NBC To Take over US Skating Coverage through Next Olympics | Golden Skate

NBC To Take over US Skating Coverage through Next Olympics


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003


The United States Figure Skating Association will announce Monday it has signed a three-year deal with NBC to broadcast the national championships and Skate America, the Tribune has learned.

Significant parts of both events will be televised live in prime time.


NBC has the rights to the 2010 Winter Olympics and undoubtedly wanted the U.S. Championships in 2010 to help build interest in its Olympic telecasts.

good news for those who wanted skating to stay on broadcast TV :clap:

Sounds like this also means the end of the Marshall's FS "cheesefests" (?)
Jun 21, 2003
This could be an important development. It is definitely a coup for the current USFS leadership, who were facing the prospect of having to buy their own TV time and then hoping to find sponsors. The fact that NBC thinks it can sell these shows to corporate sponsors is the best news for the sport in a long time.

I don't see why this would have any effect on the cheesefests. If Marshall's and Campbell's want to continue to sponsor the shows I'm sure everything can be worked out with USFS and the networks.

It will be interesting to see how NBC plays it. Will they pick up on the Weir-Lysacek thing? The rising fortunes of ice dance in the U.S.? Will they push Kimmie against the Japanese, or will they hype the next generation (Zhang, Nagasu, Flatt, etc.)?

Who will the commentating team comprise?


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Well, the article does say that financial details were not available so it might turn out that USFS had to shell out the bucks after all. But again, as the article states, even if they did, this is a big deal for them...the exposure could be well worth it.

I think the big deal here isn't the network change, but the prospect of FS being broadcast again in live prime time (if what the article says is true). Could get a bigger audience than on Saturday afternoon when everyone is out. And if there's live coverage of SA, wouldn't that be a first?

As for who to hype, I don't think it will be any different from ABC/ESPN. But I'm hoping for more "Olympic-style" coverage from them (and hopefully they'll show the medal ceremony or at least clips from it...!) I liked their coverage of the SLC and Torino events and I hope it carries over to these broadcasts (ABC/ESPN tend to stick too much fluff in and make it seem more like a show than a competition).

ETA: interesting to see how many skaters they'll choose to show as well. Will it be the usual suspects (the top 4 or 5), or will they expand coverage and show all or most like they did during the Olympic games?
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Jun 21, 2003
Well, the article does say that financial details were not available so it might turn out that USFS had to shell out the bucks after all.
The way I read it, I don't think USFS has to pay anything. "Even if the USFSA WERE buying the time rather than getting a rights fee..." This is the "conditional subjunctive, contrary to fact" construction. If the author were unsure, he would have said, "Even if the USFSA WAS buying..." (Is that right, English teachers, LOL?)

Also there is this funny sentence: "ABC/ESPN had right of first refusal, which it declined to exercise." Does that mean that ABC had the right to match NBC's offer? Or that they had an option to continue the same deal as last year if they had wanted to?
Jun 21, 2003
Heh :frown: :disapp:
That wouldn't have to be a bad thing. I can't remember a time when the U.S. actually had two male skaters that were fairly evenly matched and both capable of winning a national title and perhaps a world medal. The men's event at U.S. Nationals is usually a snoozer, with a clear favorite (Goeble, Weiss, Eldredge).

For some reason the ladies always managed to generate more excitement, even when Michelle Kwan was winning 8 titles in a row. People always tuned in to see if anyone would rise to the challenge and to see what new brilliancy Michelle would pull out of her bag of tricks to turn them back.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
The way I read it, I don't think USFS has to pay anything. "Even if the USFSA WERE buying the time rather than getting a rights fee..." This is the "conditional subjunctive, contrary to fact" construction. If the author were unsure, he would have said, "Even if the USFSA WAS buying..." (Is that right, English teachers, LOL?)

I'd say he'd probably leave out the "Even". Still, I think he's just assuming that NBC bought the rights, like most of us are, and is throwing in that "even" just in case it was the other way around.

I predicted that if ABC didn't renew the contract NBC would take it anyway because of their Olympic coverage.

Also there is this funny sentence: "ABC/ESPN had right of first refusal, which it declined to exercise." Does that mean that ABC had the right to match NBC's offer? Or that they had an option to continue the same deal as last year if they had wanted to?

I interpret it as that ESPN had first "dibs" on a renewal of the contract, but since they didn't respond, NBC made an offer (?). I'm sure ABC/ESPN were given the option to match or surpass that offer but declined (or didn't respond), so they switched networks. Either way I have a feeling it's not such a big loss for ABC or ESPN :laugh:

I wonder if any cable affiliates will help "spread out" the coverage (good) or whether the network will try to handle all the coverage (likely that lots of skaters will be chacked). I think USA might pick up weekday coverage (like they do for tennis, etc.), maybe prime time coverage while NBC holds final events maybe Sunday afternoon or something. I'd be surprised if especially Skate America makes it onto NBC primetime. (US Nats might, though- especially in 2010).
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Jul 27, 2003
With the airing going to NBC, will they also shift parts to their cable networks like TNT and who do you think will do the commentary* I don't think Dick and Peggy will jump ship and move over to NBC.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Well didn't Button do the Olys? he's certainly a possibility. I think he would enjoy staying in the broadcast booth (wasn't there an article where he sighed over his future?) I doubt Peggy will though (I hope not!)

As for additional cable coverage,

Significant parts of both events will be televised live in prime time.

the word SIGNIFICANT has me thinking that the network wouldn't be able to do it all by itself (or at least let's hope that's the case!) and therefore bring in a cable network like USA (or maybe Bravo since that's geared more towards women??)
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Record Breaker
Dec 8, 2006
Yeah, but the cliches they are going to use, like 'flamboyant Weir', 'skating in his own world', 'tried masculine style', 'at 2003 Nationals he', 'frozen fields', etc. etc., they already make me shudder. The banality will continue, and there will be no Uncle Dick.
Jul 11, 2003
What happens to the other five GP events? ESPN is subordinate to ABC. I doubt they will be sending a crew out to Asia and Europe just to get an abridged version of these events.

If NBC gets SA, Nats, Worlds and Olys then we get Hamilton and Bezic?

I think I'll wait for the official USFS announcement on Monday. I really don't care about cheesefests (exhibitions or competitions) but I do care about GPs.

Jun 21, 2003
About Skate America, I wonder if NBC will have a stake in who USFS signs up to skate. Maybe they will make Michelle an offer she can't refuse, like they did in 2003. :laugh:

But seriously...if they have the option, they should go after Asada and start cranking up the Olympic hype machine.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Also...this may also mean no more repeats of those events since a sports network is no longer involved. If you miss the initial broadcast, that's it...but who knows, may be jumping the gun. should wait till Monday for more details.

I think ESPN has the GPs and worlds for another year. Interesting to see what will happen to that contract.

About Skate America, I wonder if NBC will have a stake in who USFS signs up to skate. Maybe they will make Michelle an offer she can't refuse, like they did in 2003.

I think MK is truly done skating. Maybe they might go after Cohen, though, since she has hinted at a "comeback" since the Olympics. I think Kimmie is a lock-in. Likely Emily too if she can make it. If no Cohen then who else is eligible for a spot?
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Jul 11, 2003
C'mon nobody likes Michelle more than me, but let's face it the sun has set on her eligible career. What's important is will we get the other 5 GPs on TV?
Jun 21, 2003
What happens to the other five GP events? ESPN is subordinate to ABC. I doubt they will be sending a crew out to Asia and Europe just to get an abridged version of these events.

If NBC gets SA, Nats, Worlds and Olys then we get Hamilton and Bezic?
According to the article ABC/ESPN still has the contract for the other five Grand Prix events and also 2008 Worlds. Since they are contracted to pay the ISU for the rights to broadcast these events, I assume that the coverage next year will be similar to what we had for the 2006-07 season.

After 2008 they may drop it altogether, though.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
What's important is will we get the other 5 GPs on TV?

I think a better question would be, will any of those events get moved to ABC (like last year) to complement network SA coverage?
Jun 21, 2003
Maybe they might go after Cohen, though, since she has hinted at a "comeback" since the Olympics. I think Kimmie is a lock-in. Likely Emily too if she can make it. If no Cohen then who else is eligible for a spot?
As I understand the rules, USFS could select Kimmie from the 4-6 at Words group (passing on Nakano and Kostner), Emily from 7-9 (instead of Meier or Poykio) AND Sasha at large if she decides to come back (I don't think she will, especially not for the first event of next season).

And they can still get one of Asada, Ando or Kim.

I don't know how many U.S. skaters they can invite overall, but if Sasha doesn't come back they could also have Alissa (together with both Kimmie and Emily).

Taking into account the strategy considerations that Joe raised on the other thread, it might not be a good idea to have Kimmie and Emily knock each other out at the same event. I would go with Asada (USFS might not have this option, however, depending on the draw order -- Miki would be a good second choice), Meissner, Meier and Czisny.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I think 3 is the max. And you bet USFS will pick the Americans, esp. if nbc is the network showing the event :laugh:


Match Penalty
Oct 13, 2006
I don't know how many U.S. skaters they can invite overall, but if Sasha doesn't come back they could also have Alissa (together with both Kimmie and Emily).


Usually the host country invites three of their own athletes in each discipline. I have a feeling that NBC/usafigureskating.org will push Caroline Zhang to Skate America. Let's face it, they need a new star with 'IT' factor for their primetime coverage. Kimmie won't do it, and the other ladies are even worse.
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Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
I don't think [Cohen] will [comeback next year], especially not for the first event of next season

Word. She's unofficially an actress now. :yes: fits her perfectly. Especially the roles she's playing :laugh:

but you never know. She could be pressured (especially if NBC is planning prime-time coverage) to do only that event like Kwan did in 2002-2003. (but, unlike Kwan might skip nats too).
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