Max Aaron | Page 71 | Golden Skate

Max Aaron


May 20, 2015
Team USA just posted their Meet 'N Greet Monday on Max:

It looks like it was filmed during that photoshoot. Max gave some nice and interesting answers. Not sure I would want to travel to another country every single day. That would tire me very quickly. :)

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Team USA just posted their Meet 'N Greet Monday on Max:

It looks like it was filmed during that photoshoot. Max gave some nice and interesting answers. Not sure I would want to travel to another country every single day. That would tire me very quickly. :)

Thx very much, musicfan :). Loved this video :luv17:.

So Max's dance classes are wide-ranging :dance2:: ballet, modern, jazz.

And he knows his cars :cool:.
(I recognize the brands, but not the specific models :hopelessness:.)

I really liked Max's answer about traveling to a different country every night. :hap93: #DreamBig
Hope he will get his vacation in the Caribbean ... maybe in 2018? #SurferBat


Extra cool :yay: that Max was chosen as the subject of the USOC's first-evah Meet 'N Greet Monday video.

I was thinking to myself that I had never heard of the series before, and now I know why.​

[Not that it matters, but I'm still scratching my head over the paper hearts used in the shoot :laugh:. Now seems as if they did have the doily-esque perforations from the beginning.]
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Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
Great video. Gotta love this guy. He is a winner on and off the ice!


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I would like to see a jazz program for Max! :yes:

I like his taste in cars. The Audi R8 is a very sleek, sporty, nimble car...rather like him!


May 20, 2015
I'm kinda surprised that no one has brought up the very cute photo of Max in Team USA's Instagram stories. :) It looks like they are having a pretty good sale on their polo shirts.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I'm kinda surprised that no one has brought up the very cute photo of Max in Team USA's Instagram stories. :) It looks like they are having a pretty good sale on their polo shirts.

That's because I don't follow Team USA on instagram :biggrin: but I did look and it is a very cute photo.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
I'm kinda surprised that no one has brought up the very cute photo of Max in Team USA's Instagram stories. :) It looks like they are having a pretty good sale on their polo shirts.

That's because I don't follow Team USA on instagram :biggrin: but I did look and it is a very cute photo.

Not the full-length photo that was on Instagram (which showed SnuggleBat's cute sneakers :)), but for posterity, here is a cropped version or something very similar that also was on USOC social media.

Happy to see that Max's great video from Monday continues to be featured on the USOC home page :yay:.
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in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
He is completely adorable.

But a nice Italian girl?! :drama::sad21: ;)

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Team USA is on a roll! :biggrin:

Would You Rather - Max Aaron:

There's quite a bit of cuteness in this video. There are some people in this thread that might need to be checked on after watching this. ;)

He is completely adorable.

But a nice Italian girl?! :drama::sad21: ;)

So for the second time :cool: this week, Max was chosen to lead off a new USOC video series.

The USOC site shows that he is the face/voice of the first edition of "Would You Rather" in addition to the first edition of "Meet 'N Greet."

Both Max videos have been on the USOC home page today :luv17:. #twofer

Love his Would You Rather answers.
(1) Thank goodness he answered the first question as we would have expected :dance2:. [p.s. I always have thought that Max has a cool voice too.]
(2) So now I can think of AstroBat zipping around the world in his spaceship.
(3) The USOC Facebook post catches Max's wistful expression as he muses about getting married. Heart-melting :ghug:.​

Ashley "Wingman" Wagner just now has quoted the USOC tweet ... so she has sorta come full circle with the nickname that she inspired :devil:.

And @TeamUSA now has retweeted Ashley's tweet ...​
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ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
Max posted two Instagram stories today -- showing the snow and cold temps in Colorado (I assume that he is in Colorado??).

The photo of the blossoms is pretty. #artsy

I'm kinda surprised that no one has brought up the very cute photo of Max in Team USA's Instagram stories. :) It looks like they are having a pretty good sale on their polo shirts.

And by coincidence (I assume), today Team USA is reprising its Instagram story with Max :) ... promoting the polo shirts again :yes:.

But on Twitter and Facebook today, Team USA is using a different photo of handsome SnuggleBat in the polo. #pensive
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in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I was just coming in here to post that after weeks and weeks and weeks of radio silence, we get an instagram story with two artsy pictures of the cold and the snow. :laugh: Dear SnugglaDor, never change.

I like the Team USA pictures! :yes:

I'm super excited to see if he has a new FS for next season :biggrin:

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
I was just coming in here to post that after weeks and weeks and weeks of radio silence, we get an instagram story with two artsy pictures of the cold and the snow. :laugh: Dear SnugglaDor, never change. ...


Max Aaron, Jason Brown, and Joshua Farris participated in the World Syncho Championships medal ceremony!

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

And Max even posted another Instagram story (not of himself) from the World Synchro event.

Plus someone got a new suit :luv17:.
ETA: Three-piece, no less. Gradually building his wardrobe for his business career, I imagine :dance2:.​

Very nice to see all three handsome friends together. For those who cannot get enough:

Video snippet with cuteness esp. from Max:

Video snippet with cuteness esp. from Josh (who had to scoot to get to the bronze side of the podium):

Full-length video of the medal ceremony: (11:37 in length; Apr 8)​

Fancam snippets with glimpses of Max et al.:

More photos:


Sorry that I neglected to say that it is great that Max, Josh, and Jason had this opportunity to show their support for synchro.
And much the same for Adam, who had a different role at the World Synchro comp.

[I had been hoping that Max would be involved in some way.
IIRC, when the U.S. Synchro comp was in Colorado Springs, he had presented medals. Plus Maddie/Max :)sad4:) and he had been among the performers in the opening ceremony.]

Congratulations to Team Paradise, Team Marigold IceUnity, and Team Nexxice.​
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in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I love that Max's suit is three-piece. I am not so sure about the pattern on it. Hmm.

I swear to Plushenchrist, those shoes, Max, those shoes... :laugh:


Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
What a cute photo! Wouldn't mind having him as a tour guide! :rock: