Original Dance | Page 6 | Golden Skate

Original Dance


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
as stated above props are allowed this year for the original dance

a lot of teams took advantage of that


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Actually, very few took advantage of the props-it was too risky. There was no point or GOE advantage for using a prop, and a penalty if the prop was dropped. Here's the teams that used a prop:
I believe W&P used a scarf

D&W tried little Russian handkerchiefs at Skate America and it was not a success.
V&M tried a scarf at Canadian tryouts and decided it was too risky.

There was a couple more at Jr. Worlds, but very few teams took the risk.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
There were quite a few at US nationals in jr and senior, IIRC... and I wasn't just thinking of this competition but over all this season, whether or not they stuck with them.

perhaps, because it is a new rule, it felt like a lot to me... I don't know... but I wasn't just thinking of top names, or the end of the season, but the season as a whole.


Jan 26, 2008
i will die. worlds 2009 in los angeles.....come on!

I think that if they win tomorrow they should retire as much as that will hurt their fans. They can retire being world champions and capitalize their professional carrers on that. IF not, next year is gonna be reeaaally hard with Dom/Shabs coming back, V/M, K/N and D/W getting stronger and stronger and even Tanith & Ben replacing them as the overdue veterans, plus they will be older and given their history they will be out of the podium and I dont want to see them decline ala Fumie.


On the Ice
Jun 11, 2004
The PCS scores at these championships are huge. Top for teams in the OD receives many 8s.

Have they all improved that much, or are the 8s just a relative mark for all teams podium worthy?


Final Flight
Jan 18, 2007
After finally seeing the OD's....The soul and mind was willing this morning, the body wasn't and I crashed. Anyway...

Loved the Kerrs and kudos to John for the kilt. I'm Scottish, so this was so much fun to watch and delightful too.

I know many have been dinging Tanith and Ben for the music choice, but I thought it was fine and I also enjoyed their OD. The theme *was* Country/Folk and like it or not, that music does fit the rules.

What was going on w/the female halves of the Canadian teams today? All of them had a stumble? I don't think I've heard of that happening before where all the female or the male halfs of all the reps of a Country's team in a Dance Event all had the same problem. Weird!!

Very, very happy for the Del/Shoes. As much as I know I'll miss watching them, if they do win that Gold Medal tomorrow, I can't say I blame them for calling it a career on the Eligible side of things. I hope that does happen for them tomorrow.

Even w/the stumble...WTG Tessa and Scott!! Looks like another medal for us tomorrow, but as we've seen today, that ice is slippery.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
Tanith skated very stiff, but over all I like the program. I still hate that they had to change their music to fit a european stereotype of what American folk is... but whatever.

I finally found a program of the Kerrs that I liked :)

I liked D/W's OD more this time around too...

I'm still bummed they didn't get to do the Yankee Polka again...


Final Flight
Sep 6, 2006
I think that if they win tomorrow they should retire as much as that will hurt their fans. They can retire being world champions and capitalize their professional carrers on that. IF not, next year is gonna be reeaaally hard with Dom/Shabs coming back, V/M, K/N and D/W getting stronger and stronger and even Tanith & Ben replacing them as the overdue veterans, plus they will be older and given their history they will be out of the podium and I dont want to see them decline ala Fumie.

kill me now.
no more ice dancing for me...
i should right a letter to them asking for one more year....just one
if i was in their position, i'd go untill 2010. and just do it for the fun.

kill me now....actually i'll stay optimistic!


On the Ice
Mar 24, 2004
I loved the Kerrs as I have all season long. The theme and the way they are doing it is wonderfull. I'd have them 5th or 6th.
Same applies to Nathalie and Fabian. Working with the 2002 spanish choreographer of A&P's Flamenco was a brilliant idea. I wouldn't have put one euro on them before the season started, but this program is a jewel. I'd have them 5th or 6th.

These are the two programs that stood out yesterday.

The italians were nice, as usual crowd pleasing. But I didn't think their technique was on par with the americans 1 & 2, the french or the british below them.
Skating in the last group helped them big deal. 8th for me.

Belbin & Agosto skated a bit tentatively, which is sad because they took risks with this program and it worked for me all season long. But they didn't look well in the first minute then it was fantastic. Should have been at least second of the OD if not first IMO.
Del / Schoen skated way better than all season long, although Isabelle was stiff in parts. This program never worked for me because I don't like the pieces they choose. There are so much more interesting pieces they could have picked ! First or second would have been ok by my book.
Davis and White skated great. BUT. This program is the same thing as last year in terms of intention. They didn't take any risks in picking that kind of russian folk. They could have taken a lot more risks since I bet there are many interesting folk music in the USA. I'd have them 7th.
Khoklova and Novistky were good, smooth and all that, but what I said about taking risks applies more to them. Come on. They could have found any other piece of russian folk music ! 3rd in my book. Had Virtue and Moir not made a mistake, I'd have the canadians above.
Virtue and Moir, although they didn't take any risks in this theme (Igor I am gonna kill you one day for the crime of wasting talents), were fantastic until Tessa became nervous.And she made that crazy mistake. Sad ! Because up to that, I was changing and warming up to their fantastic technique and the interpretation they did, so young ... I will say it once more : get a choreograher ! they are young, they can take more risks ! 4th is right on the day, clean 3d at least. If not second.

In terms of technique, I admire the deep edges and knee bend all Igor's team have. With those qualities, he could do so much more for ice dance ! He could make all his teams influence the ice dance world but it's not happening.
I have high hopes for Virtue & Moir that are tall and probably more suited to classical or moderne pieces. They are trying hard with work on lifts and that's nice. A tad more of compulsory here, a good choeographer there, and I don't know if anyone can beat them. I'd love them to work with Shanti Rushpaul because it could be very interesting.
Davis and White, Khoklova and Novitsky are my personnal favorites. These two couples have something you can't learn : they shine. Because of one of their partnership. White on one hand and Khoklova on the other one. These two are the best on the circuit, their partners are not yet u to their level. These two couples are exiting because you can't predict whether they'll be on or not. Don't ever ever let them ask Morozov to do work for them please ! They should ask Marie and Patch to choreograph for them.
The russians have the advantage of knowing how to "WOW" the audiences, but their program only works the first time IMO. The americans are more subtle, but in the end, they draw you into whatever they're doing.
I'd put my money on these teams for Vancouver, alongside Virtue and Moir.

IMO, Dom Shab are skaters of the past. Once DenStav left Gorshov, they lost a model that pushed the boundaries, and they stopped going forward and started going backward. Not in terms of technique let's be clear. The russian fed wants to make them into theatrical skaters that they'll never be. The best coach would be Linitchuk since they have a K&O quality here and there. I'll pray.
Khok/Novitsky would be just a Tarassova team for a comparison :biggrin:


Record Breaker
Oct 27, 2004
I am still shocked that Belbin and Agosto have not moved up at all after the OD . I am really shocked to see Khokhlova and Novitski move up to second after the OD, maybe with the withdrawl of Domnina and Shabalin that they are pushing K/N to medal. I am rooting for Virtue and Moir to make some noice and at lest come home with a top 2 finish.

It's about time that Delobel and Schoenfelder finally moved out of that dreaded 4th place spot and into what Ithink will be a gold medal win here. Good for them. They really deserve it


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
Tanith and Ben were stiff, they didn't sell that program as much as they have all season. I'm not completely upset with where they are...

Kim & Brent were fantastic even with the little bobble in teh footwork... they are lovely!