X-Man 2 | Golden Skate

X-Man 2


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X-Man 2

My hubby and I just got back from seeing X-Man 2. What a hoot....just loved it and better than the first X-Man. The first showing had projection problems, so they shifted the whole theater over to the next showing and gave everyone two free movies passes each. We made out like bandits, and saw a great movie to boot.........42


Re: X-Man 2

I didn't see X-Men, but I saw the Matrix yesterday. Man versus computer. Pretty cool. I wasn't clear to me why Keanu Reeves had to Karate fight all those self-replicating programs, but, like you say, what a hoot.



Re: X-Man 2

I saw X-Men 2 yesterday, too. I really enjoyed it - better than the 1st since the storyline was more cohesive.

I used to read my brother's comic books and X-Men was one of my favorites. The character of Dr. Hank McCoy made a very brief appearance in this movie and I expect that he will show up in the next movie as The Beast. I also loved the reference to the Phoenix at the end of the movie. That storyline was the peak of the X-Men franchise.

Looking forward to the next in the series, already.

I'm sure I"ll be seeing Matrix 2 soon, too.