Kovtun vs. Hanyu | Page 4 | Golden Skate

Kovtun vs. Hanyu

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Record Breaker
Jul 27, 2003
That's kind of an insult to Edmunds, at least she has good posture and better taste in costumes.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
That's kind of an insult to Edmunds, at least she has good posture and better taste in costumes.

Yes, I forgot. Well, choose your won favorite then. It really doesn't matter at all. :laugh:


Final Flight
Jun 14, 2014
I also think Kovtun is much more childish regardless of his actual age.

When he completely messed up in his SP in the GPF(?) he couldn't compose himself at all. He started crying in the Kiss and Cry...
I've never even seen one of the junior girls cry after a bad skate....
Even Mao Asada didn't cry after her painful SP in Sochi(and I think she would have had the right to do so)

But when he won the Russian nationals he behaved like he was the king of the world or had just discovered a remedy for cancer. He wasn't able to show humbleness.

Now I'm not saying showing emotions in criminal, but I'm saying that he is not able to control himself or his behavior, like a little child he lacks mental calmness and such.
I think if he can learn that, he would also become more consistent.


Final Flight
Feb 22, 2014
this is still my favorite reaction. I don't know if it's humble, but it's funny. ( I suppose it's humble, he clearly wasn't expecting it)

aww, it's ok if someone cries. But walking out is a big no-no.


v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
I also think Kovtun is much more childish regardless of his actual age.

When he completely messed up in his SP in the GPF(?) he couldn't compose himself at all. He started crying in the Kiss and Cry...
I've never even seen one of the junior girls cry after a bad skate....
Even Mao Asada didn't cry after her painful SP in Sochi(and I think she would have had the right to do so)

OH you mean this?
I know it really isn't a time for jokes, but the way Yuzu skates past a few seconds in is just :rofl: And the sound he makes!

Also, I quite like his outfit, but I wish it didn't have that mini-jacket thing, but instead just a solid top. I like the red-black ombre on front and the red slits in the black sleeves, and the mini coattail thingamajig in the back. I'd wear it if I skated ;) And I'm a woman.


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
Crying is allowed in the Kiss and Cry area.
I have seen Hanyu cry twice after a program, so it's not just Kovtun who turns on the waterworks from time to time.
It was his LP at the 2011 Japan Nationals and the 2012 World Championships.

At the Nationals, he was angry at himself for messing up his last jump. He was banging on his landing leg and yelling as soon as he finished bowing to the crowd.
And everyone knows how it was at 2012 worlds.
I thought it was adorable, but it was very emotional too.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
Crying is allowed in the Kiss and Cry area.
I have seen Hanyu cry twice after a program, so it's not just Kovtun who turns on the waterworks from time to time.
It was his LP at the 2011 Japan Nationals and the 2012 World Championships.
At the Nationals, he was angry at himself for messing up his last jump. He was banging on his landing leg and yelling as soon as he finished bowing to the crowd.
And everyone knows how it was at 2012 worlds.
I thought it was adorable, but it was very emotional too.
2011 Japan National, Yuzuru was still 16 at that time, his hometown had just been hit by the Tsunami, people had died. So it's understandable that his emotional state was unstable at the time.
At 2012 Worlds, well it's not only him who cried. His coach, and many fans (when they zoomed in the audience) were crying as well. :laugh: And that was not crying because he did badly, they cried because it was such a powerful and emotional performance.
After that Yuzuru had gone through a big range of emotional states I suppose, he did not cry when he did badly after the SP at Worlds 2013. He even smiled (sadly). They only caught him shed a few tears after that and David Wilson had to wipe the tears for him. When he finished LP at Worlds 2013, we didn't see him cry either. He had become stronger in term of mentality each season for sure.

As for Kovtun, I don't mind if he cried after a bad program, I think it's normal. It's just he has this "angry" look that I feel uncomfortable to look at. He always looks like he is annoyed/angry/solemn/ignorant at the world when he performs. I remember his SP at Saitama, even when he did quite well, he didn't look comfortable much. And when he finished his LP (with that 1S at the beginning), he looked pretty much angry. And I mean... I don't have a good feeling about that attitude/expression. For sure he is not a bad guy, but I can't like him at this moment.


Final Flight
Feb 22, 2014
It's sort of in the name; so crying in the kiss and cry area is actually very appropriate.
Here is a look at some of the best
(sorry, but this amateur needed to be shown how it's done; next time he can be more dramatic about it):biggrin:


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
It's sort of in the name; so crying in the kiss and cry area is actually very appropriate.
Here is a look at some of the best
(sorry, but this amateur needed to be shown how it's done; next time he can be more dramatic about it):biggrin:
Just image Kovtun to cry like Nobu and I...shudder!:biggrin:


Final Flight
Feb 10, 2014
I guess it's because it's the off-season that these threads are popping up. I'll just say that I don't think the comparison is accurate and that Edmunds and Lipnitskaya are much closer in overall ability than Kovtun and Hanyu, even if their competitive results are somewhat comparable.


Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2011
I guess it's because it's the off-season that these threads are popping up. I'll just say that I don't think the comparison is accurate and that Edmunds and Lipnitskaya are much closer in overall ability than Kovtun and Hanyu, even if their competitive results are somewhat comparable.

I agree with you, but exaggeration is always part of a parody ;)


Record Breaker
Jul 27, 2003
I guess it's because it's the off-season that these threads are popping up. I'll just say that I don't think the comparison is accurate and that Edmunds and Lipnitskaya are much closer in overall ability than Kovtun and Hanyu, even if their competitive results are somewhat comparable.
And it's amusing to me that some actually feel THIS uncomfortable about the praises that have been said about Edmunds (like her musicality and beautiful arm movement...but I guess HOW DARE ANYONE think she does anything better than Yulia!?) I mean, I was pretty uncomfortable when Lip's FS got higher PCS (in the 9s!) than Asada's at the Olympics, or when Steven Spielberg started waxing poetic about her Schindler's List program. And wasn't there some poster that went on an acid trip writing page-long proses about Yulia being his muse and God's gift to the world? But even then I didn't feel bothered enough to start a whole thread just to mock and ridicule those incidences or those people's precious feelings.

Really, I had no idea it was such an insult to Yulia to compare her to Polina until I came here to read the threads. I just hope their heads won't explode if one day, Polina starts to - oh god forbid - beat Yulia on PCS.


Final Flight
Jun 14, 2014
Dear lord shine will you ever stop your little hatred fits :laugh: :rolleye:
It's your right to dislike someone.
But if you feel like hating on a 16 year old girl who's already achieved more than you ever will and start hunting her on threads that aren't even about her-
Please spare us and do that in your living room as much as you want but not on here. You're only repeating yourself, and it's starting to become boring :disapp::agree:
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