Junhwan Cha | Page 63 | Golden Skate

Junhwan Cha


Mar 1, 2018
Jun seems happy to be in South Korea in the photos.
Hopefully he won't overwork himself and just enjoy sometime home.
But given Korean culture which tends to overwork themselves a lot too, Jun might push things a bit extra too.


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Jun seems happy to be in South Korea in the photos.
Hopefully he won't overwork himself and just enjoy sometime home.
But given Korean culture which tends to overwork themselves a lot too, Jun might push things a bit extra too.

tbh I wish he would water down his content for the ranking comp and just do one quad in the free- take off a little extra stress on his body.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018

Airport interview, you just got to love his mentality. I'm even more worried about his feet though, to hear that his boots have caused him problems since SC... He deserves a pass for the f(bleep) ranking cups at least KSU you (bleep) :curse:

I can translate the whole thing if needed.


On the Ice
Mar 22, 2018
Sorry, but what ranking competitions does he have to do? Besides, I´d think that with his GP & GPF medals and Challenger medals he would have proved enough for any federation... Does his federation wish to spoil his chances at Four Continents and Worlds???

He has proven himself so fantastically all season long. Making the GPF, medaling....give him a break, please.


Final Flight
Apr 5, 2018

Airport interview, you just got to love his mentality. I'm even more worried about his feet though, to hear that his boots have caused him problems since SC... He deserves a pass for the f(bleep) ranking cups at least KSU you (bleep) :curse:

I can translate the whole thing if needed.

I really the expression in Jun’s eyes. I don’t know how to explain, like they’re clear and resolute? He seems to be positive and content - I just hope the media doesn’t do anything to mar those expressions in the future. I must confess I’m not too enthusiastic about what the korean media could write about him or his competitors in the future :(


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
I really the expression in Jun’s eyes. I don’t know how to explain, like they’re clear and resolute? He seems to be positive and content - I just hope the media doesn’t do anything to mar those expressions in the future. I must confess I’m not too enthusiastic about what the korean media could write about him or his competitors in the future :(

I call it his 'wiser-than-his-years' look, it's one of the things I love about him best but it's also why I go "Awwwwwwwwwwww" when he does act like his age.

I know, Korean media is too often horrible than not, just during the interview I was :palmf: when they asked about Beijing :palmf: I'm not placing any hopes on the media being decent so I'm just hoping that he'll stay away from the trashy stuff they'll throw out and be his calm, mature self.


Final Flight
Apr 5, 2018
I call it his 'wiser-than-his-years' look, it's one of the things I love about him best but it's also why I go "Awwwwwwwwwwww" when he does act like his age.

I know, Korean media is too often horrible than not, just during the interview I was :palmf: when they asked about Beijing :palmf: I'm not placing any hopes on the media being decent so I'm just hoping that he'll stay away from the trashy stuff they'll throw out and be his calm, mature self.

Seriously, I’m glad Junhwan knows enough to answer them well.

And oops I completely missed the word ‘like’ in the first sentence of my previous post :laugh: but I guess everyone knows what I meant.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
Translation of the airport interview, I tried to keep his original wording as much as possible. Oh, and can someone recommend me a platform to post these so I don't create a wall of text within the thread?

12/11, Incheon International Airport
Cha Junhwan, the first (TN: Korean) male figure skater to win a GPF bronze medal


Q: GPF bronze medal, thoughts?
A: Um... first, I'm happy that I'm getting good results throughout this season so far. Actually, my goal this season was to go to finals, and I did go to finals. And um... at the competition, I think I did, as I had practiced, (TN: I was) composed during my performance. And I got a medal too, so I'm glad about that.
Q: GPF is a huge event, weren't you nervous?
A: To be honest... It's the first season after the Olympic season, and... I got to go to the final, honestly, I was very nervous. Still... during the competition, um, I did my best, like I had practiced, um, (TN: to be) relaxed and composed.
Q: Have the changed rules affected you in any way?
A: Well... um, wait, hmm... I don't think it has affected me that much, it's like, I just practiced hard along (TN: the new rules). I didn't mind them much, and during my off-season I practiced along to the changed rules.
Q: Are you training any other quadruple jumps other than the 4T and 4S you're doing already?
A: Before the season started, I did practice other quadruple (TN: he stumbles over 'quadruple', probably because he's used to 'quad', just saying because it's cute) jumps other than the 4T and the 4S. But after the season started, I did focus on practicing the elements within my programs.
Q: Improvements from last season?
A: Well, this season... during practice, compared to last season, I started to take care of myself a bit more, and so, um... I practiced just as hard as before, but I was much more mindful of not getting injured or such. And compared to last season, like, I'm a bit better, like, at controlling my nerves. So, I think I've improved (TN: on those points).
Q: Is your ultimate goal a medal at Beijing? (TN: :palmf:)
A: Uh, well... I'm just, like, going at my own pace (laugh) Um, (TN: I'm not thinking about) going forward in leaps and bounds, I'd like to improve step by step, one step at a time, every season. (TN: :love:)
Q: Do you feel your popularity?
A: Um, I don't feel as if I've gone big, uh... Like, at competitions, they call out your names, and at those times I feel (TN: the crowd) cheering me very loudly. And that's, like, what helps, like, relieve my nervousness. (laugh)
Q: How is your physical condition? (Interviewer: You've said you've been taking care to not get injured, so during your competitions you were free from injuries or such? Or was it that you just, like, withstood the pain?)
A: (laugh) To be honest (laugh) I wasn't free (TN: from injuries), um... Actually, since the week before SC, my boots (short chuckle) started pressing down (TN: on my feet), and to be honest, I wasn't able to recover from that until finals were over, I just kept trying to, like, not make it worse, I tried really hard on that. (Interviewer: Ankles?) Yeah. My hips... they're much better, at least compared to last season. (TN: :( :( :()
Q: You're still growing taller?
A: Well, while practicing during this season, I did grow taller, and my body had undergone changes, um... I just, like, didn't pay it much attention and kept on practicing, yeah. Because when it's like that (TN: body changes) sometimes, sometimes there are times when it doesn't go as planned (TN: assuming he's on jumps here), but I don't make a big deal out of it, and just, if it didn't work out then it didn't work out and I'd just try again next time, and... And if I kept on practicing hard, it'd, like, work out.
Q: How are you working on your artistry?
A: When I got my new programs for this season, see, I picked out the music for my free (TN: according to a previous interview he said he wanted to do R&J, but JUUULIEEET!!!! wasn't his idea), and uh, I really like them both (laugh) And so, um, during practice, um, I had a lot of fun. And non-jump elements like steps and spins are important too, and so, uh, I'd make small changes to the composition, and I took care to do all my rotations when I was spinning during competitions.
Q: Did your experiences during the Pyeongchang Olympics help?
A: I think... um, I learned a lot by competing in the Olympics. Because, well, before the Olympics I didn't have much international experience, and then I got to experience a huge stage like the Olympics, and after that... Like, I think I'm settling on my personal routine before competitions. So even if I get nervous (TN: before a comp), um, I think I'm learning how to calm myself down and do as I did in practice.
Q: A message for your fans.
A: I just came back from finals, um, I'll do my best and practice hard to try my best to give a good performance and be at my best, during both national and international competitions. Thank you. (smiles awkwardly)

We'll be looking forward to your future performances
"No injuries, best of luck!"


Final Flight
Jun 13, 2017
Still can't believe he's not getting exemptions. I wanna shake them!! I also think it's amazing how he's jumping 3Lz-3Lo at 180 cm!! Please stop growing though..


Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
Still can't believe he's not getting exemptions. I wanna shake them!! I also think it's amazing how he's jumping 3Lz-3Lo at 180 cm!! Please stop growing though..

Is it just my imagination -- I saw him live at SC and at GPF, and I could swear he even grew during those 6 weeks! :laugh: Does that seem right to you?


Mar 1, 2018
Honestly I like the fact that Jun is tall.
He is pulling it off fine. As long as he keeps healthy his future is bright.
And its smart of him of not making any promises for the mean time.
You are right Jun, one step at a time.


Mar 1, 2018
If I'm not wrong I believe the competition is only the FS and is already over?

I found this protocol: https://twitter.com/GeumNa/status/1074186632104792064

He made both his quads into triples apparently.

Edit: Oh, I found a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y5ssPuQGb4

Yes its FS only and already over. Next might be SK Nats in January?
I hope someone shares how do people get tickets to that event.
I am kinda aiming to watch Jun while the oppurtunity is still high. ^^


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
Yup, the mentioned FS was for the winter sports festival (Seoul prelims). I hope he waters down his programs for the other competitions too, he can't aggravate his feet before 4CC damnit