Skaters/Results/Performances You've Changed Your Mind About | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Skaters/Results/Performances You've Changed Your Mind About


Oct 27, 2012
First thought, Pogorilaya's Rise Like a Phoenix. Before I thought she was a boring, disconnected skater, now I think she's an interesting, expressive skater trapped in a boring skater's body. It gave me hope it'll come out some day as she gets older.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
Well kind of Plushy. You see when the 2010 Olympics happened, it was the first time I kinda watched it on TV. And I learned the names of more skaters besides G&G, Kwan, Yamaguchi, and Sasha Cohen. Plus Sonja Hene, and Carol Heiss. So I didn't know back stories and all the championships others have won. And also I was 14 1/2 at the time. So when Plushy complained that he didn't win gold and on why he thinks he should have, I thought he was being a crybaby and drama queen.

Then when the 2014 Olympics came, I paid attention more. I kind of got annoyed when I saw him on the TV, then I saw him skate and I learned how many championships he won and how much of an influence he is on skaters. So I grew to respect him more. I'm not a fan but I have a lot more respect for him now.

I kind of have another one, but does me changing my mind after say....2 hours count? And it was still in the early days of me being a fan of skating. During the first few days of the 2014 Olympics.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Caro. She was just so awkward when she first appeared on the scene, like a newborn colt. And then she kept winning Euros and I was like, oy. De gustibus and all that jazz. But the last 3-4 years of her competitive career, she turned into the epitome of dancerly elegance.

I see a similar trajectory for Polina Edmunds.


On the Ice
May 10, 2015
My opinion on Liza has definitely changed since the beginning of the season! I thought she was good, but relatively boring, and nothing compared to Radionova. Now, after her amazing European and World performances, she's one of my faves and I think she's among the best!

I used to love Gracie Gold, but this season has changed my opinion on her. I still think she's a great skater, but there's something missing performance wise compared to the rest of the top 5 at Worlds with her.

Oh, and the Shibs. I used to think they were amazing but these past two seasons they just haven't really done anything for me. Hoping that'll change this season!


On the Ice
Mar 8, 2006
Caro. She was just so awkward when she first appeared on the scene, like a newborn colt. And then she kept winning Euros and I was like, oy. De gustibus and all that jazz. But the last 3-4 years of her competitive career, she turned into the epitome of dancerly elegance.

I see a similar trajectory for Polina Edmunds.

Ah, Caro! I thought Caro was terrible at first, couldn't stand watching her, but she really became one of my favorites in her later career.


Record Breaker
Feb 20, 2014
I used to find Denis Ten super boring to watch, but after this season I enjoy his skating much more and his LP performance at 4CC was one of my favorites last season.

Maria Victoria

Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
Mishe Ge is one skater who won me over last season. I used to think of him as little more than a ham. My change in attitude came about because of his own change of attitude towards his skating after not qualifying for the free in 2014 Worlds. You can really see the hard work he had done in his results last season. Kudos to him.


Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2014
Elena Radionova: I actually didn't like her at all coming into this season, but the GPF made me change my mind. The way Elena just stood up from her surprising fall on her best jump and continued with the rest of the program as if nothing happened was just great. I also loved her FS there. The new dress (favorite dress of the whole season from all disciplines), the program, the joy, the elements. Everything was nicely done, especially the ChSq and the layback spin. I still think that she gets scored high at times, but she is definitely someone to focus on next season.

Julia Lipnitskaya: As a fan of Yuna Kim, Julia's poor jumping technique really made me cringe. But as this season came by, I started to like her jumps despite the poor technique because they somehow looked better than last year (of course when she lands them). Her spins are awesome and I started to like her programs as well (whereas last year I only liked her dresses). Even though she is practically the opposite of Elena in terms of music connection, I still enjoy her step sequences, especially in Schindler's List and Megapolis.

Ashley Wagner: As I only started to actually pay more attention to figure skating after Sochi, Yuna Kim and Mao Asada were the only skaters I knew well. So that's why I though that Ashley was just an annoying skater who didn't even win any big events. However, as I started to watch some past skates as well as this season's skates, I really started to like Ashley. Her style is unique and different from others, but it is still great. After her magnificent skate at nationals with the 3Lz-3T and the 3Lo-1Lo-3S, I decided that like Elena, she would be one to focus on next season as well.


Record Breaker
Mar 20, 2014
First thought, Pogorilaya's Rise Like a Phoenix. Before I thought she was a boring, disconnected skater, now I think she's an interesting, expressive skater trapped in a boring skater's body. It gave me hope it'll come out some day as she gets older.

Beat me to it, I came here to say exactly this. I also think her music choices overpowered her this year.


On the Ice
Jan 27, 2014
When I first saw Tukt at GPF 2011 Quebec, I was outraged that she did not cover the full rink. Her skating did not impress me either. Then, at SA 2013 Detroit, I watched her good-natured interactions with Mishin - despite her poor performance, and I started to like her. Following her difficulties during the Olympic season, I started to root for her. I particularly liked what I read of her and Mishin's patient attitude toward the adjustments girl skaters have to make while going through puberty. This past season, I was thrilled to see her do so well (and I was able to see her in person at SA and the GPF)!


Oct 1, 2014
Capellini/Lanotte, I watched their free Skate at Euros 2014 to the barber of seville. i thought it was a great performance which deserved the victory.

After watching this opera live at Dresden Opera i changed my opinion immediately. Very bad music cut and nothing special... And i nearly think the same about Javier´s FS this season. Brillant skater, but his programs where better during the previous years.


On the Ice
Nov 14, 2012
Sarah Hughes- I still go back and forth with her. I didn't really care for her when I was a kid because I was rooting for Michelle Kwan, but after watching her 2002 Olympics long program over and over I had to admit that it was a great skate, but then I was watching her jumps in slo mo on VHS and noticed the URs, wondered if that was even a thing, and ignored it until it became a biiiig deal in the new judging system and now I don't see that performance or some of her other programs the same way I did before.

Polina Edmunds- I really didn't like her Tinkerbell program or the dress or anything but when 4CC and Worlds came around it somehow grew on me and I just wanted her to rock it. Gonna be a fairy with a pink sparkly dress that has wings on the back? Own that s*it. Plus she skated the program well at both competitions so there wasn't much else I could hope for.

Also Carolina Kostner for sure.
Jun 21, 2003
Irina Slutskaya. Back when she was Michelle Kwan's biggest rival, I was rooting for MK. But looking back I can appreciate the sweep of Irina's career much better. For one thing, I think the old "Irina the robust athlete" versus "Michelle the lyrical performer" was overstated all the way around. Slutskaya could electrify an audience, too (as for example at 2005 worlds) and Michelle in turn was was no shy orchid.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
I didn't started this thread but I think it doesn't matter :)

Okay then.

Believe it or not, as a huge Kevin Reynolds uber, I actually did not like him at first. It happened the same day as day 3 of the team event at the Olympics. I couldn't watch the livestream of it due to I was working at the time as a teacher's aide in religious school at my synagogue (I don't anymore cause of busier schoolwork) and it was during when I was working. My dad picked me up and I went to Wikipedia to check the results from the men's free program. I looked at the results and I saw Jason got 4th (I became a fan of Jason only 2 days prior, but don't judge me on jumping onto fandoms quickly) and I was like, "No! What happened?!" And I saw he got a deduction. Then I saw Kevin's name and that he got 2nd of of 5. I was like, "Who is this Kevin Reynolds?! Taking 2nd place!" So when I got home, I went on the computer to watch the replay of the whole day 3 of the team event. So when I went and saw the men warming up, I saw them introducing them and I saw what Kevin looked like. They said he was 23 and I was like, "No he's not!" cause he looked like he was 16-17 in my opinion. So I looked him up and sure enough, he was 23. I thought he looked kind of cute but then I said, "No no no! Stay mad! Stay mad!" Then after I saw Jason's FP, I saw Kevin's FP (Of course on the NBC replay thingy) and I tried not to get drawn into the program, but I failed miserably. And I'm 10000000% darn glad I did fail. Some about the technicality that was explained through the commentary and the overall performance drew me in. After the whole replay was over, I watch his program like 3 more times. Every time being drawn in. I then said, "Okay, I can't be mad anymore. I'm a fan now!"

And that's also how I became a fan of Kevin. Sometimes failures can lead to great things. Like me failing not to get drawn into his program.


On the Ice
Feb 20, 2010
I first became a fan of Rachael Flatt during the 2010-2011 season. Before then, I didn't like Rachael because she beat Mirai and Caroline at 2008 Junior Worlds. I thought she was very boring and not as gifted those two. But I began to change my tune in 2010-2011 when she won two silver medals on the Grand Prix, thus qualifying for the GPF. I appreciated how she consistently delivered during competition, and I respected that the she seemed to be a hard worker despite not being as elegant, graceful, or talented as other skaters. Then "tibia gate" happened and I watched as other skating fans dumped on Rachael for skating injured and placing 12th at worlds, and not being able to help gain back three spots for ladies. I felt sorry for her. So ever since then, I've been a big supporter of Rachael and I've admired how she she's been a role model to other skaters for juggling school while competing at the highest level in the sport.


Apr 14, 2015
I was indifferent towards Weaver/Poje at first. I saw their Paso SD in one of their GPs and I didn't really care because I was only rooting for the Shibs. However, everything changed when someone on twitter tweeted Weapo's María de Buenos Aires FD from the worlds of that season. I became obsessed with their performance and the whole María de Buenos Aires tango opera. I put the album on repeat in my exam period and it really helped me survive. The process was reversed with the Shibs: I rooted for them at the beginning of the season, but started to became more indifferent as the season progressed. I have good faith that I'll care more about the Shibs because of the music choice for their FD though!


On the Ice
Jan 10, 2014
For years I really didn't like Johnny Weir.I thought his programs were over the top and just wierd (no pun intended). Then I saw his exhibition to IMAGINE and I became a huge fan. I loved him even more when I met him in Cleveland at Nats while I was working registration as a volunteer. He was so kind, pleasant, and even humble. I miss his skating almost as much as I miss MICHELLE's


Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2014
One current skater I've changed my mind about is Gracie Gold. I didn't care for her in 2014 simply because of all the media hype in the US surrounding her, and while she has enormous jumps when she lands them, her skating didn't impress me as much as the other top ladies. I knew she had no realistic shot at a gold medal, and it annoyed me to see all of the coverage she was getting. (I can be fairly partisan toward US skaters, but I can't stand it when the US media ignores obviously more capable/more likely to win skaters.) After her rough 2014-2015 season, I see her as an underdog who is capable of greatness but inconsistent, which has really endeared her to me. I think I tend to have changes of heart about skaters who everyone else seems to count out. And it helps that in the current field, Gracie is probably the most well-rounded of the top ladies even if she rarely delivers...but I now recognize the excellent qualities of her skating and root for her at every competition.