He can be amazing...that's why it's so sad to see him so inconsistent sometimes.
I hope he'll have a wonderful FS this time!
He can be amazing...that's why it's so sad to see him so inconsistent sometimes.
I hope he'll have a wonderful FS this time!
D10 is almost guaranteed a gold with that score even if his FS doesn't turn out perfect.
Frank Carroll must be thrilled. D10 is almost guaranteed a gold with that score even if his FS doesn't turn out perfect. If Gracie skates well here, too, Frank will be a very happy man.
Frank Carroll must be thrilled. D10 is almost guaranteed a gold with that score even if his FS doesn't turn out perfect. If Gracie skates well here, too, Frank will be a very happy man.
He's gonna need it. The FS programs I've seen from Denis this season have mostly been a disaster. I am not even sure what his FS is supposed to look like when executed 'perfectly'... and could it possibly compare to this SP he just laid out?