It is only first 10 minutes.. Is it OK? I continue my work. I tried to put his impressive or interesting words:drama:…and point out and correct anything wrong, please.
Next part is more interesting.

you and all who help us with their translations deserve forced many large, hugs and kisses .. (in Brasdil hugged and kissed friends)

pçosso hardly wait for the next part .. I will see it again after reading all .. (laughs)

you guys saw that beautiful!
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Record Breaker
Aug 14, 2014
Yuzuru said he had heard lots of music themes of NHK "Taiga (literally meaning mighty river, but in this case "saga novel" ) Drama Series - popular Japanese history drama series, when he chose Japanese theme for this season's FP (although Seimei is not the one in Taiga Drama Series).
The part will be vol. 4(30:00-40:00). I divided the whole by every 10 minutes. I'm surprised by the volume :drama:
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Record Breaker
Feb 23, 2014
Well, a congrats is in orden to Japan on winning the Little League World Series, wonder if Yuzuru watched the game...


Record Breaker
Aug 14, 2014
It is vol. 2. next Vol.3 includes topics about costumes.

Asaichi vol.2 (10:00-20:00)
Part 1http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x33cc3w_2015-08-28-part1_sport

(l) What do you dislike best?
(yuzu)unn. I have a lot dislikes about food.
(m) For example?
(yuzu) Paprika (bell pepper)..
(m) Like green peppers?
(yuzu) Green peppers are OK. I’m not fond of a sweet taste or somewhat of paprika(bell pepper). It becomes like trauma. At my first overseas competition in Finland, I didn’t take any Japanese food with me. There were something like burger or sandwich. I bit into it happily, “Tomato!” , since I liked tomatoes. Then it was a paprika. It's been a trauma since then. But now I’m trying to overcome it.
(m) Do you have any dislikes other than foods?
(yuzu) Nervousness.
(m) Like before competitions?
(yuzu) I get rather nervous. It often looks like I don’t get so nervous though.. Sometimes I get too nervous and goes into a mess, and get into high tension-mode..
(m) It leads to better result?
(yuzu) Sometimes. But I learn to control now.
(m) Are you nervous now?
(yuzu)Now I feel nervous a lot, for I get talkative when I get nervous.

(l) By woman, 30s. About jumps, how do you feel while you are in the air?
(m) Before jump, form, speed, stroke, timing or so are in my mind. But once I take off, I go into the state of mindlessness.
(l) About quad?
(yuzu)Of course, form. But I rather see myself objectively, jugging the gap. Or thinking the form when I get jumping best. There are many such films in this era. I make the current state of body overlap with the images, and judge how it differs.
(m) About quad jumps. Fall or something?
(yuzu) At the moment I take off, I can get whether I'll fall or not. Those bad jumps lead to punk, fall after completion of rotation. Sometimes, I can’t possibly get the cause of the fail due to too bad condition.
(The topics about slight injuries by practice continue. )

(l) by 70s. man, “Your responses are great despite of young age. You must have been “a child prodigy”. I want you to become my grandson.(lol)
(VTR) Tuduki coach
(Tuzuki) When he was a child, the concentration last about 5 minutes. He was an ordinal boy, loved baseball and had always a ball and enjoyed throwing it at the wall.
He disliked practice, but at the competitions he was different. The concentration when he determined was remarkable.
(back to studio)
(The episode about practice which he disliked continues. And he says he loved baseball.)
(m) Tuduki coach said you had a ball during skating practice…..
(yuzu) The ball was not normal. I feel sorry for the stuff at the rink.. I rolled a piece of advertisement of paper at the rink...
(m) Into a ball…
(yuzu) Yes. At the front of the rink, I threw it on the wall.. Boys were about only three (of training mates). We curled up the magazines into a bat.. We always did so..
(m) Did you get scolded?
(yuzu) Of course!
(m) You disliked the practice, but you continued.
(Yuzu explaines he loved competitions and started figure skate following his sister.)
(m) Did you like to compete with others, or do something before people?
(yuzu) When I was a child the rink looked all the more large and I loved to perform in it.
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May 4, 2014
The work took me much more time than imagined. The volume is so large, and I devide tho whole by every 10 minutes. I continue my work. I tried to put his impressive or interesting words:drama:…and point out and correct anything wrong, please.

thank you very much hamaguri! it is very much appreciated as always! \(^o^)/

Jo de Souza

On the Ice
May 31, 2015
Hamaguri, you are simply great!

Thank'll wait the five shares read everything and see again the video .. then will post on the blog, if you do not object ..

Nobu and Kana funny LINE chat. (Btw, there is at least another member in this chat group by looking at their avatar pics. Nobu used to say (in this video) that he has a LINE group with kanako, akiko, and Yuzu and yuzukana chat with him often. Source: yuzu-ice.tumblr

on bracelets and necklaces Yuzuru http://styles-web.com/1198.html
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On the Ice
Jul 3, 2014
HI everyone!

Wow, so much new news about Yuzu and some wonderful pictures and posts from everyone!! Thank you!!

Here is my latest blog entry - I wanted to put the Yuzu bike jersey auction into a different perspective. Hope you enjoy.


If a laundered bike shirt that has nothing to do with figure skating and worn only once by Yuzuru in a CM promoting Tour de Tohoku garnered a final auction bid of ¥1,977,000 ($21,600 Canadian or $16,500 US), imagine what an unwashed UA training outfit worn by him would sell for, let alone the OGM winning PW costume! It boggles the mind.

won0066, I wanted to let you know that I, like many others in this forum, really enjoy reading your weekly blog entries. I gather from your blog entry of August 14, 2015 regarding Lethbridge that you live around Calgary, Alberta. Greetings from a fellow Canadian in Vancouver, British Columbia!
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On the Ice
Apr 4, 2014
If a laundered bike shirt that has nothing to do with figure skating and worn only once by Yuzuru in a CM promoting Tour de Tohoku garnered a final auction bid of ¥1,977,000 ($21,600 Canadian or $16,500 US), imagine what an unwashed UA training outfit worn by him would sell for, let alone the OGM winning PW costume! It boggles the mind.

won0066, I wanted to let you know that I, like many others in this forum, really enjoy reading your weekly blog entries. I gather from your blog entry of August 14, 2015 regarding Lethbridge that you live around Calgary, Alberta. Greetings from a fellow Canadian in Vancouver, British Columbia!

Hey, a fellow Canuck, nice to meet you!!
So happy you like my blog. 😊


Record Breaker
Aug 14, 2014
It is vol. 3. Vol.3 includes topics about costumes.

Asaichi vol.3 (19:35-33:50)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x33cc3w_2015-08-28-part1_sportPart I

(l) What is the words of your parents which impressed you?
(yuzu) In the case I cut my practice for baseball, I was told something like “Do you like skate? If you don’t, quit it and do baseball. If you do like state, continue it” This was every time so that it became a kind of trauma. What was important to them was whether I did skate because I loved skate.
If they had told me to continue skate and I had done so following the words, I might have had feelings like being compelled to do skate. Something would have been different.
Further, figure skate is a sport needs much cost, which burdened our households. My sister also did skate..

(As an example of his hate-to-lose spirit, Tuzuki disclosed his childhood episode)
(l) (Tuzuki’s words)
Those days, there were several naughty boys of his training mates older than him by one year. They often fought against yuzu. He bore without crying, and sometimes fought back. He really had hate-to-lose spirit.
They didn’t feel like seniors. My thought was I would never lose to them. I hate to lose about everything, study, games… This spirit comes from some DNA, though I can somewhat imagine from who the DNA is passed on (lol).
(l) If you couldn’t win despite of a perfect performance, how would you feel?
(yuzu) I’ve never done a perfect performance itself.
(l) Also about that Sochi’s SP?
(yuzu) Short was not so bad though... I could have done more. I’ve never been satisfied with my performance thinking I could have done more. Something to be improved is always found.

(move to costume corner)
(l)By 78yo, man. How do you determine your costume?
(l)For example, about RJ2?
(yuzu) This was designed by Johnny Weir, who is not a choreographer and I respect. No to emphasize the male too much, to express both man and woman around left arm. And black gradation.. If the boundary was too clear, this would look like a shirt.
(m) How did you proceed?
(yuzu)Various points are to be considered. Figure skate costumes need to stretch in every direction. … Design itself was Johnny’s but we didn’t follow as it was. We went into details based on the design.
(l) question, I heard a yellow bird in designed somewhere in RJ2costume.
(yuzu) It doesn’t appear on the photo... I wonder where… I would rather not say. …
Designer may have put it in a hidden place. In Japanese castles in old days, the creator or maker engraved his name onto a stone of ”stone walls” secretly. The yellow bird is something like that.
(l) Try to increase the number of spangle?
(yuzu) About spangles, in many cases, we decrease them rather than increase.
(m) Consider the balance with spotlight?
(yuzu) We make costumes based on the idea that skates are not spotlighted. For competition costumes, we work out so that the white costume should not be melted on white of ice.
(m) Then, pants are black?
(yuzu) About me, they are basically black.

(l) By 35yo,woman, About costumes, can he wear costumes by himself?
(yuzu) I can do basically. The zipper is put on front (PW), back or so. But the costume of RJ2 was impossible, since the ornament at the left shoulder was so delicate. In case of a costume of a back zipper, I put on it by myself.

(l) By 50s, woman, how do you do about washing costumes?
(yuzu) Costumes are washed by hand every time. They are delicate.
(m) When you have 2 shows in a day?
(yuzu)I sweats a lot. I just hang it. Sometimes costume stuff dry or iron it. But basically the care of costumes are to be done by ourselves. We must manage the shows by only one costume.

(l) By 39yo, woman (total 800 over!) You seem to be taller than your official height of 171cm.
(yuzu) I’m often told that. It partly owes to the improvement of my muscle. But I don’t think I get taller so much..
(Measurement time! Inohara-san is 175cm. And the difference was 2.2cm. Further, Inohara-san's shoes had thick bottom. They come to the conclusion that yuzu may get a bit taller.)
(yuzu) I wish there were not gravity!
(l) Do you want more height?
(yuzu) Yes. The larger height makes the performance better. And it can help me stand out despite of lack of skills (lol).

(l) What do you do to make your legs look longer?
(yuzu) Our pants, including today’s outfit, are high-waist. Black color also helps. Then, the edge of the blade is 8-10cm long.
(l) Are there any trick to make your arms or so look attractive?
(yuzu) That’s the part that I have to learn.
(m) Have you ever done ballet?
(yuzu) Only two or three months.. Just little..
(m) How about training on land, not on ice? Dance?
(yuzu) The aired film included me doing hip-hop, but it’s basically only during summer training camp. There aren’t any case where someone teaches us dance and we do it on land.
(m) When you work on choreograph on ice and you want to confirm it on land, what do you do?
(yuzu) I confirm my body, like an angle of my arm, watching a window glass. But it is only recently that I began that thing. For one period in the past, I devoted myself to jumps mostly though...I can become an Olympic medalist. About artistic side, I have to improve myself more and more.
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