Nationals Series Prediction Game | Golden Skate
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Nationals Series Prediction Game


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
Oh, CaroLiza_fan - you went ahead and did it! And I will have to join, won't I? I think... I'm starting to suspect... can it be.... am I developing a prediction addiction?! Well, if so, I suppose it's one of the more benign and harmless forms of gambling addictions around - at least my husband and I and our cat won't be out in the street as a result! (Sassi - cat - would severely disapprove of anything that resulted in any kind of discomfort to her... )


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Just wanted to let you know that the Chinese Round is definitely going to be included.

An entry list has been found by obalamus, and the link posted in the Chinese Championship thread! :biggrin: But since it is a PDF, Google won't translate it automatically. So, each name is going to have to be translated individually.

I'm going away today, and when I come back I will be frantically trying to finish making this video for Liza's birthday. But, we have 10 days until it starts, so that is plenty of time to have a go at translating it.

Oh, CaroLiza_fan - you went ahead and did it! And I will have to join, won't I? I think... I'm starting to suspect... can it be.... am I developing a prediction addiction?! Well, if so, I suppose it's one of the more benign and harmless forms of gambling addictions around - at least my husband and I and our cat won't be out in the street as a result! (Sassi - cat - would severely disapprove of anything that resulted in any kind of discomfort to her... )

Oh, you are so funny! :laugh: But, without doubt, the cat would DEFINITELY disapprove!!! :agree: (Sassi - great name, by the way!)

And if I am anything to go by, I think we are all getting addicted!!! :laugh:

There's just a wee bit of fine tuning left to do, but I hope you enjoy the new Game when it gets up and running properly.



On the Ice
Oct 25, 2012
I pm'd all the people assumed to be scoring for this competition (i think). if i missed someone or if you didn't receive a pm please contact me as i need some information from you in order to give you editing privileges to the scoring spreadsheet. thanks!


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Just to let you all know that the final draft of the rules are now posted.

Please remember that when you are making your Predictions, you are choosing SIX names. The first 5 names are your predictions for the top 5, and the sixth name is an emergency alternate in case one of your choices withdraws at the last minute.

I'm just reminding you all because the first person to make a prediction has only posted 5 names for each category... :p



On the Ice
Oct 25, 2012


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
The scoring spreadsheet is now up and can be accessed here: If you're a scorer, you should have received a link to the workbook.

I also included a fun little quirk to the sheet: any perfect scores of 75 will automatically be highlighted in a gold background, so the super winners will really stand out! :)

Thanks to tulosai's original version as a reference.

Happy predicting~

Great work, pitterpatter!!!

Brilliant idea with the Gold Background! Mind you, going by the comments so far, I don't think we will be seeing any Gold for the Italian Championships... ;) :rolleye:

Well, apart from possibly FSGMT, who has a major advantage over us foreigners!!!

That said, if we were including them, I wouldn't have a clue about British or Irish Championships! :laugh:

Good luck everybody!



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Just wanted to let you know about a clarification of the rules.

In light of the number of late predictions that are coming in for Japanese Nationals, I have had a discussion with the scorers, and we have reached the following decision:

In the event of predictions being submitted late, only those predictions for competitions that have not yet started will count.

So, using the Japanese SP timetable (Dance, then Pairs, then Men's and finally Ladies) as an example:

If you submit your predictions in between Pairs and Men's, then your predictions for BOTH Men's and Ladies will count towards the Game.​

If you submit your predictions during the Men's competition (even if your skaters have not yet taken to the ice), then ONLY your predictions for Ladies will count towards the Game.​

This has now been added to the rules of the Game (see above)

I hope this clears everything up.



Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
Have any points been added to the spreadsheet yet, other than Italian Men's?

Not complaining or anything - just checking whether if it's me having a browser problem, or there's just nothing new to see yet.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Have any points been added to the spreadsheet yet, other than Italian Men's?

Not complaining or anything - just checking whether if it's me having a browser problem, or there's just nothing new to see yet.

No, there's nothing wrong with your browser. The scores aren't not up yet.

I got an e-mail though yesterday afternoon from one of the scorers saying she was snowed in and there had been a power cut, and so it might be a while before she is able to do her part of the scoring.

So, no need to panic just yet.



Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I am so sorry that the Men's category has not been scored for Canadian or American Nationals.

When I was asking the Nationals scorers who would be like to continue scoring into the ISU Game, the scorer for the Men's category told me that she would not be able to score for the new Game, because she was now back at school.

What she did not tell me was that she had abandoned scoring the Nationals Game. And I only found out today when I got complaints about scoring not being done yet. :disapp:

So as to get everything sorted out, I am going to score the Men's categories for these two Championships myself.

I am aiming to do it tomorrow morning. But I should warn you: I have not scored before, so it might take longer than I am expecting! :p

Also, if there are any mistakes, please point them out!

Sorry again about the delay. I had no idea!


Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Decided to finish the game results for CaroLiza_fan, who did a great job organizing this. Let's hear it for him! :clap: :rock:

HERE ARE THE OVERALL results... (drum roll, please):

1.) FSGMT: 1000
2.) YesWay, sequinsgalore: 995
4.) CaroLiza_fan: 985
5.) Mrs. P: 970
6.) Bea: 955
7.) tulosai: 915
8.) 96skiluvr: 880
9.) LRK: 875
10.) Wilhelmina: 755
11.) Frenchie: 720
12.) pitterpatter:710
13.) sky_fly20: 660
12.) guenever: 605

The overall results include those who participated in at least four of the six events. Congrats to everyone! :party:

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
And congrats to our top scores in each of the events!

Italian Nationals:
1.) CaroLiza_fan: 130
2.) sequinsgalore: 120
3.) Wilhelmina: 110
4.) tulosai: 105
5.) FSGMT, pitterpatter, Bea: 100
8.) Mrs. P: 95
9.) YesWay: 90
10.) LRK: 85

Japanese Nationals:
1.) tulosai: 90
2.) Mrs. P, pitterpatter, NMURA, Li'Kitsu, 96skiluvr: 80
7.) YesWay: 75
9.) FSGMT, CaroLiza_fan, Bea: 70

Russian Nationals:
1.) Mrs. P: 230
2.) hanca: 225
3.) skyfly_20: 220
4.) YesWay: 205
5.) FSGMT, frenchie, zamboni step: 195
8.) Bea: 190
9.) 96skiluvr: 185
10.) CaroLiza_fan, sequinsgalore: 180

Chinese Nationals:
1.) sequinsgalore, 96skiluvr: 220
3.) FSGMT: 205
4.) YesWay, pitterpatter, CaroLiza_fan: 200
7.) Wilhelmina, Bea: 195
8.) Mrs. P: 175
9.) LRK, guenever, frenchie: 170

United States Nationals:
1.) CaroLizaFan & YesWay: 195
3.) FSGMT:185
4.) flutzy13: 175
5.) sequinsgalore: 170
6.) LRK, pitterpatter,Bea,ForeverFish: 165
10.) SimplyAFan 160

Canadian Nationals:
1.) sequinsgalore, 96skiluvr: 260
3.) Germinirmt: 255
4.) FSGMT, Mrs. P, Nadster: 245
7.) Bea: 235
8.) tulosai, guenever, Wilhelmina, YesWay: 230


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
Decided to finish the game results for CaroLiza_fan, who did a great job organizing this. Let's hear it for him! :clap: :rock:

I wouldn't quite say I did a great job organizing! After Chinese Nationals, I made a right mess of the Game!

Not visiting the Nationals forum or spreadsheet once Europeans had started, and hence not realizing that one of the scorers had jumped overboard before the final 2 rounds, was more than a bit of an oversight.

But, thank you to the scorers that did stay with us. And thank you to Mrs. P for stepping into the breach.

And, I know I have said it in PM's, but I want to say it publically as well.

After I said I would score the outstanding Men's competitions, Mrs. P sent me a PM offering to score the Men for both American and Canadian nationals. As she was going to be scoring 4CC and Euros as well, I felt scoring FOUR at the same time would be too much. But she was so keen to do it (and so persuasive!), that in the end we eventually compromised on her doing Americans, and me doing Canadians.

Although we did not realise it, both Mrs P and I were doing out calculations at the same time this morning. And, although I didn't realise it (because I wasn't on the forum because I was doing calculations!), once Mrs. P had finished Americans, she went on ahead and done Canadians as well.

But, although we both did the same thing, it has been highly beneficial to me. Now that I have done it myself, I can understand just how much work it is that the scorers do. So, I can appreciate more what they do.

Thank you so much to all the scorers, and well done for all your hard work.

And a massive sorry to all the regular players that this highly enjoyable activity got overshadowed during the period when one Game was ending, and the next one was beginning.



Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
HERE ARE THE OVERALL results... (drum roll, please):

1.) FSGMT: 1000
2.) YesWay, sequinsgalore: 995

Yay for beginner's luck! :-D

And thanks to all for organising and scoring. I am enjoying the predictions games - they are a bit of fun in themselves, but also they make me think about skaters in ways I didn't before, and about skaters I don't know much about (or maybe even never heard of!)


On the Ice
Apr 3, 2013
And congrats to our top scores in each of the events!

Chinese Nationals:
1.) sequinsgalore, 96skiluvr: 220
3.) FSGMT: 205
4.) YesWay, pitterpatter, CaroLiza_fan: 200
7.) Wilhelmina, Bea: 195
8.) Mrs. P: 175
9.) LRK, guenever, frenchie: 170

Canadian Nationals:
1.) sequinsgalore, 96skiluvr: 260
3.) Germinirmt: 255
4.) FSGMT, Mrs. P, Nadster: 245
7.) Bea: 235
8.) tulosai, guenever, Wilhelmina, YesWay: 230

Ahhh OMG! :party2: :rock: :clap: :yay: :jaw: (First time I've ever played)