ISU published bids for 2023-2024 competitions | Page 2 | Golden Skate

ISU published bids for 2023-2024 competitions


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2018
I am now eagerly awaiting a tv-show about the Přemyslid dynasty. Despite not being British I am a bit of a British 'old' history nerd (I know my Bede) but actually any pre- or mediaeval history is welcome. Especially if it's less well-known (I do know about the Czech 'habit' to throw officials one is dissatisfied with out of the window, there were three of those occurrences, but they took place much and much later). Thank you @flanker. This bit of Czech history is warmly welcomed!
Yes, although the most spectacular was the first one (1419), sequels did not reach the same success. During the second one (1483) only the already dead bodies of the aldermen were thrown out of the windows and the last defenestration in 1618 was completely in vain (the defenestrated regents survived) and therefore, as it is said in one comic theatre play, the show "utterly dissatisfied the spectators". :biggrin:
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Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I don't think you should underestimate Ostrava. Ostrava participated on organizig world ice hockey championships, organized European figure skating championships, davis cup tournaments etc. Czech Republic is not justž Prague and I say that as a citizen of Prague. For mew it would be of course much more convenient if a figure skating competition would be held in Prague, but cities like Ostrava or Brno are much more active in organizing other international sport events than just football and ice hockey.
My post has nothing to do with underestimating any city - and nothing to do with city representative eagnerness to organize sporting events either. Ostrava's size, location, and audience facilities are not as convenient for the biggest sporting events as those of the capital, and that's a fact. I still believe that one of the key factors in determining any sport's WC should be for fans not to have to travel far (or over the border) from the nearest big intl airport to get to the venue, which in the case of Czech republic, is only true for Prague. If you have a different opinion, that's fine. Your last sentence is simply not true, FS isn't the only sport outside of soccer and hockey.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Whole Post

Thank you so, so, so much for that history lesson. :bow: :bow: :bow:

I have always had an interest in history, but our curriculum was basically Ireland centred until we reached the 20th Century. And then it became Germany and Russia centred, with a little bit of Italy thrown in for good measure. @elektra blue was horrified when I told her that we didn't even touch on what was going on in Europe during the medieval period.

So, I am always happy when somebody can fill in the blanks. Especially when it involves a country that I have always had a soft spot for. (And one I have been to!)

That was very interesting.

It was a real eye-opener when you were talking about the way that the name "Bohemia" isn't used much. I never noticed it before, but now that you have mentioned it, yes it does look like a Latin word rather than a Slavic word. So, I can understand why you guys would prefer to use your own name for that land, rather than the name given by somebody else.

That said, the island next door to mine is still known by a derivative of the name given to it by the Romans. (Britannia → Britain).

So, there is somewhat of an irony that Čechie sounds very like the British female personification, Britannia (as seen here on a pre-decimal penny).

But, does it not get confusing when basically the same word, but with very slight changes in spelling, is used in so many and such different ways? As the name of half of the country; as the name of the whole country; as the name of the language; as the name of the people; as an adjective; as the personification of the country...!!! I dread to imagine how complicated conversations can become if the person that instigates it does not make crystal clear which spelling they are using. :eek:

I can kinda understand now why English and certain other languages continued to use "Bohemia" / "Bohemian" for talking about the western half of the country, and "The Czech Republic" for talking about the whole country.

In that time it became an integral part of the Duchy of Bohemia (if we can use such term for an early medieval state), but later there were established three separate vassal duchies (duchys? Here my english fails me :biggrin: ) for the junior princes of the ruling přemyslid dynasty.

Don't worry, you were right first time with "duchies". ;) :biggrin: (Although, to be fair, neither spelling looks attractive! :laugh: )

I'm sorry for this long (but still very short and simplified) introduction to the problem of a name of one small country in the heart of Europe.

Less of the "small country"! You're five-and-a-half times bigger than us! :laugh:

(By the way, my wee country will have it's 100th birthday on Monday! :biggrin: )

Thank you again for the lesson.




Record Breaker
May 20, 2018
I think it's already locked in? So they didn't need to bid for it.

I wish World's would come down here though! That would be so epic!

ETA: I've just realised the 2023-24 season will be after the 2023 Four Continents, can a place even bid for an event twice in a row?

It's already locked in for 2023.
Whoops, my mistake. Thank you!

On another note I'd like to see Barcelona and Dortmund as hosts again one day.


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2018
Don't worry, you were right first time with "duchies". ;) :biggrin: (Although, to be fair, neither spelling looks attractive! :laugh: )
Thank you :)

Thank you again for the lesson.


History was always my hobby (actually I even strongly considered I'll study that), but, esp. in our case, it is not just matter of the hobby, it pretty necessary to know it, thanks to a thousand years long struggle for existence, during which some particular acts had pretty decesive importance for the next centuries with the impact till now or recent events, and many of those moments were later often misused or, desinterpreted from different sides, esp. from the Germans during the Habsburg era or during the WWII and times that preceded it as a part of their claimed right for our country.

Interesting that you say how history lessons are reduced mostly to just your country. Here the history, at least the european history, is taught pretty broadly (or was, the current "progressive" school system creates quite a mess of it).

Nevertheless, I am glad it was useful to you. If you would have some more questions, you can PM me to prevent more O.T. :biggrin:


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I guess for some people there is an added prestige to a big event if it is held in the national capital. Which is why the UK hasn't held an ISU Championship in a long time. The ISU wants it to be in London, but the Fed doesn't.

Personally, I think that is snobbish rubbish. If a regional city has better facilities, then why shouldn't it host a Major?!

But, from what you say, Prague now has the facilities. So, it should get the chance.

Out of curiosity, what would your preference for a WC be, London or another UK city? All of them have suitable facilities, don't they? And do you know why the UK federation doesn't want the WC to take place in London?


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Interesting that you say how history lessons are reduced mostly to just your country. Here the history, at least the european history, is taught pretty broadly (or was, the current "progressive" school system creates quite a mess of it).

With hindsight, I probably should have worded it differently. Because, the domestic history was reduced way down too, only jumping between significant events. (The Norman invasion of England; Elizabeth I and her problems with Mary Queen Of Scots and the Spanish Armada; the Plantation Of Ireland). It only got in depth when we were doing about Ireland from the 1790's to the 1940's. But, even that was only one module during 6th Form.

The main thing we were taught about was Germany and Russia, and to a lesser extent Italy, in the 20th Century. But, we didn't even get a proper background to how those countries got to where they were at the turn of the century! A little bit about the unification of Italy was about it. Like, we didn't even do about the unification of Germany, or the power struggles between Prussia and Austria that led to it.

And we didn't learn ANYTHING about the rest of the world. Well, there was a little bit about what was happening in Far East Asia in the decade either side of WW2, and we touched on the Cuban Missile Crisis in the context of Russia. But, that was it.

I spent 4.5 years learning about 20th Century history at High School, and then another year at Uni. When put together, the rest only came to about 2.5 years.

That is hardly a broad education. Which is probably why I am so fascinated in finding out more about what was happening in Europe prior to the 20th Century.

And that rounds up my off-topic discussion. Thank you for much for taking part. It has been very interesting and very informative.

Getting back on topic, a thing I like about those candidate lists is how many cities are hedging their bets and putting in for multiple Championships. It shows how much they want to get something... no matter what it is! And that in itself is encouraging, as it indicates that there is an enthusiasm for the sport in those countries. Because, let's face it, the Feds wouldn't bid if they didn't think they would get enough fans through the doors to make it financially viable.

Out of curiosity, what would your preference for a WC be, London or another UK city? All of them have suitable facilities, don't they? And do you know why the UK federation doesn't want the WC to take place in London?

It's all down to money. Figure skating is a fringe sport in the UK, so doesn't get any funding.

The problem with London is that there are not many suitable venues. Go back to the early days of our sport, and London was full of ice rinks. But, an awful lot of them have closed in the past 100 years. And those permanent rinks that are left are unlikely to meet the ISU's requirements for audiences.

And with being cash strapped, the Fed wouldn't be able to afford to hire one of the big arenas in London that normally host major events, such as the Millennium Dome or Wembley Arena.

The UK has hosted the World Championships 8 times, and all of them have been in England. Birmingham has hosted once (1995); Manchester twice (1912 and 1924); and London 5 times. Of the 5 visits to London, 4 of them were held in the City Of Westminster (albeit at 3 different rinks). The Westminster editions were all pre-WW2, and all the rinks are now closed (one of them is now the famous theatre, the London Palladium. But the others are demolished). The other London Worlds (which, incidentally, was the most recent) was held at... Wembley Arena (1950).

Living in Northern Ireland, my personal preference would obviously be for Belfast to put in a bid. Everything that is needed is there. You could have the Odyssey Arena as the main rink, and Dundonald Ice Bowl (5 miles down the road) as the practice rink. There are lots of hotels nearby (including one at the Odyssey) and Belfast City Airport is literally in between the two rinks. But, it will never happen. In the over 100 years that the British Championships have been going, they have only crossed the Irish Sea once, in 2000 (Dundonald).

Failing that, I would love to see a Major Championship in Scotland. After all, that is where most of the skaters from these islands who are competing internationally train. But, again, the Fed aren't interested. The British Championships have only been held in Scotland twice, in 2001 (Ayr) and 2003 (Dumfries).

Wales has never hosted the British Championships.

As far as the Fed are concerned, there are only two options whenever they are bidding for anything: Nottingham in Nottinghamshire, in the Midlands of England; or Sheffield in Yorkshire, in the North of England.

The National Ice Centre is located in Nottingham. It is part of the Nottingham Arena complex, the main events venue in Nottingham. Indeed, the complex was built specifically to become the centre of ice sports in the UK. It has hosted the British Championships 3 times (in 2005, 2007 and 2009), and hosted Junior Synchro Worlds in 2020.

But, the National Ice Centre didn't become the centre of ice sports in the UK. That title was instead taken by Ice Sheffield. Probably because the Fed is based across the road from the rink, at the English Institute of Sport. Ice Sheffield is always the Fed's first choice for hosting events. It has hosted the last 11 editions of the British Championships, and 14 of the last 17 editions. It also hosted Europeans in 2012.

Looking at logistics, both rinks have lots of hotels nearby. But there is a bit of a trek to get to either rink from the nearest airport. East Midlands Airport at Castle Donington is about 14 miles from the National Ice Centre. Meanwhile, Doncaster Airport is about 22 miles from Ice Sheffield. So, Nottingham would be the better option in that respect.

To be honest, of the two, I would actually prefer Nottingham to get Worlds. The Fed has become too Sheffield centric. Somewhere else needs to have a look in.

Plus, Sheffield is the home of the World Snooker Championships, which are held in April every year. Holding two World Championships in the same city just a few weeks apart is probably asking too much.

But, those are just my thoughts.



Jun 26, 2012
I used to (before the Pandemic) fly to East Midlands quite a bit to attend certain events in Derby - not figure skating related. Indeed travelling to Nottingham is easy from there. Flybe used to fly to this airport directly every day. However, Flybe went bankrupt, and so there are no longer direct flights from The Netherlands to East Midlands (and this also was before the pandemic, I expect the situation has become worse now). It's not a big airport, so I'm not sure it really is a better option than Doncaster (don't know about that one at all to be honest). Nottingham is a great place to visit though....Robin Hood all around!


May 25, 2014
Oficially, Czechia is the correct "abbreviated" form as eg. Slovakia for Slovak Republic, to be used in non-political context. And in political context "the Czech Republic" should be used.
But ewwwwww "Czechia" 🙈 I remember the heated discussion a few years ago when "Czechia" was officially presented as the translation of the country's name to the UN to be newly used like this.
I don't know the feelings of other Czech posters 😉 so in the end both is fine and correct (though I've never ever used "Czechia")
Anyway, hoping for Europeans in Ostrava 😍

I share your feelings :)

Thank you Clairecz and flanker - I learn so much on this board beyond just skating!

For Europeans, I'd choose Zagreb since they were supposed to host in 2021 but didn't get to because of the pandemic. Five out of the six listed - Minsk, Zagreb, Ostrava, Budapest, and Bratislava - have hosted in the past 10 years, but if they're the ones bidding, then it is hard to complain. Sofia would be a nice choice, too since they haven't had in a while (same goes for Worlds for them). Plus they've hosted Junior Worlds so much, it would be nice to give them a chance to host something different.

I'd really like to see Euros go to Germany as would be such a nice boost for German skating. Figure skating has waned so much in popularity there so perhaps their federation just doesn't have the support. But, of course, there's the circular argument that people aren't watching and supporting it because it's not around. Other than Nebelhorn, have there been any sort of major or fairly major competitions there recently? Also France and Italy haven't hosted in a while, but at least France is hosting Worlds in 2022, and Italy hosted Worlds in 2018.

For Worlds, I hope it's Montreal since they were supposed to host in 2020 but didn't get to because of the pandemic. San Jose would also be great, but I think any of the cities listed would be a good choice, and most haven't hosted before - or at least not in a long time.

I'm so glad that 2023 4CCs are going to Australia - I think Australia is long overdue and they were supposed to host in 2021. What a shame that no one other than Taipei City bid for 2024 4CCs. They do a good job; it's just they've hosted so many times recently, but I believe there just aren't a lot of other venues bidding, which is a shame.

Interestingly it doesn't look like Russia has hosted Junior Worlds. I'm surprised that somewhere in Russia doesn't bid on it considering that have so many amazing juniors in different disciplines, and skating is so popular there.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
The ISU published bids from cities that wish to host 2023-2024 figure skating competitions. ...

2024 Four Continents
Taipei City, Taiwan

2024 Junior Worlds
Minsk, Belarus

2024 Worlds
Sofia, Bulgaria
Montreal, Canada
Prague, Czech Republic
Budapest, Hungary
Bratislava, Slovakia
San Jose, United States

Link to ISU list ...

If anyone is interested in the ISU bids summaries, today the ISU site added those for 2024 Worlds, 2024 Junior Worlds, and 2024 Four Continents.

(But the ISU did not [yet??] add a bids summary for 2024 Euros.)

Side note that I believe that the link in the OP inadvertently is for the ISU Summary of Championship Applications that was published in Sep 2020. It does not have the listings for 2024 figure skating championships that Weathergal had copied into the OP from the Apr 2021 summary.

For posterity, adding the link to the ISU Summary of Championships Applications that was published in Apr 2021:

Appears to have been superseded by a May 2021 document that has revisions regarding applications for speed skating and short track championships.

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On the Ice
Sep 1, 2020
EU has banned Belarus from holding international competition in the light of recent happening ( hijacking of civil flights).
I hope tha the ISU will follow EU decisions and dont give any permissions to Belarus organize competition which are in ISU calendar.


On the Ice
Sep 1, 2020
Thank you Clairecz and flanker - I learn so much on this board beyond just skating!

For Europeans, I'd choose Zagreb since they were supposed to host in 2021 but didn't get to because of the pandemic. Five out of the six listed - Minsk, Zagreb, Ostrava, Budapest, and Bratislava - have hosted in the past 10 years, but if they're the ones bidding, then it is hard to complain. Sofia would be a nice choice, too since they haven't had in a while (same goes for Worlds for them). Plus they've hosted Junior Worlds so much, it would be nice to give them a chance to host something different.

I'd really like to see Euros go to Germany as would be such a nice boost for German skating. Figure skating has waned so much in popularity there so perhaps their federation just doesn't have the support. But, of course, there's the circular argument that people aren't watching and supporting it because it's not around. Other than Nebelhorn, have there been any sort of major or fairly major competitions there recently? Also France and Italy haven't hosted in a while, but at least France is hosting Worlds in 2022, and Italy hosted Worlds in 2018.

For Worlds, I hope it's Montreal since they were supposed to host in 2020 but didn't get to because of the pandemic. San Jose would also be great, but I think any of the cities listed would be a good choice, and most haven't hosted before - or at least not in a long time.

I'm so glad that 2023 4CCs are going to Australia - I think Australia is long overdue and they were supposed to host in 2021. What a shame that no one other than Taipei City bid for 2024 4CCs. They do a good job; it's just they've hosted so many times recently, but I believe there just aren't a lot of other venues bidding, which is a shame.

Interestingly it doesn't look like Russia has hosted Junior Worlds. I'm surprised that somewhere in Russia doesn't bid on it considering that have so many amazing juniors in different disciplines, and skating is so popular there.
I have been in Zagreb in different competitons and I miust say that these are not very well I prefer also germany to hold Euros :)


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2018
EU has banned Belarus from holding international competition in the light of recent happening ( hijacking of civil flights).
I hope tha the ISU will follow EU decisions and dont give any permissions to Belarus organize competition which are in ISU calendar.
EU is hardly competent to ban anything being organized in Belarus. EU can maybe prohibit it's athletes to take part in competitions held in Belarus.