I think this post belongs here. I loved post-it guy . He gave his best and showed quite some stamina. I hope we will see him again, probably next year.No. 2: Post it guy in Austria gave it his all though. We sat directly behind (or more accurately above) him, and he was glued to his laptop. And then when the rink announcer gave the scores, he wrote the post its like the wind. Sometimes he also left the penalty box where he had his gear set up, sprinted round the rink, only to come back not even a minute later with some drinks or snacks to get him through the long day. And the second time the sound system gave up, he actually supplied a cable to the rink technician guys, which apparently allowed them to get the sound back. So kudos to post it guy!
Lol, that's how they looked in real life as well. It wasn't flags but banners with a blurry rainbow. Tbh, I didn't even make the connection with pride flags until now, I just assumed it was the competition's logo.Do you know why the pride flags, which were hanging everywhere, were blurred in the stream?