I currently skate on Gold Stars, but my boot broke necessitating new skates. My new boots are a different brand so I cannot move my beloved Gold Stars onto them because they take a different size blade. My tech can get me a fantastic discount on a pair of Matrix Nova that were sharpened but never skated on, and I'm tempted by the offer because they're about $300 less than the Gold Stars (and the new skates are an unplanned expense). According to Ultima's website and my tech the Nova are the "Matrix version" of the Gold Star, but I don't know anyone who uses them and can't find much discussion of them online. I asked a couple skaters and techs that I know for advice, and most had never heard of the blade, but one told me that it was a terrible blade and to avoid at all costs but wasn't able to be more specific as to why... So skate and blade gurus of Golden Skate, what is the deal with the Nova? Should I go for the deal on the Novas or spring for the replacement Gold Stars? Also, is the Matrix hype real? Do they actually stay sharper longer?