Emily Hughes - What Do You Think? | Page 6 | Golden Skate

Emily Hughes - What Do You Think?


Match Penalty
Oct 13, 2006
:laugh: And not only that, but have you noticed that Michelle fans like Caroline Zhang and Sasha fans like Marai Nagasu? (Not sure yet how Rachael Flatt figures into all this, but I'm pretty sure folks will be taking sides soon.) ;)

Jus the opposite. Most Sasha fans favour Caroline Zhang. If you go to Sasha fans' forum, there was a survey on this topic, the majority favour Caroline.

MK fans initially liked Caroline before they didn't even know Marai, but lots of them started to warm up to Marai.

Caroline very much resembles Sasha. Although her jumps have major flaws, her skating is very innovative, she is also quite exciting to watch.Caroline's personality is quite dynamic as well. On the other hand, Marai is very solid in every aspect, actually so solid that it's tinkering around blandness.

Caroline Zhang has taught Marai all sorts of new spins she came up with.

I, myself, am a big Caroline fan even she has some flaws. Can you imagine she improvised that wonderful 'you raise me up' in a couple of hours???

Mirai's skating is lacking of creativitiy. She's sort of blah to me no matter how solid.

To say most Sasha fans hate Kimmie is also a stretch. Again, if you go to Sasha fans' forum, most of them actually like Kimmie, not Emily. Emily is so heavy, it's hard to imagine most Sasha fans would fall in love with this type of skating.
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Mar 14, 2006
Continuing the OT talk about Kimmie: I think RD is correct and might add that there is some concern about her being held up by powers that be.

One example that has been bugging me: Dick Button's peculiar and repeated praise of her fan spiral. It's one of the worst! What's that about? I guess her low leg does hide the crotch - if that is such an objectionable part of the anatomy. But it also makes it a pointless move since the pose loses its tension and interest.
Jun 21, 2003
One example that has been bugging me: Dick Button's peculiar and repeated praise of her fan spiral...
Yeah, Kimmie can't really do it at all. That's why Dick Button likes so much. If he had his way, the move would be illegal.

So he is actually quite consistent in saying that Kimmie's is not as gross as other skaters'.

Didn't this move win the "ugliest position" poll on the other thread? :)
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Jul 11, 2003
Watch the Exhibitions if you haven't already. The girls are all in it. There is no tension. They skate to please. Which one will please you? If it's not Caroline, explain, por favor.

Jul 11, 2003
you brought up Michelle and the whole idea of opinion vs fact when you quoted Red Dog and dismissed their post because they weren't as knowledgeable. Don't put this on me as bringing the thread and *heaven forbid* the board down.

I do see facts discussed on the board. But I do see more opinions than anything else. It's a forum where opinionated people come together and say things that may or may not be backed up by facts. However it still comes down to personal preference. Skating is subjective, much more so than football, golf, or other sports. You have that dang artistic mark. I see great artistry in Emily's skating, many on this thread don't. That's my opinion vs another. I don't think anyone can claim it as fact. So yes the board does work with facts, but it's a place where every day people, and skaters, can come together and just chat about skating in all it's forms and that basically means opinions reign. I'd be hard pressed to find one post that didn't bring at least a hint of opinion...

I was merely calling you on your post towards Red Dog because it seemed you were dismissing anything they said because of their 'lack of skating knowledge'. If this thread stated at the beginning that all you wanted were fact finding know it alls then you should have said such. I would not have posted my opinions of Emily's skating because I would not qualify. BUT, you said 'what do you think'. So that meant it opened up a whole realm of interpretation. Michelle Kwan was brought in to compare Emily's skating to hers...

Education, information, and debate are all worked with a bit of fact and a whole lot of opinion. Not just on the board, but in real life. I've been in classes where a teacher can take one fact and come to one conclussion and another teacher take that same fact and spin it the other way. This is how it works. Life is fully of opinions based on facts. But any more, how can we be sure that the fact is not just an opinion that has been agreed to be fact?

and now I've gone complete circle and am beginning to repeat myself, so I'm taking that as a sign that I've had my say. honestly, I don't owe an explanation of my opinions, but I'll feed you anyway :rolleyes:
I agree to disagree. That is the only answer when one willl hold onto a falsehood and contdinue to avoid what was brought up.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
LoL any thread...even ones about Presidential elections--turn into Sasha or Michelle in the end :rofl:

that actually did happen

since I did take teh low road and helped take the thread off course, I guess I can say that I can't wait to see teh exhibitions, because Emily aims to please the audience and is one of the more talented show skaters the USFSA has right now :love:


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
The last time I saw Emily perform I thought she had catchy music and worked the crowd into it but I don't remember being blown away. Alyssa Czisny on the other hand really had me, but she did fall and because of that - this was one of the Marshall's phone in things- I didn't vote for her.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
I've not been able to see an exhibition by Alyssa, I am so bummed lol

but Emily is such a joy. So what if she doesn't have the wow jumps during the performance, she really loves what she does and it shows...


Final Flight
Aug 19, 2003
IIRC, Calgary had this "lineup" as well. It just depends on how they skate. Everyone is in the same boat.

Anyway, I don't think the comparisons to Kwan are fair to Hughes. Why does everyone have to be compared to her? She was one of a kind. The exception, not the rule.

Not sure if you are referring to me, but I wasn't comparing Emily's skating skills to Michelle's. Just their "empty" LP's...

Just for the record, I really like Emily's skating!


Final Flight
Aug 23, 2003
Truly. :laugh: It all started when people took Fossi's tongue-in-cheek joke seriously. (Check out Fossi's post and the post it was responding to, LOL.)

I am so glad that someone was smart enough to realize what my post was really saying. :clap:
Jun 21, 2003
Joe, I don't think that "opinion" has to refer just to silly things like whether or not we like Julia Sebestyen's new hair-do. (Yes! :rock: )

For instance, to use your example, the board has had many robust discussions of flutzing. The facts are not in dispute. Everyone knows what the definition of a Lutz jump is. But there can still be a range of well-reasoned opinions about how the CoP should penalize skaters when they do not perform the element correctly. Some sample opinions:

1. A Lutz is a Lutz, a flip is a flip. If the tech specialist says, "flip," that's the end of the discussion and the skater gets 0 points for the attempt if it is a Zayak violation.

2. The tech specialist calls, "wrong edge!" The skater gets credit for the element but there is a mandatory deduction, like a fall deduction, taken off the score at the end.

3. Each judge makes his or her own determination as to the severity of the infraction, ranging from -3 GOE for an egregrious flutz to -1 GOE for a "flatz" or a slight bobble onto the wrong edge at the last second. (A -3 GOE reduces the value of the jump from 6.0 to 3.0.)

4. Judges should be allowed to balance an improper take-off against excellence in other aspects of the jump, such as air position, full rotation and good flow out of the landing, possibly resulting in a 0 GOE overall despite the bad take-off edge.

It's like a court of law. The criminal is guilty. That's fact. But what should the punishment be? People have a difference of opinion. No one is a better or a worse figure skating fan because of it.

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Record Breaker
Feb 5, 2004
:laugh: And not only that, but have you noticed that Michelle fans like Caroline Zhang and Sasha fans like Marai Nagasu? (Not sure yet how Rachael Flatt figures into all this, but I'm pretty sure folks will be taking sides soon.) ;)

Maybe you can come up with an "insane vampire" type question that asks who the person making a statement is a fan of?! :rofl:



Record Breaker
Feb 5, 2004
I agree to disagree. That is the only answer when one willl hold onto a falsehood and contdinue to avoid what was brought up.

So if someone doesn't agree with you it's a falsehood?

Is that why a lot of your posts end "do you agree?"
