Hello all, I am an adult figure skater that has been on the ice since I learned to walk. I trained and competed up until the age of about 15 where I was forced to quit due to a fractured heel. I never fully quit as my trusty old Riedell Bronzes & Coronation Ace blades have been with me all over the country. I've consistently sought out ice time while I was actively serving in the Army as well as over the years where I hopped around the country after leaving military service. I am in my early 30s and recently decided to go back to trying to get a coach and compete.
As I stated before, I am currently using my Riedell Bronzes & Coronation Ace blades but have noticed since I started practicing harder that they're pretty broke down. The blade rockers are in poor condition, causing both spins/MITF to be more challenging. I no longer trust my boots to land anything more advanced than my singles - and even then sometimes they're unstable and spook me when my ankles don't have the support they should. It's gotten to the point that I have deemed my current skates unsafe to do more than MITF and some spins.
I have done my research and have decided that I'd like to move to Edea Pianos or Ice Fly's with Gold Seal or Pattern 99 Blades, and would like some opinions towards this move from those that have used these model of boots/blade. I am mostly interested in the stiffness of the boot and the shock absorption built in for Pianos.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
-I am 32 years old, 5'10", and weigh about 160lbs.
-I have been landing all of my singles for over 20 years now. Doubles are shaky due to the current state of my skates.
-I am a very fast and strong skater.
-I am used to an aggressive rocker from my inline blades.
-I currently own a newer pair of Riedell boots and completely hate them.
-My skill level is consistent with Adult Silver freestyle
-I will be going to a skate technician for fitting towards the end of January/Mid February
As I stated before, I am currently using my Riedell Bronzes & Coronation Ace blades but have noticed since I started practicing harder that they're pretty broke down. The blade rockers are in poor condition, causing both spins/MITF to be more challenging. I no longer trust my boots to land anything more advanced than my singles - and even then sometimes they're unstable and spook me when my ankles don't have the support they should. It's gotten to the point that I have deemed my current skates unsafe to do more than MITF and some spins.
I have done my research and have decided that I'd like to move to Edea Pianos or Ice Fly's with Gold Seal or Pattern 99 Blades, and would like some opinions towards this move from those that have used these model of boots/blade. I am mostly interested in the stiffness of the boot and the shock absorption built in for Pianos.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
-I am 32 years old, 5'10", and weigh about 160lbs.
-I have been landing all of my singles for over 20 years now. Doubles are shaky due to the current state of my skates.
-I am a very fast and strong skater.
-I am used to an aggressive rocker from my inline blades.
-I currently own a newer pair of Riedell boots and completely hate them.
-My skill level is consistent with Adult Silver freestyle
-I will be going to a skate technician for fitting towards the end of January/Mid February