Thoughts on Ladies' SP at Japanese Nats? | Golden Skate

Thoughts on Ladies' SP at Japanese Nats?

Colonel Green

Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2018
- Kihira proved once again that she runs this show. The program is kind of blah until the step sequence, but seeing as this is her first (and only?) competitive performance of it, I'm not going to be too harsh on that.

- almost everybody else flubbing at points to courteously not get too close to Rika, other than Mihara, who was arguably a bit underscored relative to the field.

- Higuchi's coaches really needed to have changed that Axel entry, which, however well it may work in practice, is not working in competition. Ouch.

- Miyahara, it was really nice to see again.


one and only
Record Breaker
Mar 16, 2019
Happy for a clean skate for Mai! People say she lacks magic, to me on contrary her delicate calm presence is magic.
Would’ve had her on 2nd, but understandably due to her health condition JSF doesn’t believe in her and would prefer to prop Kaori into top2.


Record Breaker
Nov 28, 2020
Rika put a hurting on her competition. And, the whooping may be even more severe in the FS.

The other takeaway is that the juniors acquitted themselves better than well.
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Dec 5, 2015
Japanese federation hates its ladies skaters except for Kaori. Rika obviously (deservedly) blew the other skaters away, but she still received rather modest GOE and PCS. I think the music is great for Rika, but I am not sure I like the choreo outside of the StepSeq. She was also a bit tentative at points so, perhaps, the program will grow on me when she has more competition practice. The jumps looked great, her 3A was high but it still looked completely effortless. She has become a competitor. She used to just be a very talented skater who only showed her best in practice. Love her!

Kaori really doesn't deserve to be in 2nd imho. Usually, JF will dramatically lower PCS of skaters who makes mistakes, but they didn't for Kaori and I don't think she even got negative GOE for her bad combo ( that wouldn't be shocking at other nationals but it is shocking in Japan). I would have placed her 3rd or 4th here.

Mai isn't really to my taste as a skater. But, she was floaty here and her jumps look better than NHK. I think she is getting back her strength. She probably deserved 2nd place.

Lots of nice SS here. I don't like the packaging of some of the ladies. I think their LPs should be more interesting as many of the ladies outside of Rika, Wakaba, Kaori, Satoko played it safe in the SP with their music choices, but the LP choices are much better.

Performance wise my favorites are Satoko Wakaba and Rika K. Satoko really is in a class all her own in the world performance wise. Her musicality is stunning and her movement perfection. She got the highest PCS here, but really she is a skater ( possibly the only ladies skater) who deserves 37+ PCS in the SP. Her jumps looked better here, a bit higher...I hope she is clean in the free.
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Record Breaker
Oct 20, 2017
Happy for a clean skate for Mai! People say she lacks magic, to me on contrary her delicate calm presence is magic.
Would’ve had her on 2nd, but understandably due to her health condition JSF doesn’t believe in her and would prefer to prop Kaori into top2.
Mai is magic. And JSF should be proud of her. Her perseverance makes me cry.


On the Ice
Dec 7, 2019
Not a huge Rika fan but I actually really liked her program this year. It has some really cool choreography throughout


On the Ice
Oct 22, 2019
Rika skated like a boss. Went out there, got things done and ticked the SP off her list. I love her so so so so so much.

I think that SP is epic. She said she was only at 20% in the step sequence! I'll probably go catatonic if she does it at 100%.

That lutz is gorgeous, especially with the arms.

I love Stephane at the boards with her. He's so chatty!!! Her English must be improving as I noticed he was speaking to her in English.

Also relieved she seems to be fine with Hamada too. I worry when there is coaching drama.


On the Ice
Oct 22, 2019
Now that I have had time to watch Rika's SP 12 billion times I can give a summary of how I felt as I watched it live.

Me: OMG I can't watch. What if she falls. OMG I cant breath. OMG melting down

Rika: Lands triple axel easily

Me *yelling at screen*: Don't fall on any other jumps baby girl

Rika: Finishes off Lutz with a twizzle

Me *yelling quite hysterically now*: THAT'S IT!!! NO CARTWHEELS!!! I CAN'T HAVE YOU FALLING ON A STUPID CARTWHEEL after all jumps have been landed

Rika: Does cartwheel easily

Me: Awwwww precious baby you are so epic that cartwheel is the best thing ever. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I think I'm going to need sedatives during 2022 Olympics


Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
Mai, Rin, Mako, Yuna S were clean and beautiful. They deserved more.