The Mrs. P baby thread | Page 5 | Golden Skate

The Mrs. P baby thread


Final Flight
Nov 13, 2012
I am a huge book fan for babies. I think every child needs their own library. Board books like Good Night Moon, Sandra Boynton's books, touch and feel books are all hits and will be used for the next 3-4 years.

For the layette, I'd look online for amounts based on laundry access, but kimono style undershirts, sleep sacks etc are all non gender.

Diapers are good too - maybe a case of newborn, 2 of size 1, 4 of size 2 or maybe you would rather have cloth. Again check for numbers based on laundry. :)

Your carseat - is it for infants? If so, you might consider a convertible car seat. Or if you got a convertable car seat, you might want an indfant one as well-easier to carry.

It's been a long time, but something like a boppy for the baby to sit in is nice. It's for other things too but when they want to sit and can't it's a nice option.

If you have crib bedding you will want a couple waterproof pads and extra sheets.

You might also want a high chair.

Maybe a swing.

Infant tub.

I was tight on space so did not use all of the stuff the stores offered. I did not use a traditional high chair at all but a booster style that sat on a regular chair

Bottles and all the stuff that comes with. I would not go crazy, just get a couple different styles and nipples. Some babies are picky and you don;t know until they are here.


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
-A nursing chair for you. Big, comfortable, easy to stand up from and ease into. Later, it can be the Story Time chair, etc.
A walker and a johnny jumper are good to have from about 8 months onwards. It really depends on the baby though. Some kids will bounce in the Johnny Jumper for a long time, some won't even let themselves be put in it.
Walkers are nice if you have floor space, Johnny Jumpers are nice if you don't have much floor space.

-Oh, and Nursing pads for you to stick in your bra (if you are going to breastfeed?) -a must have.
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Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Definitely a swing. I do not believe the old Graco Swyngomatic is still sold, but it was a total life saver. Current versions run on batteries.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Something to think about for the toddler age. My sister used to spend beaucoup da bucks on fancy toys for the niece and nephew, and always, always, they wound up playing most...with the boxes they came in!


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
Looking down the road...

I bought my little nephew a drum set when he was 3.

I wanted him to develop a sense of music and personal expression. I thought it was an excellent idea. My sister was not amused.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
So what you're saying is that I need to just keep an ongoing baby registry for the next 5 years. :biggrin:

Just kidding, thanks for the suggestions everyone!!

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Worst gift to give parents of a youngin'.......a drum set for the kid.
Best gift to give parents of a youngin'........bottles of booze wrapped in cash.....:)

Okay Chris...I know what you'll be giving. :D


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
My father, who was a bit of a character, but not an overly sentimental man, gave me a bottle of whiskey when my son was born.

It was to be put away, and opened to celebrate his engagement.

My father has passed, but the bottle of whiskey is still put away. It should be magnificent when it's opened.


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
Both!!!! LOL!
Hey, do we have ultrasound pics or baby bump pics of the future Olympic champion yet????
Think of the collector value!

Remember not to drink the booze I sent till AFTER the birth....
(How does anyone go 9 months without a microbrew? I gave it up once and it was the worst 5 minutes of my life!)

Okay Chris...I know what you'll be giving. :D

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Both!!!! LOL!
Hey, do we have ultrasound pics or baby bump pics of the future Olympic champion yet????
Think of the collector value!

Remember not to drink the booze I sent till AFTER the birth....
(How does anyone go 9 months without a microbrew? I gave it up once and it was the worst 5 minutes of my life!)

It hasn't been bad despite the fact I'm surrounded by breweries and cideries and distilleries here. :D You can treat me after I give birth, LOL


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
The next beer is on will have earned it!
Moderators: we need a countdown timer to the blessed event!

It hasn't been bad despite the fact I'm surrounded by breweries and cideries and distilleries here. :D You can treat me after I give birth, LOL

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
So Speedy has decided to schedule the Grand Prix assignments on the same day as my due date! June 15! What will come first -- GP assignments or the baby? (I'm sort of hoping the baby will come first--it's getting more awkward to move around as the days go on)

Who wants to place bets?

Countdown: 46 days and counting.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
I'm betting on Baby P because just like mum, they'll want to know who's going where! :biggrin:


Feb 18, 2014
^^ My money's on Baby P, too. And if he/she really does get here first, here's an idea for a nickname: Speedier! :laugh:
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Record Breaker
Nov 14, 2007
So sorry for such terribly belated ones...but millions of congratulations from me too to Mr. P, Mrs. P and Baby P! :hb::hb::hb: